What is pegjs?
PEG.js is a simple parser generator for JavaScript that produces fast parsers with excellent error reporting. It allows you to define a grammar in a simple syntax and then generates a parser for that grammar.
What are pegjs's main functionalities?
Grammar Definition
This feature allows you to define a grammar using PEG.js syntax. The example demonstrates a simple arithmetic expression parser that can handle addition and multiplication.
const peg = require('pegjs');
const grammar = `
start = expression
expression = term ('+' term)*
term = factor ('*' factor)*
factor = number / '(' expression ')'
number = [0-9]+ { return parseInt(text(), 10); }
const parser = peg.generate(grammar);
const result = parser.parse('2*(3+4)');
console.log(result); // Outputs: 14
Custom Error Messages
PEG.js provides excellent error reporting. This example shows how PEG.js can generate custom error messages when the input does not conform to the defined grammar.
const peg = require('pegjs');
const grammar = `
start = expression
expression = term ('+' term)*
term = factor ('*' factor)*
factor = number / '(' expression ')'
number = [0-9]+ { return parseInt(text(), 10); }
const parser = peg.generate(grammar, { output: 'source', format: 'commonjs' });
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log(e.message); // Outputs: Expected "(", number, or whitespace but ")" found.
Semantic Actions
Semantic actions allow you to specify what should happen when a rule matches. This example demonstrates how to add two numbers together when the '+' operator is encountered.
const peg = require('pegjs');
const grammar = `
start = expression
expression = left:term '+' right:term { return left + right; }
term = number
number = [0-9]+ { return parseInt(text(), 10); }
const parser = peg.generate(grammar);
const result = parser.parse('3+4');
console.log(result); // Outputs: 7
Other packages similar to pegjs
Nearley is a powerful and flexible parser generator for JavaScript. It supports a wider range of grammars compared to PEG.js and can handle more complex parsing tasks. Nearley uses Earley parsing algorithm which is more powerful but can be slower than PEG.js for certain grammars.
ANTLR (Another Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator that can be used to read, process, execute, or translate structured text or binary files. It is more feature-rich and supports multiple target languages, but it has a steeper learning curve compared to PEG.js.
Jison is a parser generator that converts a context-free grammar into a JavaScript parser. It is similar to PEG.js but uses a different parsing algorithm (LALR(1)). Jison is more suitable for traditional compiler construction tasks.
PEG.js is a simple parser generator for JavaScript that produces fast parsers with excellent error reporting. You can use it to process complex data or computer languages and build transformers, interpreters, compilers and other tools easily.
PEG.js is still very much work in progress. There are no compatibility guarantees until version 1.0
- Simple and expressive grammar syntax
- Integrates both lexical and syntactical analysis
- Parsers have excellent error reporting out of the box
- Based on parsing expression grammar formalism - more powerful than traditional LL(k) and LR(k) parsers
- Usable from your browser, from the command line, or via JavaScript API
Released under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2010-2016 David Majda
Copyright (c) 2017+ Futago-za Ryuu