Primeng Shadowdom Directives
Set of directives to fix PrimeNg "overlay" components got-chas when rendered inside ShadowDOM
Below are list of components that currently supported (all directives start with prefix psd = PrimeNg ShadowDOM Directive
Once you import this module library, it'll automatically handle most of components (those marked as No directive required), the rest will need to pass directive explicitly
Angular 17 & 18
Angular 16
Angular < 16
To request for new component, please submit issue or PR
This package is available on npm registry. Install it with command:
npm install primeng-shadowdom-directives@^18.0.0
npm install primeng-shadowdom-directives@^17.0.0
npm install primeng-shadowdom-directives@^1.0.0
npm install primeng-shadowdom-directives@^0.2.2
Import this package into your module where you want to apply these directives (normally will be app.module.ts
import { PrimeNGShadowDOMDirective } from 'primeng-shadowdom-directives';
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
Then in your component file, apply the directives:
<p-dropdown psdDropdown ...></p-dropdown>
<p-calendar psdCalendar ...></p-calendar>
<p-multiSelect psdMultiSelect ...></p-multiSelect>
Check projects/demo-app
to see samples on how to use this package.
To run the demo, first run
npm install
Then build the directives:
npm run build
# watch mode
npm run watch
Finally start the demo-app:
npm start
Now you can access from browser at: http://localhost:4200