pebble-simple-health is a simple library that provides basic health info for user of Pebble smartwatch.
This is a Beta version with Diorite support, build with SDK4
Available information:
- Step count
- Distance walked
- Sleep time
- Deep Sleep Time
- Time Active
- Calories burned at rest
- Calories burned while active
Every indicator has respetive "goal" value, calculated as an average from past days.
To use the package install it into your project and include pebble-simple-health/pebble-simple-health.h
into code file. Note that pebble-simple-health depends on pebble-events package.
##Availale functions:
bool health_is_available()
- returns true
if health services are available, otherwise returns false
. Available after call to health_init
void health_init(health_callback *callback_proc)
- initializes health services, parameter is a callback procedure that will be called when health data is updated
int health_get_metric_sum(HealthMetric metric)
- gets current daily value for requested metrics
int health_get_metric_goal(HealthMetric metric)
- gets goal value for requested metric.
void health_deinit();
- deninitializes health service
##Example usage
void health_updated() {
APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Steps taken: %d", health_get_metric_sum(HealthMetricStepCount));
void handle_init(){
if (!health_is_available()) {
APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Health service is not available");
void handle_deinit(){
int main(void) {