Package.xml generator in JavaScript
npm install package-xml -g
change directories to you project directory, which contains your src folder and run
or, the long version...
package-xml -D "./src" -n "Package Name" -v "43.0" -m -c -i "InstallScriptHandler"
Options: (No options are required)
- If no directory is provided, it will default to ./src
- If there is no version, it will use version 37 (Summer 16)
- If no name is provided, the package will not have a name
-D, --dir The path to the source directory containing your SFDC
files and metadata. Your package.xml file will end up
here. [string] [required] [default: "./src"]
-v, --version The Saleforce API Version you wish to target with this
package. [string]
-n, --name The name of the package. [string]
-i, --installScript The name the install handler class [string]
-m, --managed Include Managed Package Fields. [boolean] [default: false]
-c, --clean Clean the Metadata files [boolean] [default: false]
-C, --clean-config Clean the Metadata files from a provided configuration
file [string] [default: ""]
-h Show help [boolean]
Clean Metadata
The Clean Metadata option is available as of version 2.1
This option will clean out boilerplate metadata that can sometimes cause problems with deploying between different orgs. Also, if some metadata is not valid, visible, or enabled, then it shouldn't go in the package, hence we need to clean up the metadata.
Below is the standard configuration for cleaning files. When using the "clean" option, this is the configuration that will be used.
But we all know you will probably want a custom clean config. In that case, copy the config below and customize it.
The selectors you see are simple xml path selectors. The xmlns
namespace is required on element selectors, so if you create a custom configuration, be sure to include that on any element selectors.
For tips on how to write selectors, you can go to w3c at
All options are optional, so you probably don't need to inlcude the namespace option unless you're doing something very unexpected
"selectors": [
"./xmlns:applicationVisibilities[xmlns:visible = 'false']",
"./xmlns:classAccesses[xmlns:enabled = 'false']",
"./xmlns:fieldPermissions[xmlns:editable = 'false' and xmlns:readable = 'false']",
"./xmlns:objectPermissions[xmlns:allowCreate = 'false' and xmlns:allowDelete = 'false' and xmlns:allowEdit = 'false' and xmlns:allowRead = 'false' and xmlns:modifyAllRecords = 'false' and xmlns:viewAllRecords = 'false']",
"./xmlns:pageAccesses[xmlns:enabled = 'false']",
"./xmlns:userPermissions[xmlns:enabled = 'false']",
"./xmlns:recordTypeVisibilities[xmlns:visible = 'false']",
"./xmlns:tabSettings[xmlns:visibility = 'None']"
"extensions": [
"namespace": ""