Rascal is a config driven wrapper around amqplib with mostly* safe defaults
var rascal = require('rascal')
var definitions = require('./definitions.json')
var config = rascal.withDefaultConfig(definitions)
rascal.createBroker(config, function(err, broker) {
if (err) console.error(err.message) & process.exit(1)
broker.subscribe('s1', function(err, message, content, next) {
setInterval(function() {
broker.publish('p1', 'This is a test message')
}, 100).unref()
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"exchanges": {
"e1": {}
"queues": {
"q1": {}
"bindings": {
"b1": {
"source": "e1",
"destination": "q1"
"publications": {
"p1": {
"exchange": "e1",
"vhost": "v1"
"subscriptions": {
"s1": {
"queue": "q1",
"vhost": "v1"
Default Test conflab link to rabbit docs
Running automated tests against shared queues and exchanges is problematic. Messages left over from a previous test run can cause assertions to fail. Rascal has several strategies which help you cope with this problem, one of which is to namespace your queues and exchange. By specifying "namespace" :true
Rascal will prefix the queues and exchanges it creates with a uuid. Alternatively you can specify your own namespace, "namespace": "foo"
. Namespaces are also if you want to use a single vhost locally but multiple vhosts in other environments.
The simplest way to specify a connection is with a url
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"connection": {
"url": "amqp://guest:guest@example.com:5672/v1?heartbeat=10"
If this doesn't work for you, then you can specify the individual connection details
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"connection": {
"slashes": true,
"protocol": "amqp",
"hostname": "localhost",
"user": "guest",
"password": "guest",
"port": 5672,
"vhost": "v1",
"options": {
heartbeat: 5
Any attributes you add to the "options" sub document will be converted to query parameters. Providing you merge your configuration with the default configuration rascal.withDefaultConfig(config)
you need only specify the attributes you need to override
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"connection": {
"hostname": "example.com",
"user": "bob",
"password": "secret",
"vhost": "v1"
Rascal also supports automatic connection retries. It's enabled in the default config, or you want enable it specifically as follows.
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"connection": {
"retry": {
"delay": 1000
Setting assert to true will cause Rascal to create the exchange on initialisation. If the exchange already exists and has the same configuration (type, durability, etc) everything will be fine, however if the existing exchange has a different configuration an error will be returned. Assert is enabled in the default configuration.
If you don't want to create exchanges on initialisation, but still want to validate that they exist set assert to false and check to true
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"exchanges": {
"e1": {
"assert": false,
"check": true
Declares the exchange type. Must be one of direct, topic, headers or fanout. The default configuration sets the exchange type to "topic" unless overriden.
Define any further configuration in an options block
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"exchanges": {
"e1": {
"type": "fanout",
"options": {
"durable": false
Refer to the excellent amqplib documentation for further exchange options.
Setting assert to true will cause Rascal to create the queue on initialisation. If the queue already exists and has the same configuration (durability, etc) everything will be fine, however if the existing queue has a different configuration an error will be returned. Assert is enabled in the default configuration.
If you don't want to create queues on initialisation, but still want to validate that they exist set assert to false and check to true
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"queues": {
"q1": {
"assert": false,
"check": true
Enable to purge the queue during initialisation. Useful when running automated tests
"vhosts": {
"v1": {
"queues": {
"q1": {
"purge": true
##### options
Define any further configuration in an options block
"queues": {
"q1": {
"options": {
"durable": false,
"exclusive": true
Refer to the excellent amqplib documentation for further queue options.