This is Offical Payture API for NodeJS. To get started you will need a Merchant account, please contact our support to get one. Here you can explore how to use our API functions! GO!
Simple to install:
npm install payture-official
And include to your project:
var payture = require('payture-official');
Payture API tutorial
You can use one or all of follows API:
General information
Callback function
Every API function received callback function as second parameter. You need to provide callback for taking required action after receiving a response from the server.
The callback accepts 4 parameters:
var callbackFunc = function(error, response, body, responseObject){
- error - if no one error occurs when handing request the value of this parameter will be null, otherwise - in case of error - the value is the error;
- response - the raw response from the external server;
- body - body of the received response;
- responseObject - this is body of the response as js object;
API Initialization
For create instanse of required API you need provide the name of Host and params of your Merchant account (Key and Password).
Pass the '' for test as the name of Host (first parameter).
Params of Merchant account provide as the second parameter for constructor function in simple object, like: { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' };
Please note, that { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' } - fake account, our support help you to get one!
Examples you can see below.
Payture API
For use this you need create instanse of PaytureAPI object. Example:
var api = new payture.Api('', { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' };
Please note, that { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' } - fake account, our support help you to get one!
API Functions:
All functions taking 2 parameters: first - required for request data as js object, second - callback function that you need specify. The functions list and examples of usage below. Let's go to explore!
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000,
PAN : '4111111111111112',
EMonth : 12,
EYear : 20,
CardHolder : 'Vasya Petrov',
SecureCode : 123,
CustomerKey : 'testCustomer',
CustomFields : {},
};, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
PAN | Card's number. |
EMonth | The expiry month of card. |
EYear | The expiry year of card. |
CardHolder | Card's holder name. |
SecureCode | CVC2/CVV2. |
CustomerKey | Customer identifier in Payture AntiFraud system. |
CustomFields | Addition fields for processing (especially for AntiFraud system). |
The data and description for params as the same as for pay function.
api.block(data, callbackFunc);
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000
api.charge(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
The data and description for params as the same as for charge function.
api.refund(data, callbackFunc);
The data and description for params as the same as for charge function.
api.unblock(data, callbackFunc);
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001'
api.getState(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Payture InPay
For use this API just create instanse of PaytureInPay object:
var inpay = new payture.InPay('', { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' });
Please note, that { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' } - fake account, our support help you to get one!
API Functions:
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000,
IP : '',
SessionType : 'Pay',
Url : '',
TemplateTag : '',
Language : 'RU',
Total : 1,
Product : 'Something'
inpay.init(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
IP | Customer's IP. |
SessionType | 'Pay' - for 1-stage payment, 'Block' - for 2-stage payment. |
Url | The url for return customer after completion of payment. |
TemplateTag | Used template. |
Language | Template language. |
var sessionId = 'e5c43d9f-2646-42bc-aeec-0b9005ceb972';, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
sessionId | Payment identifier. Given by init response |
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000,
inpay.charge(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
The data and description for params as the same as for charge function.
api.refund(data, callbackFunc);
The data and description for params as the same as for charge function.
api.unblock(data, callbackFunc);
var orderId : 'ORD00000000000000001';
inpay.payStatus(orderId, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Payture eWallet
For use this API just create instanse of PaytureEWallet object:
var ew = new payture.EWallet('', { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' });
Please note, that { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' } - fake account, our support help you to get one!
