proback.js - dependency-free very minimal helper for APIs with Promise/callback dual design
proback.js is an extremely tiny helper library to help the creation of APIs where functions are aimed to enable Promise-based and callback-based design as well.
Command line:
npm install proback.js --save
In JS code:
var Proback = require('proback.js');
function yourService( data, callback ){
new Promise( function (resolve, reject) {
object.fnCallWithCallback( data, Proback.handler( null, resolve, reject ) )
}).then( function (res) {
var Proback = require('proback.js');
function yourService( data, callback ){
return new Promise( function (resolve, reject) {
object.fnCallWithCallback( data, function (err, res) {
if (err) return Proback.rejecter(err, null, reject)
return Proback.resolver(res, null, resolve)
} )
}).then( function (res) {
quicker ( res, callback )
Defines a simple promise to send a result through the optional callback as well
thrower ( err, callback )
Defines a simple promise to throw an error through the optional callback as well
syncAll (promises)
Performes all promises in order
forAll ( promises, callback, defaultRes )
Performes all promises and channel the result to the given callback
handler ( callback, resolve, reject )
Defines a callback function, which will use the passed opional callback and promise functions to channel the results
returner ( err, res, callback, resolve, reject )
Error mades it mark the error through the optional callback and the optional reject function or send the result back to the optional callback or the optional resolve function
resolver (res, callback, resolve)
Sends a result through the optional callback and the optional reject function
rejecter (err, callback, reject)
Marks an error through the optional callback and the optional reject function