Node.js wrapper for the Paypal Name-Value Pair — NVP
import Paypal from 'paypal-nvp-api';
let config = {
mode: 'sandbox', // or 'live'
track: '', // or '' if live
username: '',
password: 'DYKNJZZE42ASN699',
signature: 'A0aEilikhBmwfK.NlduDjCbsdgXdA8VDPMDksDhGsHmLQECu80Qtru09'
let paypal = Paypal(config);
let query = {
paypal.request('SetExpressCheckout', query).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Replace SetExpressCheckout with any available API operation that Paypal supports.
Replace username, password and signature with your Paypal app credential Set.
For more info:
API reference
request(String method, Object query)
In which:
method: one of API operations Paypal NVP supports, such as SetExpressCheckout, DoCapture, SetCustomerBillingAgreement, etc.
query: a set of parameters you want to send to Paypal API endpoint, relying on which method is being used.
formatCurrency(Number amount)
Because Paypal API requires its standard format for currency, you can use this util to quickly convert a number to fit Paypal convention.
paypal.formatCurrency(12); // = '$12.00'
paypal.formatCurrency(12.5); // = '$12.50'
// note that only Number is accepted, so
paypal.formatCurrency('$12.00'); // = '$0.00'
Currently, this method just supports USD.
Module has not been fully tested yet.