Prometheus client for node.js
A prometheus client for node.js that supports histogram, summaries, gauges and counters.
See example folder for a sample usage. The library does not bundle any web framework, to expose the metrics just return the metrics() function in the registry.
All metric types has 2 mandatory parameters, name and help.
Default metrics
There are some default metrics recommended by Prometheus
To collect these, call collectDefaultMetrics
NOTE: Some of the metrics, concerning File Descriptors and Memory, are only available on Linux.
In addition, some Node-specific metrics are included, such as event loop lag, active handles and Node.js version. See what metrics there are in
takes 1 options object with 2 entries, a timeout for how often the probe should be fired and a
registry to which metrics should be registered. By default probes are launched every 10 seconds, but this can be
modified like this:
const client = require('prom-client');
const collectDefaultMetrics = client.collectDefaultMetrics;
collectDefaultMetrics({ timeout: 5000 });
To register metrics to another registry, pass it in as register
const client = require('prom-client');
const collectDefaultMetrics = client.collectDefaultMetrics;
const Registry = client.Registry;
const register = new Registry();
collectDefaultMetrics({ register });
You can get the full list of metrics by inspecting client.collectDefaultMetrics.metricsList
returns an identification when invoked, which is a reference to the Timer
used to keep the probes going. This can be
passed to clearInterval
in order to stop all probes.
NOTE: Existing intervals are automatically cleared when calling collectDefaultMetrics
const client = require('prom-client');
const collectDefaultMetrics = client.collectDefaultMetrics;
const interval = collectDefaultMetrics();
NOTE: unref
is called on the interval
internally, so it will not keep your node process going indefinitely if it's the only thing
keeping it from shutting down.
Stop polling default metrics
To stop collecting the default metrics, you have to call the function and pass it to clearInterval
const client = require('prom-client');
Counters go up, and reset when the process restarts.
const client = require('prom-client');
const counter = new client.Counter({ name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help' });;;
Gauges are similar to Counters but Gauges value can be decreased.
const client = require('prom-client');
const gauge = new client.Gauge({ name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help' });
There are some utilities for common use cases:
const end = gauge.startTimer();
xhrRequest(function(err, res) {
Histograms track sizes and frequency of events.
The defaults buckets are intended to cover usual web/rpc requests, this can however be overriden.
const client = require('prom-client');
new client.Histogram({ name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help', buckets: [ 0.10, 5, 15, 50, 100, 500 ] });
You can include all label names as a property as well.
const client = require('prom-client');
new client.Histogram({ name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help', labelNames: [ 'status_code' ], buckets: [ 0.10, 5, 15, 50, 100, 500 ] });
const client = require('prom-client');
const histogram = new client.Histogram({ name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help' });
Utility to observe request durations
const end = histogram.startTimer();
xhrRequest(function(err, res) {
Summaries calculate percentiles of observed values.
The default percentiles are: 0.01, 0.05, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999. But they can be overriden like this:
const client = require('prom-client');
new client.Summary({ name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help', percentiles: [ 0.01, 0.1, 0.9, 0.99 ] });
Usage example
const client = require('prom-client');
const summary = new client.Summary({ name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help' });
Utility to observe request durations
const end = summary.startTimer();
xhrRequest(function(err, res) {
All metrics can take a labelNames property in the configuration object. All labelNames that the metric support needs to be declared here. There are 2 ways to add values to the labels
const client = require('prom-client');
const gauge = new client.Gauge({ name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help', labelNames: [ 'method', 'statusCode' ] });
gauge.set({ method: 'GET', statusCode: '200' }, 100);
gauge.labels('GET', '200').set(100);
It is also possible to use timers with labels, both before and after the timer is created:
const end = startTimer({ method: 'GET' });
xhrRequest(function(err, res) {
if (err) {
end({ statusCode: '500' });
} else {
end({ statusCode: '200' });
Default Labels (segmented by registry)
Static labels may be applied to every metric emitted by a registry:
const client = require('prom-client');
const defaultLabels = { serviceName: "api-v1" };
This will output metrics in the following way:
# HELP process_resident_memory_bytes Resident memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_resident_memory_bytes gauge
process_resident_memory_bytes{serviceName="api-v1"} 33853440 1498510040309
Default labels will be overridden if there is a name conflict.
will clear default labels.
Counter and gauge metrics can take a timestamp argument after the value argument.
This argument must be a Date or a number (milliseconds since Unix epoch, i.e. 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, excluding leap seconds).
gauge.set(100, 1485531442231);
gauge.set(100, new Date());
gauge.set({ method: 'GET', statusCode: '200' }, 100, new Date());
gauge.labels('GET', '200').set(100, new Date());, new Date());
Multiple registries
By default, metrics are automatically registered to the global registry (located at require('prom-client').register
You can prevent this by setting last parameter when creating the metric to false
(depending on metric, this might be 4th or 5th parameter).
Using non-global registries requires creating Registry instance and adding it inside registers
inside the configuration object. Alternatively
you can pass an empty registers
array and register it manually.
Registry has a merge function that enables you to expose multiple registries on the same endpoint. If the same metric name exists in both registries, an error will be thrown.
const client = require('prom-client');
const registry = new client.Registry();
const counter = new client.Counter({name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help', registers: [ registry ]});
const histogram = new client.Histogram({name: 'metric_name', help: 'metric_help', registers: [ ]});
const mergedRegistries = client.Registry.merge([registry, client.register]);
You can get all metrics by running register.metrics()
, which will output a string for prometheus to consume.
Getting a single metric for Prometheus displaying
If you need to output a single metric for Prometheus, you can use register.getSingleMetricAsString(*name of metric*)
, it will output a string for Prometheus to consume.
Getting a single metric
If you need to get a reference to a previously registered metric, you can use register.getSingleMetric(*name of metric*)
Removing metrics
You can remove all metrics by calling register.clear()
. You can also remove a single metric by calling
register.removeSingleMetric(*name of metric*)
It is possible to push metrics via a Pushgateway.
const client = require('prom-client');
let gateway = new client.Pushgateway('');
gateway.pushAdd({ jobName: 'test' }, function(err, resp, body) { });
gateway.push({ jobName: 'test' }, function(err, resp, body) { });
gateway.delete({ jobName: 'test' }, function(err, resp, body) { });
gateway.pushAdd({ jobName: 'test', groupings: { key: 'value' } }, function(err, resp, body) { });
gateway = new client.Pushgateway('', { timeout: 5000 });
For convenience, there are 2 bucket generator functions - linear and exponential.
const client = require('prom-client');
new client.Histogram({
name: 'metric_name',
help: 'metric_help',
buckets: client.linearBuckets(0, 10, 20)
new client.Histogram({
name: 'metric_name',
help: 'metric_help',
buckets: client.exponentialBuckets(1, 2, 5)
The content-type prometheus expects is also exported as a constant, both on the register
and from the main file of this project, called contentType
Garbage Collection
To avoid dependencies in this module, GC stats are kept outside of it. If you want GC stats, you can use