A TypeScript client for APIs written in Flask-Potion.
$(node bin)/jspm install npm:potion-client
Before you use this package, make sure you include reflect-metadata and a shim for ES6/7 features (core-js has the most comprehensive collection of shims and I advise using it).
Furthermore, this package has multiple implementations available, it can be used as:
Note that any routes created with Route.<method>
and the following methods on Item
return a Promise:
Using the package requires you to have a ES6 env setup with either JSPM or SystemJS alone (or any loader that can load commonjs packages).
You will first need to load Potion
and create an instance of it in order to be able to register any API endpoints:
import {Potion, Item} from 'potion';
let potion = new Potion({prefix: '/api'});
Now the API endpoints can be registered:
class User extends Item {}
If there are some instance or static routes for an API endpoint that you wish to register, this can be done using:
import {Route} from 'potion';
class User extends Item {
static names = Route.GET('/names');
groups = Route.GET('/groups');
And to use the endpoints that were just created:
let user = User.fetch(1);
.then((user) => user.groups()})
.then((groups) => {
let names = User.names();
let users = User.query();
user.then((john) => {
john.update({name: 'John Doe'});
user.then((john) => {
let jane = new User({name: 'Jane Doe'});
If you decide to use this package as a AngularJS module, there are a few differences from the standalone version, but the API does not change. Use the following example as a starting point:
import angular from 'angular';
import {Item, Route} from 'potion/angular';
.module('myApp', ['potion'])
.config(['potionProvider', (potionProvider) => {
potionProvider.config({prefix: ''});
.factory('User', ['potion', (potion) => {
class User extends Item {
name: string;
static readNames = Route.GET('/names');
readAttributes = Route.GET('/attributes');
potion.register('/user', User);
return User;
.controller('MyAppController', ['User', (User) => {
let user = User.fetch(1);
.then((user) => user.readAttributes()})
.then((attrs) => {
let names = User.readNames();
let users = User.query();
user.then((john) => {
john.update({name: 'John Doe'});
user.then((john) => {
let jane = new User({name: 'Jane Doe'});
Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/biosustain/potion-node
, install all the deps (npm install
, $(npm bin)/typings install
) and start hacking.
Make sure that the builds and tests will run successfully, before you make a pull request. Follow the next steps:
- use
npm run build
to build the .ts
files and see if any errors have occurred; - run the tests using
npm test
(if you wish to run tests on file change, use $(npm bin)/karma start karma.config.js
.); - lint the code with
npm run lint
Note: If you add new files or remove files, make sure to edit the "files"
field in tsconfig.json
"files": [
If you are a contributor for the package on npm and have publish rights, you can use the following script to publish the package:
sh scripts/npm_publish.sh