Orion API
Orion is a configurable server application, which allows you to build a fully functional REST API in just a few steps! This library is built on top of Express. It sets up all the necessary CRUD data endpoints, file uploads, authentication endpoints, and error handling.
The latest version of the library supports the following components:
- Database: SQL Server, MySQL
- Storage: Azure Blob Storage, Amazon S3, Local Server
- Authentication: First Party, Facebook
- Monitoring: Azure Application Insights
In this documentation:
Create Your First Orion Application
- Set up a folder for your server application.
- Install Orion to your application.
$ npm install --save orion-server
- Create a configuration module. This should contain all the settings for your application, and what entities/tables you want to have in the database. For instance, if you only want to have one table for storing blog posts, you can have the following configuration:
module.exports =
engine: "mssql",
"title": { type: "string", isEditable: true, createReq: 2, foreignKey: null },
"content": { type: "richtext", isEditable: true, createReq: 2, foreignKey: null }
"read": ["guest"],
"create": ["guest"],
"update": ["guest"],
"delete": ["guest"]
Please see the configuration section for more configuration options. - Set up database tables based on the configuration you created using our setup script. The script is located at the root of the Orion module folder. It takes the configuration file path and the output file path as arguments.
$ node node_modules/orion-server/setup.js ./config.js ./setup.sql
The above command will create an SQL query file named setup.sql that you can run on the database server to set up the tables. - Set up server.js for the application entry point. Import Orion and the configuration module, and set up the application as follows:
var orion = require('orion-api');
var config = require('./config');
var app = orion.create(config);
- You're all set! You can now run server.js to see your app in action. Unless you specify a port in the start() call, you will see your app running at port 1337.
$ node server.js
For the blog post example above, you can test it by running a POST to add a blog post entry and GET to retrieve it.
$ curl -d '{"title":"I like trains", "content":"Trains are cool!"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:1337/api/data/blogpost
$ curl http://localhost:1337/api/data/blogpost/public/findall/id/0/100
Go to API Endpoints section to see all of the endpoints that we provide.
A configuration module is required to give the application the necessary information about your project. This module should specify the connection strings, authentication and authorization settings, user roles and access levels, and most importantly, the data models.
Below is the list of settings to be included in a configuration module:
- database - (Required) Database configuration
- engine - (Required) Database engine to use (mssql/mysql).
- connectionString - (Required) Connection string to connect with database
- auth - (Optional) Authentication configuration. Required if you want to enable authentication.
- secretKey - (Required) Secret key for token encryption.
- salt - (Optional) Salt string for password encryption. Required if you want to support first party authentication.
- passwordReqs - (Optional) New password requirements. Required if you want to support first party authentication.
- minLength - (Required) Minimum number of characters in a password (integer).
- uppercaseChar - (Required) Whether or not a password should contain an uppercase character (true/false).
- lowercaseChar - (Required) Whether or not a password should contain an lowercase character (true/false).
- digitChar - (Required) sWhether or not a password should contain a digit character (true/false).
- specialChar - (Required) Whether or not a password should contain an special character (true/false).
- storage - (Optional) File upload configuration. Required if you want to support file upload.
- provider - (Required) Storage provider to use (azure/s3/local).
- azureStorageConnectionString - (Optional) Azure Blob Storage connection string. Required if you want to support file upload to Azure Blob Storage.
- azureStorageContainerName - (Optional) Azure Blob Storage account name. Required if you want to use Azure Blob Storage.
- awsAccessKeyId - (Optional) AWS Access Key ID to access an Amazon S3 account. Required if you want to support file upload to Amazon S3.
- awsSecretAccessKey - (Optional) AWS Secret Access Key to access an Amazon S3 account. Required if you want to support file upload to Amazon S3.
- s3Bucket - (Optional) Amazon S3 bucket name. Required if you want to support file upload to Amazon S3.
- uploadPath - (Optional) Path in the local server where you want to store uploaded files into, relative to the root of the application. Required if you want to support file upload to the local server.
- monitoring - (Optional) Configuration for monitoring system. Required if you want to monitor traffic to the application.
- appInsightsKey - (Optional) Azure Application Insights key. Required if you want to use Application Insights.
- entities - (Required) An object that contains a list of data entities (tables). Each entry in the object should be a mappings from an entity name to an entity configuration object. The entity name should contain no space, and preferably be all lowercase to make it consistent with the names in the database system.
