PathfinderPC Server Interface
PathfinderPC Interface for Node.js
This package allows you to interact with PathfinderPC Server.
It keeps an in-memory database (nedb) to keep track of the state - so don't feel bad about querying it lots, it won't hit Pathfinder.
Do this to get it into your node project:
npm install pfint --save
Require it, create a new one.
var PFInterface = require('pfint')
var pfint = new PFInterface();
'user' : "Pathfinder_User",
'password' : "Pathfinder_Password",
'host' : "localhost",
'port' : 9500
PFInt gives off lots of events and things. It can also be queried.
There are a coupe of methods you can use
This is the method which starts up the connection.
'user' : "Pathfinder_User",
'password' : "Pathfinder_Password",
'host' : "localhost",
'port' : 9500
find(query, cb)
This is basically a passthrough for nedb.find.
cb(err, item)
There are various itemTypes that can be queried for.
- source
- destination
- router
- protocoltranslator
- routes
A bit like this:
pfint.find({'itemType' : 'protocoltranslator'}, function(err, pts)
findOne(query, cb)
The same as the above, except only one result gets returned.
You can connect to events in the normal way:
pfint.on('debug', function (message) {
debug (message)
Debugging notes come out at various useful points.
Is raised when we are connected to PathfinderPC
memorySlot (slot)
Is raised when a memory slot is updated
route (route)
Is raised when a route is created
error (message)
Raised when an error occurs (no, really?)
gpi (state) DRAFT
Raised when a GPI state changes
So far, all done by me (Chris)
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