An experimental Rx-based framework for adding conversational features to apps. I thought of it as I walked around Prague on a sunny Spring day. This is just an experiment and not an official Microsoft project.
Major features of Prague:
- strongly-typed rules engine for interpreting ambiguous input
- support for different types of applications through fine-grained interfaces rather than abstraction
- deeply asynchronous via RxJS
Some types of applications you could build with Prague:
* Command line
* Browser app w/chat interface
* Browser app w/voice interface
* Slack bot (native interface)
* Multi-platform Chat bot
* Server-rendered Website w/pop-up chat
Getting up and Running
Building Prague
- clone or fork this repo
npm install
npm run build
(or npm run watch
to build on file changes)
Using Prague in your app
npm install prague -S
- or, if you're building your own,
npm install file:../path/to/your/repo
import { the, stuff, you, want } from 'prague'
or import * as Prague from 'prague'
Prague 101
At it's heart, Prague is a strongly-typed rules engine for interpreting ambiguous input.
The core concept is the Recognizer, which interprets input and extracts out semantic content, and the Handler which acts upon that content. Recognizers and Handlers formed a matched pair called a Rule.
Here is a simple rule which does some extremely limited sentiment analysis and responds accordingly:
const moodRule = {
recognizer: (session: ITextSession) => ({ moods: ['sad', 'mad', 'happy'].filter(mood => session.text.indexOf(mood) != -1) }),
handler: (session: ITextSession, args: { moods: string[] }) => moods.forEach(mood => console.log(`I hear you are feeling ${mood}`))
You execute a rule by calling executeRule
with appropriate input:
executeRule({ text: "I'm mad as heck and I'm not going to take it anymore" }, moodRule);
The input to both Recognizers and Handlers is called a Session, which can take on different forms depending on the application and input source.
Built-in recognizers
Prague provides built-in recognizers for LUIS models and Regular Expressions. Here is myNameRule rewritten to use the built-in recognizer:
const re = new RE<ITextSession>();
const myNameRule = re.rule(
/My name is (.*)/,
(session, args) => `Hello, ${args[1]}`
And here it is using a hypothetical LUIS model:
const luis = new LUIS<ITextSession>({
name: 'nameForMyModel',
id: 'myID',
key: 'myKey'
const myNameRule = luis.rule('nameForMyModel', [
luis.intent('myName', (session, args: { name: string }) => `Hello, ${}`)
Multiple rules
You could write a single rule to respond to every possible input, but a more typical approach is to break the problem down into a series of rules. Here is one that uses Regular Expressions to identify and extract out the user's name.
const myNameRule = {
recognizer (session: ITextSession) => /My name is (.*)/.exec(session.text),
handler: (session: ITextSession, args: RegExpExecArray) => Hello, ${args[1]}
Now we have two rules, and you can imagine many others. You could call executeRule
on all of your rules, but most commonly you'll want to stop once one of them succeeds. For this we'll use a helper function called firstMatch
which runs through a series of rules in order, calling the recognizer for each, stopping at the first one which succeeds, and calling its handler.
executeRule({text: "My name is Bill"}, firstMatch(
>> "Hello, Bill"
Note that firstMatch
itself returns a rule, so you can organize this code differently:
executeRule({text: "My name is Bill"}, firstMatch(
>> "Hello, Bill"
This actually produces the same results, so it's not a particularly useful example. But it demonstrates that rules are composable, which we will make better use of shortly.
(Another approach to a list of rules would be to run through all the rules, calling each recognizer, and only calling the handler for the recognizer which returns the best match. This approach requires recognizers which return an agreed-upon format (and scale) for scoring matches.)
State and Rules
Application state vs. Conversation state