AccountsApi | accountShow | GET /accounts/{id} | Get a single account |
AccountsApi | accountsList | GET /accounts | List accounts |
AuthorizationsApi | authorizationCreate | POST /authorizations | Create an authorization |
AuthorizationsApi | authorizationDelete | DELETE /authorizations/{id} | Delete an authorization |
AuthorizationsApi | authorizationShow | GET /authorizations/{id} | Get a single authorization |
AuthorizationsApi | authorizationUpdate | PATCH /authorizations/{id} | Update an authorization |
AuthorizationsApi | authorizationsList | GET /authorizations | List authorizations |
BitbucketSyncApi | bitbucketSyncExport | POST /bitbucket_syncs/{id}/export | Export from Phrase to Bitbucket |
BitbucketSyncApi | bitbucketSyncImport | POST /bitbucket_syncs/{id}/import | Import to Phrase from Bitbucket |
BitbucketSyncApi | bitbucketSyncsList | GET /bitbucket_syncs | List Bitbucket syncs |
BlacklistedKeysApi | blacklistedKeyCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/blacklisted_keys | Create a blacklisted key |
BlacklistedKeysApi | blacklistedKeyDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/blacklisted_keys/{id} | Delete a blacklisted key |
BlacklistedKeysApi | blacklistedKeyShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/blacklisted_keys/{id} | Get a single blacklisted key |
BlacklistedKeysApi | blacklistedKeyUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/blacklisted_keys/{id} | Update a blacklisted key |
BlacklistedKeysApi | blacklistedKeysList | GET /projects/{project_id}/blacklisted_keys | List blacklisted keys |
BranchesApi | branchCompare | GET /projects/{project_id}/branches/{name}/compare | Compare branches |
BranchesApi | branchCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/branches | Create a branch |
BranchesApi | branchDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/branches/{name} | Delete a branch |
BranchesApi | branchMerge | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/branches/{name}/merge | Merge a branch |
BranchesApi | branchShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/branches/{name} | Get a single branch |
BranchesApi | branchUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/branches/{name} | Update a branch |
BranchesApi | branchesList | GET /projects/{project_id}/branches | List branches |
CommentsApi | commentCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/comments | Create a comment |
CommentsApi | commentDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/comments/{id} | Delete a comment |
CommentsApi | commentMarkCheck | GET /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/comments/{id}/read | Check if comment is read |
CommentsApi | commentMarkRead | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/comments/{id}/read | Mark a comment as read |
CommentsApi | commentMarkUnread | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/comments/{id}/read | Mark a comment as unread |
CommentsApi | commentShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/comments/{id} | Get a single comment |
CommentsApi | commentUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/comments/{id} | Update a comment |
CommentsApi | commentsList | GET /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/comments | List comments |
DistributionsApi | distributionCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/distributions | Create a distribution |
DistributionsApi | distributionDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{id} | Delete a distribution |
DistributionsApi | distributionShow | GET /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{id} | Get a single distribution |
DistributionsApi | distributionUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{id} | Update a distribution |
DistributionsApi | distributionsList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/distributions | List distributions |
FormatsApi | formatsList | GET /formats | List formats |
GitLabSyncApi | gitlabSyncDelete | DELETE /gitlab_syncs/{id} | Delete single Sync Setting |
GitLabSyncApi | gitlabSyncExport | POST /gitlab_syncs/{gitlab_sync_id}/export | Export from Phrase to GitLab |
GitLabSyncApi | gitlabSyncHistory | GET /gitlab_syncs/{gitlab_sync_id}/history | History of single Sync Setting |
GitLabSyncApi | gitlabSyncImport | POST /gitlab_syncs/{gitlab_sync_id}/import | Import from GitLab to Phrase |
GitLabSyncApi | gitlabSyncList | GET /gitlab_syncs | List GitLab syncs |
GitLabSyncApi | gitlabSyncShow | GET /gitlab_syncs/{id} | Get single Sync Setting |
GitLabSyncApi | gitlabSyncUpdate | PUT /gitlab_syncs/{id} | Update single Sync Setting |
GlossariesApi | glossariesList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries | List glossaries |
GlossariesApi | glossaryCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries | Create a glossary |
GlossariesApi | glossaryDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{id} | Delete a glossary |
GlossariesApi | glossaryShow | GET /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{id} | Get a single glossary |
