A javascript implementation of a piece chain.
A piece chain is a way of structuring long strings in a linked list it offers masive improvements over normal text handling in javascript.
A good resource on piece chains is available here: http://www.catch22.net/tuts/piece-chains
Benchmarks show a 10x speed improvement over javascript strings.
1,000 inserts on a 1,000,000 character string was 70ms for PieceChain vs 744ms for Javascript Strings.
1,000 inserts on a 10,000,000 character string was 726ms for PieceChain vs 6585ms for Javascript Strings.
The other benefit of a piece chain is that it offers undo support virtually free.
- Deletions are having issues.
- Add undo support.
- Add replace (which is simply a deletion followed by an insert).
- Streams.
This only works in node 6, it uses plenty of ES6 goodness.
npm install piece_chain
##How To:
var PC = require('piece_chain');
var pc = new PC( A_VERY_LONG_STRING );
pc.insert( offset, ANOTHER_STRING );
pc.del( offset , length );