Advanced tools
1.18.0 (2021-03-04)
Fix a crash in posAtDOM
Node view constructors and update
methods are now passed the inner decorations of the node.
1.17.8 (2021-02-26)
Fix an issue where some user actions (such as enter on iOS) in a node whose content DOM element isn't it's top element could leave the DOM in a damaged state.
1.17.7 (2021-02-22)
Fix an issue where the ProseMirror-hideselection
element class would be briefly removed and then restored when moving from one invisible selection to another.
Fix an issue where the cursor could end up on the wrong side of a widget with side
< 0.
1.17.6 (2021-02-11)
Fix an issue where using the vertical arrow keys after select-all didn't update the selection.
1.17.5 (2021-02-05)
Fix an issue where the view could go into an endless DOM flush loop in specific circumstances involving asynchronous DOM mutation.
1.17.4 (2021-02-04)
Add another kludge to work around an issue where Firefox displays the cursor in the wrong place in code blocks.
Fix a bug where validation of decorations passed to DecorationSet.add
sometimes passed the wrong offsets to the validator.
Fix bad selection position in empty textblocks. Solves several issues with editing in Firefox Android.
1.17.3 (2021-01-29)
Fix a bug where adding invalid decorations (for example zero-length inline decorations) with DecorationSet.add
would fail to drop those.
1.17.2 (2021-01-12)
The library will now always let the browser perform its native pasting behavior when the clipboard data is empty and no paste handler handles the event.
Fix a bug where domAtPos
(and thus cursor placement) would pick positions inside uneditable DOM or atom nodes.
1.17.1 (2021-01-08)
Fix a regression in coordsAtPos
when used on an empty line at the end of a code block.
1.17.0 (2021-01-07)
Fix an issue where starting a composition with stored marks would sometimes create the wrong steps (and thus break the mark) on Chrome.
now takes a second parameter that can be used to control whether it should enter DOM nodes on the side of the given position.