Minecraft Realm interface for Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions, providing a stable API to start/stop Realms, and obtain Realm information such as connection addresses.
Minecraft Realms is a subscription based service provided by Mojang where users can host, create and manage their own private Minecraft servers.
npm install prismarine-realms
.from(authflow: Authflow, platform: 'bedrock' | 'java')
Takes an Authflow instance from prismarine-auth, you can see the documentation for this here.
Param | Type | Description |
realmId | string | The ID of the Realm |
realmInviteCode | string | The invite code for the Realm (Only on Bedrock) |
username | string | The username of player |
uuid | string | The unique ID of the player, without hyphens |
xuid | string | The Xbox User ID of the targeted player |
const { Authflow } = require('prismarine-auth')
const { RealmAPI } = require('prismarine-realms')
const authflow = new Authflow()
const api = RealmAPI.from(authflow, 'bedrock')
getRealms(): Promise<Realm[]>
Returns a list of Realms the authenticating account has joined or owns.
await api.getRealms()
getRealm(realmId: string): Promise
Gets detailed information about a Realm if owned
await api.getRealm('1234567')
getRealmFromInvite(realmInviteCode: string): Promise
(Bedrock Edition Only) Gets detailed information about a Realm from the invite code
await api.getRealmFromInvite('AB1CD2EFA3B')
getAddress(): Promise<{ host, port }>
Gets the address for the Realm.
const realm = await api.getRealm('1234567')
await realm.getAddress()
invitePlayer(uuid: string, name: string): Promise
Invites a player to the Realm
const realm = await api.getRealm('1234567')
await realm.invitePlayer('a8005260a332457097a50bdbe48a9a21', 'Steve')
open(): Promise
Opens a Realm. Allows players to join
const realm = await api.getRealm('1234567')
close(): Promise
Closes a Realm. Removes all current players and restricts joining
const realm = await api.getRealm('1234567')
await realm.close()