GlossariesApi | glossaryUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{id} | Update a glossary |
GlossaryTermTranslationsApi | glossaryTermTranslationCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{glossary_id}/terms/{term_id}/translations | Create a glossary term translation |
GlossaryTermTranslationsApi | glossaryTermTranslationDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{glossary_id}/terms/{term_id}/translations/{id} | Delete a glossary term translation |
GlossaryTermTranslationsApi | glossaryTermTranslationUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{glossary_id}/terms/{term_id}/translations/{id} | Update a glossary term translation |
GlossaryTermsApi | glossaryTermCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{glossary_id}/terms | Create a glossary term |
GlossaryTermsApi | glossaryTermDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{glossary_id}/terms/{id} | Delete a glossary term |
GlossaryTermsApi | glossaryTermShow | GET /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{glossary_id}/terms/{id} | Get a single glossary term |
GlossaryTermsApi | glossaryTermUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{glossary_id}/terms/{id} | Update a glossary term |
GlossaryTermsApi | glossaryTermsList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/glossaries/{glossary_id}/terms | List glossary terms |
InvitationsApi | invitationCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/invitations | Create a new invitation |
InvitationsApi | invitationDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/invitations/{id} | Delete an invitation |
InvitationsApi | invitationResend | POST /accounts/{account_id}/invitations/{id}/resend | Resend an invitation |
InvitationsApi | invitationShow | GET /accounts/{account_id}/invitations/{id} | Get a single invitation |
InvitationsApi | invitationUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/invitations/{id} | Update an invitation |
InvitationsApi | invitationsList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/invitations | List invitations |
JobLocalesApi | jobLocaleComplete | POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}/locales/{id}/complete | Complete a job locale |
JobLocalesApi | jobLocaleDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}/locales/{id} | Delete a job locale |
JobLocalesApi | jobLocaleReopen | POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}/locales/{id}/reopen | Reopen a job locale |
JobLocalesApi | jobLocaleShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}/locale/{id} | Get a single job locale |
JobLocalesApi | jobLocaleUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}/locales/{id} | Update a job locale |
JobLocalesApi | jobLocalesCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}/locales | Create a job locale |
JobLocalesApi | jobLocalesList | GET /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}/locales | List job locales |
JobsApi | jobComplete | POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{id}/complete | Complete a job |
JobsApi | jobCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs | Create a job |
JobsApi | jobDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{id} | Delete a job |
JobsApi | jobKeysCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{id}/keys | Add keys to job |
JobsApi | jobKeysDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{id}/keys | Remove keys from job |
JobsApi | jobReopen | POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{id}/reopen | Reopen a job |
JobsApi | jobShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{id} | Get a single job |
JobsApi | jobStart | POST /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{id}/start | Start a job |
JobsApi | jobUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/jobs/{id} | Update a job |
JobsApi | jobsList | GET /projects/{project_id}/jobs | List jobs |
KeysApi | keyCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/keys | Create a key |
KeysApi | keyDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/keys/{id} | Delete a key |
KeysApi | keyShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/keys/{id} | Get a single key |
KeysApi | keyUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/keys/{id} | Update a key |
KeysApi | keysDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/keys | Delete collection of keys |
KeysApi | keysList | GET /projects/{project_id}/keys | List keys |
KeysApi | keysSearch | POST /projects/{project_id}/keys/search | Search keys |
KeysApi | keysTag | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/keys/tag | Add tags to collection of keys |
KeysApi | keysUntag | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/keys/untag | Remove tags from collection of keys |
LocalesApi | localeCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/locales | Create a locale |
LocalesApi | localeDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/locales/{id} | Delete a locale |
LocalesApi | localeDownload | GET /projects/{project_id}/locales/{id}/download | Download a locale |
