Easily monitor the performances of your @react-three/fiber application.
r3f-perf.js is 6.23 KB and automatically removed in production. See Dev and production build
yarn add --dev r3f-perf
headless?: false,
showGraph?: true
chart?: {
hz: 10,
length: 30,
colorBlind?: false
trackGPU?: true
openByDefault?: false
className?: false
position?: 'top-right'|'top-left'|'bottom-right'|'bottom-left'
Simply add the the profiler component in your app
import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { Perf } from 'r3f-perf';
<Perf />
Usage without interface : headless mode
import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { Perf, usePerf } from 'r3f-perf';
const PerfHook = () => {
const { gl, log } = usePerf();
console.log(gl, log);
return null;
export default function App() {
return (
<Perf headless />
<PerfHook />
The tool work with any server side rendering framework. You can try with Next and @react-three/fiber using this starter :
Dev and production build
R3F-Perf is automatically removed from the production build based on the process.env.NODE_ENV
To render R3F-Perf even in production :
import { Perf } from 'r3f-perf/dist/r3f-perf.cjs.development.js';
You can also set the custom env variable process.env.R3F_PERF_SHOW_IN_PROD === 'SHOW'
Maintainers :