animation | String | | index.css support 'slide-up' |
transitionName | String | | css class for animation |
getCalendarContainer | Function():Element | function(){return document.body;} | dom node where picker to be rendered into |
align | Object: alignConfig of dom-align | | popup 's align config |
alpha | Number | 100 | opacity of the color |
defaultAlpha | Number | 100 | opacity of the color |
color | String | #ff0000 | color board current background color |
defaultColor | String | #ff0000 | color board current background color |
onChange | Function | noop | when select color |
onOpen | Function | noop | when color picker popup open |
onClose | Function | noop | when color picker popup close |
placement | String | topLeft | one of ['topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'] |
mode | String | 'RGB' | color mode, support mode 'RGB', 'HSB' or 'HSL' |
children | Node | <span className='react-colorpicker-trigger'></span> | additional trigger appended to picker |
className | String | '' | Aditional class to be added to component |