LocalesApi | localeShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/locales/{id} | Get a single locale |
LocalesApi | localeUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/locales/{id} | Update a locale |
LocalesApi | localesList | GET /projects/{project_id}/locales | List locales |
MembersApi | memberDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/members/{id} | Remove a user from the account |
MembersApi | memberShow | GET /accounts/{account_id}/members/{id} | Get single member |
MembersApi | memberUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/members/{id} | Update a member |
MembersApi | membersList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/members | List members |
OrdersApi | orderConfirm | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/orders/{id}/confirm | Confirm an order |
OrdersApi | orderCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/orders | Create a new order |
OrdersApi | orderDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/orders/{id} | Cancel an order |
OrdersApi | orderShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/orders/{id} | Get a single order |
OrdersApi | ordersList | GET /projects/{project_id}/orders | List orders |
ProjectsApi | projectCreate | POST /projects | Create a project |
ProjectsApi | projectDelete | DELETE /projects/{id} | Delete a project |
ProjectsApi | projectShow | GET /projects/{id} | Get a single project |
ProjectsApi | projectUpdate | PATCH /projects/{id} | Update a project |
ProjectsApi | projectsList | GET /projects | List projects |
ReleasesApi | releaseCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{distribution_id}/releases | Create a release |
ReleasesApi | releaseDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{distribution_id}/releases/{id} | Delete a release |
ReleasesApi | releasePublish | POST /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{distribution_id}/releases/{id}/publish | Publish a release |
ReleasesApi | releaseShow | GET /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{distribution_id}/releases/{id} | Get a single release |
ReleasesApi | releaseUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{distribution_id}/releases/{id} | Update a release |
ReleasesApi | releasesList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/distributions/{distribution_id}/releases | List releases |
ScreenshotMarkersApi | screenshotMarkerCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/screenshots/{screenshot_id}/markers | Create a screenshot marker |
ScreenshotMarkersApi | screenshotMarkerDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/screenshots/{screenshot_id}/markers | Delete a screenshot marker |
ScreenshotMarkersApi | screenshotMarkerShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/screenshots/{screenshot_id}/markers/{id} | Get a single screenshot marker |
ScreenshotMarkersApi | screenshotMarkerUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/screenshots/{screenshot_id}/markers | Update a screenshot marker |
ScreenshotMarkersApi | screenshotMarkersList | GET /projects/{project_id}/screenshots/{id}/markers | List screenshot markers |
ScreenshotsApi | screenshotCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/screenshots | Create a screenshot |
ScreenshotsApi | screenshotDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/screenshots/{id} | Delete a screenshot |
ScreenshotsApi | screenshotShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/screenshots/{id} | Get a single screenshot |
ScreenshotsApi | screenshotUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/screenshots/{id} | Update a screenshot |
ScreenshotsApi | screenshotsList | GET /projects/{project_id}/screenshots | List screenshots |
SpacesApi | spaceCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/spaces | Create a Space |
SpacesApi | spaceDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/spaces/{id} | Delete Space |
SpacesApi | spaceShow | GET /accounts/{account_id}/spaces/{id} | Get Space |
SpacesApi | spaceUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/spaces/{id} | Update Space |
SpacesApi | spacesList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/spaces | List Spaces |
SpacesApi | spacesProjectsCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/spaces/{space_id}/projects | Add Project |
SpacesApi | spacesProjectsDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/spaces/{space_id}/projects/{id} | Remove Project |
SpacesApi | spacesProjectsList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/spaces/{space_id}/projects | List Projects |
StyleGuidesApi | styleguideCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/styleguides | Create a style guide |
StyleGuidesApi | styleguideDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/styleguides/{id} | Delete a style guide |
StyleGuidesApi | styleguideShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/styleguides/{id} | Get a single style guide |
StyleGuidesApi | styleguideUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/styleguides/{id} | Update a style guide |