Entity Configuration
Here are the properties that must/may be included in an entity configuration object:
- fields - (Required) An object that contains a list of fields in the entity. Each entry in the object should be a mapping from a field name to a field configuration object. Similar to entity name, the field name should also contain no space, and preferably be all lowercase to make it consistent with the names in the database system.
- allowedRoles - (Required) An object that specify which user roles are allowed to do a certain operation. Each entry in the object should be a mapping from an operation name (create/read/update/delete) to an array of user roles. See User Roles for more info on what the user roles can be.
- getReadCondition - (Optional) A function to be invoked at the beginning of each read (GET) operation. This function passes in as parameters the user roles and user ID, and should return a condition string to be added to the database read query. This is useful if you need a more granular permission rule in addition to the allowedRoles list above. For examnple, if you want to allow read access only to members who are more than 20 years old, you can put the role "member" in the allowedRoles and add a getReadCondition function that returns condition "age>20". See Condition Syntax for more details on how to write the condition.
- isWriteAllowed - (Optional) A function to be invoked at the beginning of each write (POST/PUT/DELETE) request. This function passes in as parameters the action name, user roles, user ID, record object from DB, and record object from user, and it should return a boolean, whether or not to allow the request. This is useful if you need a more granular permission check in addition to the allowedRoles. For example, if you want to allow update access only to members who live in Seattle, you can put "member" in the allowedRoles and add an isWriteAllowed function that returns true only if city == "Seattle".
Field Configuration
Here are the properties that must/may be included in a field configuration object:
- type - (Required) The data type of the field. Here are the options:
- string : plain text, max 255 characters
- text: rich text, no maximum. This type of field will only be returned on individual item retrieval (findbyid GET requests)
- int : integer, default to 0.
- float : floating point number, default to null.
- boolean : boolean type (0/1), default to 0.
- secret : password type, max 255 characters. This type of field will be hidden from GET requests.
- isEditable : (Required) Whether or not this field is editable by PUT requests (true/false).
- createReq : (Required) Whether or not this field must be included in a POST body. The possible values are:
- 0 : The field will be ignored when a POST request is processed.
- 1 : The field is optional, it will be processed if it is included in a POST body.
- 2 : The field is required, it must be included in a POST body. If not a 400 response code will be returned.
- foreignKey : (Optional) Foreign key configuration, required if the field is a foreign key to another entity. The configuration includes the following properties:
Default Fields and Entities
There are some fields and entities that we add to the config at runtime, both when an SQL query is being constructed using setup.js and when an actual API app is being initialized.
Here are the default fields:
name | value | type | isEditable | createReq | foreignEntity | resolvedKeyName |
id | id of the record | id | false | 0 | null | null |
ownerid | id of the record owner | int | false | 0 | user | owner |
createdtime | timestamp of the record creation | timestamp | false | 0 | null | null |
The data types "id" and "timestamp" are special types reserved only for fields "id" and "createdtime". We add the default fields above to every entity specified in the config, except those that are part of the default entities (see below). Default fields cannot be overridden, so if a field with the same name as one of the default fields exists in the config, that field will be ignored.
Here are the default entities:
- user - User entity for storing user information. This entity will be used if authentication is enabled.
name | value | type | isEditable | createReq | foreignEntity | resolvedKeyName |
id | user id | id | false | 0 | null | null |
domain | domain where user info is hosted | string | false | 0 | null | null |
domainid | user id on its domain | string | false | 0 | null | null |
roles | user roles (comma separated) | string | false | 0 | null | null |
username | username | string | true | 2 | null | null |
password | password | secret | true | 2 | null | null |
email | email | string | true | 2 | null | null |
firstname | first name | string | true | 1 | null | null |
lastname | last name | string | true | 1 | null | null |
createdtime | timestamp of the record creation | timestamp | false | 0 | null | null |
action | roles |
read | member, owner, admin |
create | guest |
update | owner, admin |
delete | admin |
- asset - Asset entity to be used for keeping track of uploaded files. Will be used if file upload is enabled.
name | value | type | isEditable | createReq | foreignEntity | resolvedKeyName |
id | id of the record | id | false | 0 | null | null |
ownerid | id of the record owner | int | false | 0 | user | owner |
filename | file name of the asset | string | false | 2 | null | null |
action | roles |
read | owner, admin |
create | member |
update | |
delete | owner, admin |
The existing fields in the default entities above cannot be overriden, but the list itself can be extended. For instance, in the config you can specify additional fields "firstname" and "lastname" for the user entity. The allowedRoles can be overriden, so in the config you can specify your own permission rules for any of the default entities. You can also specify a getReadCondition and an isWriteAllowed functions for a default entity.
