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First Install Node.js
Second Install the Rally App Builder Globally
npm install -g rally-app-builder
If you don't have permission to install it globally you can install it locally like this
npm install rally-app-builder
Usage: rally-app-builder [command] [options]
init [--name] [--sdk] [--server]
Creates a new Rally App project
build [--templates]
Builds the current App
clone [--organization] [--repo]
Creates a new Rally App project from an existing GitHub project.
run [--port]
Starts a local server and launches the App in the default browser
watch [--templates]
Automatically builds the App when files are changed
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
Run Tests
To run the tests:
npm test
rally-app-builder init --name=myNewApp
Creating a new Rally App is as easy as using init. The init command creates you a After init creates your App it will automatically run the build command on it for you.
The init command takes a few parameters.
- name : The first is the name for your new App.
rally-app-builder init --name=myNewApp
- sdk(optional) : The version of the SDK your App will be created against.
rally-app-builder init --name=myNewApp --sdk=2.1
- server(optional) : The server you want the debug file to point to. The command below will create a new App using version 2.0 and pointing to the server myownRally.com
rally-app-builder init --name=myNewApp --sdk=2.1 --server=https://myOwnRally.com
Use the build command to compile your App into a single HTML page that can be copy and pasted into a Rally customer html page
Run this command before you check your file into source control or whenever you make a change to your config.json file.
The build command can optionally take a templates parameter to use custom html output templates. Note this is an advanced usage and is generally not necessary unless you are trying to tweak the structure of the generated html output.
rally-app-builder build --templates=./templates
Also note this parameter can be specified in the config.json file as well.
Custom build steps
You can define pre and post build commands to be executed by adding them to your config.json. These can be used to extend and support the rally app build/concatenation steps. An example using grunt (which by default will run your tests):
"scripts": {
"prebuild": "./node_modules/.bin/grunt"
"postbuild": "echo 'build completed'"
rally-app-builder clone --org=RallyApps --repo=StoryBoard
Most Rally Apps are created by using an existing App as a template.
By using the rally-app-builder clone command you can get a copy of the existing App without installing the Git CLI.
This command makes some changes to the config file so that we can tell which App you based your work on. As we determine
which apps you are most interested in customizing we take that as input on ways to improve the existing catalog App.
rally-app-builder run
The run command starts a local http server and launches your App-debug.html file in the default browser for quick an easy development.
By default the server listens on port 1337. This can be changed as follows:
rally-app-builder run --port=9999
rally-app-builder watch [--templates]
The watch command listens for changes to app files and automatically rebuilds the app.
Unit Testing your new App.
The guide for unit testing your App can be found on this page.
Rally-App-Builder is provided under the MIT license.