Advanced tools
1.33.2 (2024-03-21)
Improve Android backspace detection when the native effect is to delete an entire block element.
Fix a bug where reconfiguring node views caused the editor to lose focus.
Fix an issue where some commands didn't properly scroll the cursor into view on Mobile Safari.
Fix a bug where starting a composition with stored marks or after a noninclusive mark, with an IME that keeps the cursor at the start of the composed text (like many Chinese IMEs) disrupted composition on Chrome.
Fix a memory leak where a (single) destroyed editor could be kept alive through a reused Range
1.33.1 (2024-02-15)
Fix a type error in the published type declarations in 1.33.0.
1.32.7 (2023-12-18)
Fix a regression that caused widget decorations directly after a node to not get drawn in some situations.
1.32.6 (2023-12-08)
Fix a bug that could cause view updates to crash in rare situations where inline nodes were added around decorations.
1.32.5 (2023-12-04)
Fix a bug in
that, in specific cases when mapping through groups of changes, move decorations to the wrong position.
1.32.4 (2023-11-08)
Fix a case where a DOM change involving astal characters could create odd steps that started and ended in the middle of UTF16 surrogate pairs.
Dragging a draggable node will no longer implicitly select it.
1.32.3 (2023-11-01)
Fix a bug where, in some situations, pasting plain text pasted HTML markup.
1.32.2 (2023-10-27)
Check for text/uri-list data on the clipboard or in the drop event when pasting or dropping content, since some types of copying on Apple devices use this format.
1.32.1 (2023-10-13)
Work around a Chrome issue where it didn't draw a selection for inline leaf nodes when selecting across them.
Override the native behavior when shift-selecting horizontally across non-text inline nodes, since most browsers behave poorly here.