API Functions:
Payment functions:
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000,
IP : '',
SessionType : 'Pay',
CardId : '40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077',
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
PhoneNumber : '79001234567',
TemplateTag : '',
Language : 'RU',
ew.init(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
IP | Customer's IP. |
SessionType | 'Pay' - for 1-stage payment, 'Block' - for 2-stage payment, 'Add' - for register card. |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
PhoneNumber | Customer's phone number. |
CardId | Card's identifier. |
TemplateTag | Used template. |
Language | Template language. |
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000,
IP : '',
SecureCode : 123,
CardId : '40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077',
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
ew.merchantPayRegCard(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
IP | Customer's IP. |
SecureCode | CVC2/CVV2. |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
CardId | Card's identifier. |
ConfirmCode | Confirm code from SMS - if verification code was requested. |
CustomFields | Addition information about customer. |
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000,
IP : '',
SecureCode : 123,
CardId : 'FreePay',
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
CardHolder : 'Vasya Petrov',
CardNumber : '4111111111111112',
EMonth : 10,
EYear : 20,
ew.merchantPayNoRegCard(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
IP | Customer's IP. |
SecureCode | CVC2/CVV2. |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
CardNumber | Card's number. |
EMonth | The expiry month of card. |
EYear | The expiry year of card. |
CardHolder | Card's holder name. |
CardId | Card's identifier. |
ConfirmCode | Confirm code from SMS - if verification code was requested. |
CustomFields | Addition information about customer. |
var sessionId = 'e5c43d9f-2646-42bc-aeec-0b9005ceb972';
ew.payturePay(sessionId, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
sessionId | Value extracted from init response (where SessionType=Pay(Block)) |
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000,
ew.charge(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
The data and description for params as the same as for charge function.
ew.refund(data, callbackFunc);
The data and description for params as the same as for charge function.
ew.unblock(data, callbackFunc);
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001'
ew.payStatus(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
var data = {
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',
Amount : 10000,
CardId : '40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077',
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363'
ew.sendCode(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system. |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
CardId | Card's identifier. |
Customer functions:
var data = {
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
PhoneNumber : '79156783333'
ew.registerCustomer(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
PhoneNumber | Customer's phone number. |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
Email | Customer's email. |
var data = {
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
PhoneNumber : '79156783333'
ew.deleteCustomer(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
The description for params as the same as for registerCustomer function.
var data = {
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
PhoneNumber : '79156783333'
Email : ''
ew.updateCustomer(data, callbackFunc);
var data = {
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
ew.checkCustomer(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
Card functions:
var data = {
SecureCode : 123,
PhoneNumber : '79001234567',
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
CardHolder : 'Vasya Petrov',
CardNumber : '4111111111111112',
EMonth : 10,
EYear : 20,
ew.merchantAddCard(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
SecureCode | CVC2/CVV2. |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
CardNumber | Card's number. |
EMonth | The expiry month of card. |
EYear | The expiry year of card. |
CardHolder | Card's holder name. |
PhoneNumber | Card's identifier. |
var sessionId = 'e5c43d9f-2646-42bc-aeec-0b9005ceb972';
ew.paytureAddCard(sessionId, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
sessionId | Value extracted from init response (where SessionType=Add). |
var data = {
Amount : 101,
CardId : '40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077',
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
ew.activateCard(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
Amount | Amount of payment kopec. |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
CardId | Card's identifier. |
var data = {
CardId : '40252318-de07-4853-b43d-4b67f2cd2077',
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
ew.removeCard(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
CardId | Card's identifier. |
var data = {
VWUserLgn : '',
VWUserPsw : '2645363',
ew.getCardList(data, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
VWUserLgn | Customer's identifier in Payture system. (Email is recommended). |
VWUserPsw | Customer's password in Payture system. |
Payture ApplePay
For use this API just create instanse of PaytureAppleApi object:
var apple = new payture.ApplePay('', { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' });
Please note, that { Key : 'YourMerchantAccount', Password : 'YourPassword' } - fake account, our support help you to get one!
API Functions:
var data = {
PayToken : 'abcdefg',
OrderId : 'ORD00000000000000001',,
};, callbackFunc);
Description of provided params.
Parameter's name | Definition |
PayToken | PaymentData from PayToken for current transaction |
OrderId | Payment identifier in your service system |
The data and description for params as the same as for pay function.
apple.block(data, callbackFunc);
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