![Express Logo](https://i.cloudup.com/zfY6lL7eFa-3000x3000.png)
Express' application generator.
$ npm install -g ran-express-genertor
Quick Start
Based on express-generator', this is a complete "basic" app generator.
Create a basic app with mongoose and no Cluster and no socket IO:
$ ran --mgnc "app name"
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Start your Express.js app at http://localhost:5000/
$ npm start
Command Line Options
This generator can also be further configured with the following command line flags.
Usage: ran [options] [dir]
--version output the version number
-s, --stack <Stack id> express app with a stack below
--mgnc express mongoose no cluster
--mgwc express mongoose with cluster
--msnc express mySQL no cluster
--mswc express mySQL with cluster
-io, --socket <id> add or not socket io to project
--io, add socket io to project
-h, --help output usage information