Reduce the potential energy of your React components. Write your state logic declaratively to better reason about how a component behaves with different combinations of props and state.
With photonic
import React from 'react';
import partitionOn from 'photonic';
import { Negative, Zero, Even, Odd, Controls } from 'some/magical/place';
const partLabel = partitionOn([
show: Negative,
withProps: ({ state }) => ({ value: state.a + state.b }),
when: ({ state }) => (state.a + state.b < 0)
show: Zero,
withProps: () => ({}),
when: ({ state }) => (state.a + state.b) === 0
show: Even,
withProps: () => ({}),
when: ({ state }) => {
const { a, b } = state;
return (a + b > 0) && ((a + b) % 2 === 0);
show: Odd,
withProps: () => ({}),
when: ({ state }) => {
const { a, b } = state;
return (a + b > 0) && ((a + b) % 2 === 1);
const partControl = partitionOn({
show: Controls,
withProps: ({ state, self }) => {
const bumpA = (int) => () => self.setState({ a: state.a + int });
const bumpB = (int) => () => self.setState({ b: state.b + int });
return { bumpA, bumpB };
when: () => true
class EnumPartitioned extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
a: 0,
b: 0
render() {
const position = { props: this.props, state: this.state, self: this };
return (
Without photonic
import React from 'react';
import { Negative, Zero, Even, Odd, Controls } from 'some/magical/place';
class EnumClassic extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
a: 0,
b: 0
render() {
const { a, b } = this.state;
let label;
if (a + b < 0) {
label = <Negative value={a + b} />;
} else if (a + b === 0) {
label = <Zero />
} else if ((a + b) % 2 === 0) {
label = <Even />;
} else {
label = <Odd />;
const bumpA = (int) => () => this.setState({ a: this.state.a + int });
const bumpB = (int) => () => this.setState({ b: this.state.b + int });
return (
<Controls bumpA={bumpA} bumpB={bumpB} />
Log state transitions for class based components:
For example, the below will print Zero --> Negative
, Even --> Odd
, etc, if used witht he component above.
import React from 'react';
import { log }, partitionOn from 'photonic';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(newProps, newState) {
{ props: this.props, state: this.state, self: this },
{ props: newProps, state: newState, self: this }
return true;
- Quickly see the possible states your component can be rendered in.
- See what pieces of props abd state are required to render each state.
- Stop using if/else or switch control statements. Instead, declaratively write how to handle each state of your component.
- Automaticly detect and handle bad states.
- You must explicitly write your states, which may take more code.