📦 A collection of pastable code gathered from past projects
this package is meant mostly for myself.
pnpm i pastable
With 1 main & 5 specific entrypoints:
: re-exports everything from utils+typings"pastable/utils"
everything that's commonly used server-side (= no browser APIs + no vendors like react/xstate)
import { useSelection } from "pastable";
import { useSelection } from "pastable/react";
⚡ Motivations
In every project I've been a part of, I've always ended up copy/pasting some part of a previous project that I had made generic, and moving from one project to another I just kept pasting it over and over.
So here we are, I made yet another multi-purpose-utils package !
🎨 Code style
It aims to be as generic as possible so that either the source can litteraly be pasted if you just need a couple of functions or you can install any specific package at some point.
100% written in Typescript, near 100% code coverage as a constant goal.
Feel free to contribute if you think there is space for one of your previous projects gems.
❤️ Built with
Packages are built with https://preconstruct.tools/ & tested with https://vitest.dev/, special thanks to their authors for those priceless gems !
Package History
- v1 using yarn2 workspaces + custom build scripts, had a shitload of single-file packages deployed to npm, each built with https://github.com/developit/microbundle & tested with https://github.com/lukeed/uvu, generated with plop
- v2 using pnpm + turborepo: less packages, still too many folders / complexity, spent way too much time making it work in any env (browser, server, both like when using earlier version of NextJS..)
- v3 (current) using pnpm + preconstruct: flattened lots of folders, let preconstruct do the hard work, removed shitty react unit tests, deadcode, outdateds demo/docs sites, removed
alias to simplify the publish process, replaced uvu by vitest