Playwright MSW
A Mock Service Worker (MSW) integration layer for Playwright.
- Powerful. Intercept and mock network requests that are performed by browsers during Playwright test execution.
- Customizable. Runs within context of an individual test, mocks can be safely manipulated on a per-test basis without interfering with others that are executing in parallel.
- Flexible. Like the official MSW library that runs within the browser, playwright-msw supports both REST and GraphQL.
- Easy to implement. No code changes are required to your app. 1
Version 2 introduced a minor breaking change to the createWorkerFixture function. To upgrade, please refer to the V2 migration guide.
Getting started
This library assumes that you have the following peer dependencies are already installed:
To start, install the dependency using your preferred package manager:
npm install playwright-msw --save-dev
# or
yarn add playwright-msw --dev
Create mock handlers
If you haven't already done so, create some mock handlers for API calls that your app will perform. e.g. within a handlers.ts file:
import { rest } from 'msw';
export default [
rest.get('/api/users', (_, response, context) =>
id: 'bcff5c0e-10b6-407b-94d1-90d741363885',
firstName: 'Rhydian',
lastName: 'Greig',
id: 'b44e89e4-3254-415e-b14a-441166616b20',
firstName: 'Alessandro',
lastName: 'Metcalfe',
id: '6e369942-6b5d-4159-9b39-729646549183',
firstName: 'Erika',
lastName: 'Richards',
Create a the worker fixture
The next step is to create a custom fixture using the createWorkerFixture function from playwright-msw
. e.g. within a custom test.ts file:
If you're using REST API's, all you need to do is provide your handlers to createWorkerFixture
, no config object is required:
import { test as base, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import type { MockServiceWorker } from 'playwright-msw';
import { createWorkerFixture } from 'playwright-msw';
import handlers from './handlers';
const test = base.extend<{
worker: MockServiceWorker;
worker: createWorkerFixture(handlers),
export { test, expect };
Note: if you're using GraphQL, then it is assumed that the calls are made over HTTP. The default uri for the graphql endpoint is /graphql
. This can be customized via configuration object when creating the worker.
Use the custom test fixture
The final step is to use the extended test
implementation within your playwright tests. e.g. within a demo.spec.ts file:
import { rest } from 'msw';
import { expect, test } from '../test';
test.describe.parallel("A demo of playwright-msw's functionality", () => {
test('should use the default handlers without requiring handlers to be specified on a per-test basis', async ({
}) => {
await page.goto('/');
await expect(page.locator('text="Alessandro Metcalfe"')).toBeVisible();
test.only('should allow mocks to be overridden on a per test basis', async ({
}) => {
await worker.use(
rest.get('/api/users', (_, response, context) =>
response(context.delay(250), context.status(403))
await page.goto('/');
await expect(page.locator('text="Alessandro Metcalfe"')).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.locator('text="Failed to load users"')).toBeVisible();
The createWorkerFixture(handlers, config)
function creates a fixture that mocks api calls on a per-test basis that is automatically started even if the test does not use it directly. The provided handlers will be used by all tests by default. The created MockServiceWorker fixture can be optionally used to customise mocks on a per-test basis.
Refer to the Getting Started: Create a the worker fixture for a usage example. If this abstraction layer is over-simplified for your use case, the createWorker function can be used instead.
The createWorkerFixture
function supports an optional configuration object with the following parameters:
key | required | default | description |
graphqlUrl | false | /graphql | The URL of the GraphQL endpoint to send requests to. |
The createWorker(page: Page, handlers?: RequestHandler[], config?: Config)
function creates a server that intercepts and mocks API calls for an individual playwright page. It returns a MockServiceWorker object which can be used for further customization.
Usage example:
import { test as base, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { createWorker, MockServiceWorker } from 'playwright-msw';
import handlers from './handlers';
const test = base.extend<{
worker: MockServiceWorker;
worker: [
async ({ page }, use) => {
const server = await createWorker(page, handlers);
await use(server);
scope: 'test',
auto: true,
export { test, expect };
The MockServiceWorker
instance returned by createWorker or exposed via createWorkerFixture has a number of utility functions to facilitate additional customisations:
use(...customHandlers: RequestHandler[])
: Prepends given request handlers to the list of existing handlers. This is useful for overriding mocks on a per test behaviour, e.g. testing what happens if a particular API call fails.resetHandlers(...customHandlers: RequestHandler[])
: Resets request handlers to the initial list given to the createWorker call, or to the explicit next request handlers list, if given.resetCookieStore()
: Resets MSW's internal cookie store by removing all cookies from it. *Note: this is automatically called at the end of each test.*
This library tests itself to make sure the integration between MSW and Playwright is working as expected. For real examples of how it can be used, please refer to:
v2 migration guide
introduced a very minor breaking change to the createWorkerFixture function. Previously it accepted handlers via rest parameters, but now the first argument must be an array of handlers. This change was made to facilitate providing an optional configuration object as the second argument.
public class Hello1
const test = base.extend<{
worker: MockServiceWorker;
- worker: createWorkerFixture(...handlers),
+ worker: createWorkerFixture(handlers),
This library does not seek to steal any thunder, it merely unifies two amazing tools that have already been built:
- kettanaito for creating MSW
- Microsoft for creating Playwright
Thank you for making these tools and thank you to the numerous people who have contributed to playwright-msw