Sample Complete Configurations
Here are some sample configurations that utilize the provided features (authentication, storage, granular permission checks). You can find them here.
API Endpoints
GET /api/data/:entity/:accessType/findbyid/:id
Retrieve a record by its ID.
- entity - Name of the entity where the record is in.
- accessType - The mode of access:
- private - The requester is the owner of the record. An "accessToken" header containing the bearer token is required to prove the owner's identity. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
- public - The requester is not the owner of the record, or not trying to access it as its owner.
- id - Id of the requested record.
Success response:
- count - Number of items found matching the requested details. This value should always be 1 for this endpoint.
- items - An array of items found. Each item will be a JSON object, with 1 level of foreign key resolved.
GET /api/data/:entity/:accessType/findbycondition/:orderByField/:skip/:take/:condition
Retrieve records that match a certain set of conditions.
- entity - Name of the entity where the record is in.
- accessType - The mode of access:
- private - The requester is the owner of the record. An "accessToken" header containing the bearer token is required to prove the owner's identity. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
- public - The requester is not the owner of the record, or not trying to access it as its owner.
- orderByField - The field to order the results by
- skip - Number of records to skip. Used for pagination.
- take - Number of records to take. Used for pagination.
- condition - Condition string to find the target records. See Condition Syntax for more details on how to write the condition.
Success response:
- count - Number of items found matching the requested details. This value should always be 1 for this endpoint.
- items - An array of items found. Each item will be a JSON object, with 1 level of foreign key resolved.
GET /api/data/:entity/:accessType/findall/:orderByField/:skip/:take
Retrieve all records in a certain entity.
- entity - Name of the entity where the record is in.
- accessType - The mode of access:
- private - The requester is the owner of the record. An "accessToken" header containing the bearer token is required to prove the owner's identity. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
- public - The requester is not the owner of the record, or not trying to access it as its owner.
- orderByField - The field to order the results by
- skip - Number of records to skip. Used for pagination.
- take - Number of records to take. Used for pagination.
Success response:
- count - Number of items found matching the requested details. This value should always be 1 for this endpoint.
- items - An array of items found. Each item will be a JSON object, with 1 level of foreign key resolved.
POST /api/data/asset
Upload a file into the file storage (specified in the config) and add a database entry for it.
If the endpoint is set to be open to authenticated users only, an Authentication header containing an access token is required. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
Request body:
Success response:
The inserted asset ID
POST /api/data/:entity
Add a new record to an entity.
If the endpoint is set to be open to authenticated users only, an Authentication header containing an access token is required. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
- entity - Name of the entity to put the record in.
Request body:
JSON object representation of the new record
Success response:
The inserted ID, with 200 status code
PUT /api/data/:entity/:id
Update a record in an entity.
If the endpoint is set to be open to authenticated users only, an Authentication header containing an access token is required. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
- entity - Name of the entity where the record is in
- id - Id of the record to update
Request body:
JSON object representation of the new record
Success response:
200 status code
DELETE /api/data/asset/:id
Delete an uploaded file from the file storage and from database.
If the endpoint is set to be open to authenticated users only, an Authentication header containing an access token is required. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
- id - Id of the asset to delete
Success response:
200 status code
DELETE /api/data/:entity/:id
Delete a record from an entity.
If the endpoint is set to be open to authenticated users only, an Authentication header containing an access token is required. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
- entity - Name of the entity where the record is in
- id - Id of the record to delete
Success response:
200 status code
POST /api/auth/token
Get an access token using a set of login credentials. This can be used if all first party authentication settings are specified in the config. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token.
Request body:
- username - Submitted user name
- password - Submitted password
Success response:
- token - Access token
- id - User ID
- firstname - User's first name
- lastname - User's last name
POST /api/auth/token/fb
Get an access token using a temporary Facebook token. See Authentication section for more details on how to get the access token using Facebook token.
Request body:
Success response:
- token - The access token
- id - User ID
- firstname - User's first name
- lastname - User's last name
POST /api/error
Log an error message. The logs will be stored in a table called "errortable" in the database. There is currently no built-in endpoint for retrieving these logs, so it would have to be manually retrieved from the database.
Request body:
Success response:
200 status code
User Roles
Condition Syntax
API Reference