Process class objects by selected appender according to json array input data. All appenders are processed synchronously.
Included tag appenders:
- all - process class object per json input array.
- top_one - process class object per the first entry in a json input array.
- bottom_one - process class object per the last entry in a json input array.
- func_all - process custom functions of custom class objects per json input array.
- sync_all - process custom functions of custom class objects per json input array.
- status - process custom class objects by status (matching or non-matching items) per json input array.
- name - process custom class objects by name (matching or non-matching items) per json input array.
- version - process custom class objects by version (matching or non-matching items) per json input array.
Mocha Test
npm test
General Setup Test
npm run test_all
npm run test_top_one
npm run test_bottom_one
npm run test_func_all
npm run test_sync_all
npm run test_by_name_matching
npm run test_by_name_non_matching
npm run test_by_status_matching
npm run test_by_status_non_matching
npm run test_by_version_matching
npm run test_by_version_non_matching
var queue = require("queuejson");
class class_test {
private id: number = 0
private name: string = ''
private log: any
constructor(props: any) {
let t = this
t.id = props.id
t.log = props.log
t.name = props.name
t.process = t.process.bind(t)
process(callback: any) {
let t = this
if (t.id == 3) {
callback({ error: { msg: `this id(${t.id}) has some problem` } })
} else
callback({ success: { id: t.id } })
const sample_data = [
{ props: { id: 1, name: 'test' } },
{ props: { id: 2, name: 'another' } },
{ props: { id: 3, name: 'some name' } },
{ props: { id: 4, name: 'name x' } }
let qJson = new queue({
class_obj: class_test,
appender: 'all',
stats: true,
debug: true
}).init({ input_data: sample_data })
try {
qJson.process({}).then((success: any) => {
qJson.logMsg(`all success: (${JSON.stringify(success)})`, {"type": "success"})
}, (error: any) => {
qJson.logMsg(`all errors: (${JSON.stringify(error)})`, {"type": "error"})
} catch (e) {
qJson.logMsg(`error running readme test`, {"type": "error"})