PM2 module to automatically rotate logs of processes managed by PM2.
pm2 install pm2-logrotate
There are 3 values that you need to configure :
- max_size (Defaults to 10MB): When a file size becomes higher than this value it will split it.
- interval (Defaults to 1):
- interval_unit (Defaults to 'DD'): interval and interval_unit works together, it means if you have interval_unit='DD' and interval=3, it will split the logs every 3 days.
- retain (Defaults to all): This number is the number of rotated logs that are keep at any one time, it means that if you have retain = 7 you will have at most 7 rotated logs and your current one.
Possible values for interval_unit are 'MM' (months), 'DD' (days), 'mm' (minutes).
eg: interval:9, interval_unit:'mm' will split the logs every 9 minutes.
How to set these values ?
- After having installed the module you have to type :
pm2 set pm2-logrotate:<param> <value>
e.g: pm2 set pm2-logrotate:max_size 1024
pm2 set pm2-logrotate:interval_unit 'MM'