A CTR CLI tool for pippo
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CLI Installation and Useage
First, install pippo globally:
npm install -g pippo
This will install the resol
command into your shell. Next run the pippo command with two local files
$ resol ./path/to/advertisers.txt ./path/to/people.txt
This will generate optimized CTR choices and display them in console. If you want to save the output to a file, then use the -o option in the command line
$ resol ./path/to/advertisers.txt ./path/to/people.txt -o output.txt
Or if you want to just test it out without needing the txt files, you can add in the -l option
$ resol -l
If you want to see what it can do, just type resol, or resol -h for all the options
$ resol
$ resol -h
Programatic Useage
If you want to use the Resol library locally in an NPM server or in the browser, then just use npm to install it normally
npm install pippo --save
And include it in your scripts using the require function (requires browserify if your using a browser)
var Resol = require('pippo');
var ctr = new Resol(advertiserArray, peopleArray);
var results = ctr.pareto();