Outrigger is a juttle development environment that allows you develop, run, and view the output of Juttle programs in a browser. You use your editor of choice to edit juttles on your
filesystem and run them in a browser from the filesystem using Outrigger.
Because most views in Juttle are data visualizations, they cannot
be rendered in the Juttle CLI. Outrigger bridges this gap
with a javascript charting library that receives streaming data
from Juttle programs running server-side via a websocket. It also includes
user-interface logic to implement Juttle input controls.
If you simply want to try running some basic juttle programs that output directly to the terminal, you can use the juttle
command line program included in the Juttle respository.
Getting Started
Make sure you have node (with npm) installed.
Use npm to install outrigger
$ npm install -g outrigger
This will install the outrigger daemon and client binaries, the http://github.com/juttle/juttle interpreter, and the current set of supported juttle adapters.
We've tested with nodejs 4.2.3 and npm 2.14.17. Other combinations of nodejs and npm likely work, but we haven't tested all combinations.
Running your first juttle program
Start the daemon by running outriggerd:
$ outriggerd -d -o outriggerd.log
This will daemonize outriggerd logging to outriggerd.log. You can now run juttle programs against the outriggerd daemon via the outrigger-client:
$ outrigger-client browser --path my_juttle_file.juttle
This will open a browser window and display the output of the program. You can make edits to your juttle, save the file, and reload the browser window to get the updated output.
Options and Configuration
Here are the full command line options supported by the daemon and client programs:
usage: [--port <port>] [--root <path>]
[--config <juttle-config-path>] [--daemonize]
[--output <logfile>] [--log-config <log4js-config-path>]
[--log-level <level] [--help]
-p, --port <port>: Run outriggerd on specified port
-r, --root <path>: Use <path> as the root directory for juttle programs
-c, --config <juttle-config-path>: Read juttle config from <juttle-config-path>
-d, --daemonize: Daemonize outriggerd and log to configured log file
-o, --output <logfile>: Log to specififed file when daemonized
-L, --log-config <log4js-config-path>: Configure logging from <log4js-config-path>. Overrides any value of -o
-l, --log-level <level>: Use a default log level of <level>. Overridden by any log level specified in -L
-h, --help: Print this help and exit');
uses log4js for logging and by default logs to log/outrigger.log
usage: [--outriggerd <hostname:port>] [--help] [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
[COMMAND]: one of the following, with the following options:
list_jobs [--job <job-id>]
browser --path <path>
[OPTIONS]: one of the following:
--path <path-to-juttle-file>: Path to file relative to configured root directory.
Used by "browser".
--job <job-id>: Job id.
Used by "list_jobs".
--outriggerd <hostname:port>: Hostname/port of outrigger juttle server
--help: Print this help and exit
Juttle config file
The Juttle compiler and runtime within outriggerd are also configured via the juttle configuration file, typically at $(HOME)/.juttle/config.json
. For more information on the juttle configuration file, see the juttle configuration documentation.
Module resolution
When outriggerd resolves module references in juttle programs while creating program bundles, it searches the following locations:
- The configured root directory.
- The same location as the current juttle program. For example, if a program is at
and refers to a module module.juttle
, outriggerd looks in /home/user
for module.juttle
. - Any locations in the environment variable JUTTLE_MODULE_PATH (colon-separated list of directories).
Curious about how outrigger works? Check out the architecture page.
To run unit tests:
gulp test
To check code style and perform lint checks:
gulp lint
Both are run automatically by Travis.