Podman Desktop Test Framework
Testing Framework dedicated to a Podman Desktop and its extensions.
How to build locally
- Node 20 (ideal is to use
) - Install local dependencies:
npm install
- Build:
npm run build
- Create Local package
npm run package
- Connect to the repository where you want to write your tests
- Add necessary dependencies, ie. devDependencies: "podman-desktop-test-framework": "0.0.1"
- Additional dependencies like vitest or playwright
Test Runner Context and Hook extending
Extending afterEach Hook using custom TestContext
In your project, you need to define the TestContext interface to be passed into extended hook
import type { TestContext } from 'vitest';
import { PodmanDesktopRunner } from 'podman-desktop-tester';
export interface RunnerTestContext extends TestContext {
pdRunner: PodmanDesktopRunner;
import type { RunnerTestContext } from '../testContext/runner-test-context';
import { afterEach } from 'vitest';
import { takeScreenshotHook } from 'podman-desktop-tester';
afterEach(async (context: RunnerTestContext) => {
context.onTestFailed(async () => await takeScreenshotHook(context.pdRunner, context.task.name));
Global Setup file configuraiton
Adding Global Setup/teardown module
import { removeFolderIfExists } from 'podman-desktop-tester';
let setupCalled = false;
let teardownCalled = false;
export async function setup() {
if (!setupCalled) {
// remove all previous testing output files
// Junit reporter output file is created before we can clean up output folders
// It is not possible to remove junit output file because it is opened by the process already, at least on windows
if (!process.env.CI) {
await removeFolderIfExists('tests/output');
} else {
`On CI, skipping before All tests/output cleanup, see https://github.com/containers/podman-desktop/issues/5460`,
setupCalled = true;
export async function teardown() {
if (!teardownCalled) {
// here comes teardown logic
teardownCalled = true;
Vitest Config
Example of the vitest test configuration file.
const config = {
test: {
globals: true,
globalSetup: './path/to/globalSetup/global-setup.ts',
setupFiles: './path/to/hooks/extended-hooks.ts',
* By default, vitest search test files in all packages.
* For e2e tests have sense search only is project root tests folder
include: ['**/tests/src/**/*.{test,spec}.{js,mjs,cjs,ts,mts,cts,jsx,tsx}'],
exclude: [
* A default timeout of 5000ms is sometimes not enough for playwright.
testTimeout: 60_000,
hookTimeout: 120_000,
// test reporters - default for all and junit for CI
reporters: process.env.CI ? ['default', 'junit'] : ['verbose'],
outputFile: process.env.CI ? { junit: 'tests/output/junit-results.xml' } : {},
export default config;
Setting and Running the E2E tests
Since you have your tests and testing frameworked at place, you can now run your tests from the repository.
You will to checkout podman-desktop repository and build it first.
git clone https://github.com/containers/podman-desktop
cd podman-desktop
yarn install
yarn test:e2e:build
-> this step is essential
Then you need to prepare your tests to be run from your repository
0. Add dependency for podman-desktop-tester
in devDependencies
- add npm script target to run E2E tests:
"scripts": {
"test:e2e": "PODMAN_DESKTOP_ARGS='/path/to/podman-desktop' vitest run tests/src/ --pool=threads --poolOptions.threads.singleThread --poolOptions.threads.isolate --no-file-parallelism",
- Implement your E2E tests in
folder - Run
npm test:e2e
- Artifacts logs are available under