Per (Node.js API wrapper)
Per is about counting activity and usage. You tell Per about any activity on which you want to bill your users, and then ask for usage totals when you’re ready to bill your users.
By using this API wrapper, integrating with Per is as easy as calling per.addActivity()
and per.getReport()
To use, you’ll need a Per account, with tokens and an activity type.
To begin, you'll need to add per-api to your project with npm install per-api
Adding user activity
const per = require('per-api');
const perActivityToken = 'xxx';
const perActivityTypeId = 'xxx';
async function doUserAction() {
const perBillingId = 'xxx';
const perUserId = 'xxx';
await per.addActivity(
Getting a report
Let’s assume that you want a report of user activity for the last week (7 days):
const per = require('per-api');
const perReportingToken = 'xxx';
async function getLastWeekReport() {
const end = new Date();
const start = new Date(end.valueOf() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const report = await per.getReport(
Further details
This API wrapper assumes that you’re using async/await or Promise-based coding. If you prefer using callbacks, you can create a simple wrapper, or just call the API endpoints directly. The wrapper also assumes that any errors should result in an exception being thrown; values are returned (i.e. the Promise resolves) if and only if the API was called successfully and no errors occurred.
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