StyleGuidesApi | styleguidesList | GET /projects/{project_id}/styleguides | List style guides |
TagsApi | tagCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/tags | Create a tag |
TagsApi | tagDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/tags/{name} | Delete a tag |
TagsApi | tagShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/tags/{name} | Get a single tag |
TagsApi | tagsList | GET /projects/{project_id}/tags | List tags |
TeamsApi | teamCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/teams | Create a Team |
TeamsApi | teamDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id} | Delete Team |
TeamsApi | teamShow | GET /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id} | Get Team |
TeamsApi | teamUpdate | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id} | Update Team |
TeamsApi | teamsList | GET /accounts/{account_id}/teams | List Teams |
TeamsApi | teamsProjectsCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id}/projects | Add Project |
TeamsApi | teamsProjectsDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id}/projects/{id} | Remove Project |
TeamsApi | teamsSpacesCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id}/spaces | Add Space |
TeamsApi | teamsSpacesDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id}/spaces/{id} | Remove Space |
TeamsApi | teamsUsersCreate | POST /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id}/users | Add User |
TeamsApi | teamsUsersDelete | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/teams/{team_id}/users/{id} | Remove User |
TranslationsApi | translationCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/translations | Create a translation |
TranslationsApi | translationExclude | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/{id}/exclude | Exclude a translation from export |
TranslationsApi | translationInclude | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/{id}/include | Revoke exclusion of a translation in export |
TranslationsApi | translationReview | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/{id}/review | Review a translation |
TranslationsApi | translationShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/translations/{id} | Get a single translation |
TranslationsApi | translationUnverify | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/{id}/unverify | Mark a translation as unverified |
TranslationsApi | translationUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/{id} | Update a translation |
TranslationsApi | translationVerify | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/{id}/verify | Verify a translation |
TranslationsApi | translationsByKey | GET /projects/{project_id}/keys/{key_id}/translations | List translations by key |
TranslationsApi | translationsByLocale | GET /projects/{project_id}/locales/{locale_id}/translations | List translations by locale |
TranslationsApi | translationsExclude | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/exclude | Set exclude from export flag on translations selected by query |
TranslationsApi | translationsInclude | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/include | Remove exlude from import flag from translations selected by query |
TranslationsApi | translationsList | GET /projects/{project_id}/translations | List all translations |
TranslationsApi | translationsReview | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/review | Review translations selected by query |
TranslationsApi | translationsSearch | POST /projects/{project_id}/translations/search | Search translations |
TranslationsApi | translationsUnverify | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/unverify | Mark translations selected by query as unverified |
TranslationsApi | translationsVerify | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/translations/verify | Verify translations selected by query |
UploadsApi | uploadCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/uploads | Upload a new file |
UploadsApi | uploadShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/uploads/{id} | View upload details |
UploadsApi | uploadsList | GET /projects/{project_id}/uploads | List uploads |
UsersApi | showUser | GET /user | Show current User |
VersionsHistoryApi | versionShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/translations/{translation_id}/versions/{id} | Get a single version |
VersionsHistoryApi | versionsList | GET /projects/{project_id}/translations/{translation_id}/versions | List all versions |
WebhooksApi | webhookCreate | POST /projects/{project_id}/webhooks | Create a webhook |
WebhooksApi | webhookDelete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/webhooks/{id} | Delete a webhook |
WebhooksApi | webhookShow | GET /projects/{project_id}/webhooks/{id} | Get a single webhook |
WebhooksApi | webhookTest | POST /projects/{project_id}/webhooks/{id}/test | Test a webhook |
WebhooksApi | webhookUpdate | PATCH /projects/{project_id}/webhooks/{id} | Update a webhook |
WebhooksApi | webhooksList | GET /projects/{project_id}/webhooks | List webhooks |