The official Orionx SDK for JavaScript
First you need to install it via npm.
npm install orionx-sdk --save
Then you will need to get your credentials, follow this tutorial
After that we are ready to go
Code examples
How to initialize SDK
import { Orionx } from 'orionx-sdk';
const apiKey = 'your-api-key';
const secretKey = 'your-secret-key';
export const orionx = new Orionx(
This interface represents the structure of the User
object, which contains details about the currently authenticated user, including their basic information and profile data.
const me = await orionx.user.getMe();
_id: 'userId',
email: '',
name: 'Test User',
profile: {
fullName: 'Test Orionx User',
phone: '+569 88888888',
kycVerified: true,
birthdate: '01/30/2000',
countryCode: 'CL',
occupation: 'Developer',
address: 'Independencia 2404'
Obtain the OrderBook of a marketplace in Orionx
This method allows you to obtain the order book (OrderBook
) for a specific market in Orionx. The order book includes both buy and sell orders, as well as a calculation of the spread and average price.
const marketCode = "BTCCLP";
const resultLimit = 25;
const orderBook = await, resultLimit);
"sell": [
{ "amount": 500000, "limitPrice": 70000000 },
{ "amount": 12000, "limitPrice": 69500000 }
"buy": [
{ "amount": 30000, "limitPrice": 67000000 },
{ "amount": 8000, "limitPrice": 65000000 }
"spread": 2500000,
"mid": 67850000
Market Information
This interface represents the structure of a Market
object, which contains details about a specific market, such as its code, name, and currency information, as well as the most recent trade.
const marketCode = "USDTCLP";
const market = await;
code: 'BTCCLP',
name: 'BTC/CLP',
mainCurrency: { code: 'BTC', name: 'Bitcoin', units: 8 },
secondaryCurrency: { code: 'CLP', name: 'Pesos chilenos', units: 0 },
lastTrade: { price: 70000000 }
This interface represents the structure of an Account
object, which provides details about a specific account, including balance information, currency, and available networks for transactions.
const currencyCode = "BTC"
const account = await orionx.accounts.getAccount(currencyCode);
_id: 'accountId',
currency: { code: 'ETH', units: 8 },
balance: 100000,
availableBalance: 100000,
availableNetworks: [ { code: 'ETH' }, { code: 'ETHTN' } ],
balanceUSD: 2.3,
balanceCLP: 2000
Alternatively you can request the information of all the accounts associated to your user with the getAccounts
method. This method returns an array of Account
const accounts = await orionx.accounts.getAccounts();
_id: 'accountId',
currency: { code: 'DAI', units: 8 },
balance: 0,
availableBalance: 0,
availableNetworks: [ [Object] ],
balanceUSD: 0,
balanceCLP: 0
_id: 'accountId',
currency: { code: 'ETH', units: 8 },
balance: 0,
availableBalance: 0,
availableNetworks: [ [Object], [Object] ],
balanceUSD: 0,
balanceCLP: 0
... more accounts ...
Create new Limit Order
This interface represents the structure of a PlaceLimitOrder
object, which contains details about a limit order placed on a market, including the order's type, amount, price, and status.
const limitPrice = 72000000
const market = 'BTCCLP'
const sell = true
const amount = 10000
const order = await orionx.orders.placeLimitOrder(market, amount, limitPrice, sell)
_id: 'orderId',
type: 'limit',
amount: 10000,
limitPrice: 72000000,
status: 'open',
createdAt: 1726071616518,
market: { code: 'BTCCLP' },
clientId: null
Create new Market Order
This interface represents the structure of a PlaceMarketOrder
object, which contains details about a limit order placed on a market, including the order's type, amount, and status.
const market = 'ETHCLP'
const sell = false
const amount = 10000
const order = await orionx.orders.placeMarketOrder(market, amount, limitPrice, sell)
_id: 'orderId',
type: 'market',
amount: 10000,
limitPrice: null,
status: 'closed',
createdAt: 1726068320271,
market: { code: 'ETHCLP' },
clientId: null
Create new Stop Limit Order
This interface represents the structure of a StopLimitOrder
object, which contains details about a limit order placed on a market, including the order's type, amount, and status.
const market = 'BTCCLP'
const triggerPriceUp = 72000000
const triggerDownPrice = 65000000
const amount = 15000
const limitPrice = 75000000
const sell = true
const order = await orionx.orders.placeStopLimitOrder(market, triggerPriceUp, triggerDownPrice, amount, limitPrice, sell)
_id: 'orderId',
type: 'limit',
amount: 15000,
limitPrice: 75000000,
status: 'stop',
createdAt: 1726071893318,
market: { code: 'BTCCLP' },
clientId: null
Cancel an open order
This interface represents the structure of a Canceled Order
object, which contains details about a canceled order, including the order's type.
const orderId = "6789qwer"
const cancelOrder = await orionx.orders.cancelOrder(orderId)
_id: 'orderId',
type: 'limit',
status: 'canceled',
clientId: null
This interface represents the structure of a Send
object, which contains details about a send transaction, including the transaction's id, amount and date.
const walletId = "2345yuiop"
const network = "ETH"
const amount = 1000000
const contactId = "uuid-contact-id"
const transaction = await orionx.transactions.send(walletId, network, amount, contactId)
_id: 'transactionId',
type: 'send',
amount: 1500000,
price: null,
hash: null,
date: 1726072591707,
market: null,
meta: null
Get Transaction Details
This interface represents the structure of a Transaction
object, which contains details about a transaction, including the transaction's type, amount, market and cost.
const transactionId = "xzcvb6789"
const transaction = await orionx.transactions.getTransaction(transactionId)
_id: 'transactionId',
amount: 544746,
balance: 500000000,
commission: 0,
currency: { code: 'CLP', units: 0 },
date: 1722486341664,
type: 'trade-out',
adds: false,
hash: null,
description: null,
market: {
code: 'BTCCLP',
mainCurrency: { code: 'BTC', units: 8 },
secondaryCurrency: { code: 'CLP', units: 0 }
price: 68000000,
cost: 797000,
explorerURL: null,
isInside: null,
meta: null
Alternatively you can request the information of all the transactions associated to your user with the getTransactions
method. This method returns an array of Transaction
Note: Sending an object with filters is optional. You can call the getTransactions
method without parameters to get all the results.
const transactions = await orionx.accounts.getTransactions({
walletId: "my-wallet-id",
types: ["receive", "revert"],
page: 2,
limit: 4,
sortType: "DESC"
amount: 49750,
balance: 999500,
commission: 250,
currency: { "code": "BTC", "units": 8 },
date: 1726065370624,
type: 'receive',
adds: true,
hash: null,
description: null,
market: {
"code": "BTCCLP",
"mainCurrency": { "code": "BTC", "units": 8 },
"secondaryCurrency": { "code": "CLP", "units": 0 }
price: null,
cost: 49750,
explorerURL: null,
isInside: null,
meta: null
amount: 50000,
balance: 999500,
commission: 0,
currency: { "code": "ETH", "units": 8 },
date: 1726065374255,
type: 'revert',
adds: false,
hash: null,
description: null,
market: {
"code": "ETHCLP",
"mainCurrency": { "code": "ETH", "units": 8 },
"secondaryCurrency": { "code": "CLP", "units": 0 }
price: null,
cost: null,
explorerURL: null,
isInside: null,
meta: null
... more transactions ...