A collection of Vows macros for easy HTTP server testing.
Tastes great with Express and Connect.
Works with Node.js v0.2.5 and later.
npm i pact
// Pact works with http.Server instances.
// This includes express.Server, connect.Server, etc.
// This method returns a new express.Server:
var createServer = require("../lib/app").createServer;
require("vows").describe("HTTP Server").addBatch({
"A server in development" : {
// Start a server for testing with httpify
// Give it a new http.Server
topic : httpify(createServer()),
"when /foo is requested" : {
topic : request(), // knows the URL from context name
"should fail" : code(400) // check status code
"when /foo?bar=baz is requested" : {
topic : request(),
"should succeed" : code(200),
"should return response time header" : function (topic) {
// header names are lowercased for easy testing
assert.include(topic.headers, "x-response-time");
"should be correct size" : function (topic) {
// response is available as topic.body
assert.equal(topic.body.length, 11);
"when making a bogus request" : {
// you can always specify your own URL
// POST requests work as well
topic : request({
url : "/bogus",
method : "POST",
body : "quux=0"
"should fail" : code(404)
"A server in production" : {
topic : function () {
// Example: wrap httpify for testing
// with a new environment
var oldEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV;
process.env.NODE_ENV = "production";
var server = app.createServer();
process.env.NODE_ENV = oldEnv;
"when / is requested" : {
topic : request(),
"should fail" : code(404)
Authored by Reid Burke, copyright Yahoo! Inc., and provided under the BSD license. See LICENSE file.
Pact is used at Yahoo! for testing Node.js servers. It's based on the embedded Vows macros from the YUI Labs Yeti project.
Submit bugs and pull requests to Pact on GitHub.