A PostCSS plugin to create grids based on a fixed column width.
Install the npm module:
$ npm install postcss-grid-system --save-dev
Require the PostCSS plugin:
postcss([ require('postcss-grid-system') ])
See PostCSS docs to setup with Gulp, Grunt, Webpack, npm scripts…
Global settings rule (and default values):
@gs {
width: 20.5rem;
gutter: 1.5rem;
padding: 1.5rem;
max: 8;
min: 2;
align: center;
display: flex;
A breakpoint is created for each value from min to max. When the screen is narrower than min * width, elements are fluids.
Media queries
@gs-media [breakpoint] {
.my-class {
- breakpoint: apply classes when the screen is wider than breakpoint. To set the default styles (mobile first), use
@gs-media 0 { …
Example: input, output, markup, demo
gs: container
The container width is set for each breakpoint.
.my-container {
gs: container;
Example: input, output, markup, demo
gs: row
Rows are intended to contain either a bloc or a fraction element. They have a negative right margin.
.my-row {
gs: row;
Example: input, output, markup, demo
gs: bloc [width](-[offset])
Blocs have a fixed width.
- width: width of the bloc.
- offset (optional): remaining space before the bloc can take its width. if (width + offset) is wider than breakpoint, then width shrinks first.
.my-bloc {
gs: bloc 2;
.my-bloc-with-offset {
gs: bloc 2-3;
Example: input, output, markup, demo
Example (with offset): input, output, markup, demo
gs: fraction [ratio]/[total]
- ratio: fraction of the total.
- total: divider, relative to width.
.my-fraction {
gs: fraction 3/2;
Example: input, output, markup, demo
gs: columns [columns](-[offset])
- columns: number of columns.
- offset (optional): remaining space before the columns are active. If (columns + offset) is greater than breakpoint, then columns shrinks first.
.my-columns {
gs: columns 4;
.my-columns-with-offset {
gs: columns 4-2;
Example: input, output, markup, demo
Example (with offset): input, output, markup, demo