Advanced tools
1.0.3 (2017-11-23)
Pressing backspace between two identical characters will no longer generate a transaction that deletes the second one.
1.0.2 (2017-11-20)
Fix test for whether a node can be selected when arrowing onto it from the right.
Calling posAtCoords
while a read from the DOM is pending will no longer return a malformed result.
1.0.1 (2017-11-10)
Deleting the last character in a list item no longer results in a spurious hard_break node on Safari.
Fixes a crash on IE11 when starting to drag.
1.0.0 (2017-10-13)
Dragging nodes with a node view that handles its own mouse events should work better now.
List item DOM nodes are no longer assigned pointer-events: none
in the default style. Ctrl-clicking list markers now properly selects the list item again.
Arrow-down through an empty textblock no longer causes the browser to forget the cursor's horizontal position.
Copy-dragging on OS X is now done by holding option, rather than control, following the convention on that system.
Fixes a crash related to decoration management.
Fixes a problem where using cut on IE11 wouldn't actually remove the selected text.
Copy/paste on Edge 15 and up now uses the clipboard API, fixing a problem that made them fail entirely.
The dragging
property of a view, which contains information about editor content being dragged, is now part of the public interface.
0.23.0 (2017-09-13)
The onFocus
, onBlur
, and handleContextMenu
props are no longer supported. You can achieve their effect with the handleDOMEvents
Fixes occasional crash when reading the selection in Firefox.
Putting a table cell on the clipboard now properly wraps it in a table.
The view will no longer scroll into view when receiving a state that isn't derived from its previous state.
Transactions caused by a paste now have their "paste" meta property set to true.
Adds a new view prop, handleScrollToSelection
to override the behavior of scrolling the selection into view.
The new editor prop clipboardTextSerializer
allows you to override the way a piece of document is converted to clipboard text.
Adds the editor prop clipboardTextParser
, which can be used to define your own parsing strategy for clipboard text content.
now supports passing a predicate to filter decorations by spec.
0.22.1 (2017-08-16)
Invisible selections that don't cover any content (i.e., a cursor) are now properly hidden.
Initializing the editor view non-editable no longer causes a crash.
0.22.0 (2017-06-29)
Fix an issue where moving the cursor through a text widget causes the editor to lose the selection in Chrome.
Fixes an issue where down-arrow in front of a widget would sometimes not cause any cursor motion on Chrome.
Destroying a mounted editor view no longer leaks event handlers.
Display updates for regular, non-composition input are now synchronous, which should reduce flickering when, for example, updating decorations in response to typing.
The editor can now be initialized in a document other than the global document (say, an iframe
Editor views now have a domAtPos
method, which gives you the DOM position corresponding to a given document position.