What is rc-dialog?
The rc-dialog package is a React component for creating and managing modals, dialogs, or popups in a React application. It provides a flexible and accessible way to generate dialog windows that can contain a wide range of content, from simple text to complex forms and interactive elements. The package offers various customization options, including animations, styles, and positioning, making it a versatile tool for UI development.
What are rc-dialog's main functionalities?
Basic Dialog Creation
This code sample demonstrates how to create a basic dialog with a title and some content. The dialog's visibility is controlled by a state variable.
import React from 'react';
import Dialog from 'rc-dialog';
const MyDialog = () => {
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false);
return (
<button onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Open Dialog</button>
onClose={() => setVisible(false)}
title='Dialog Title'
<p>This is a basic dialog example.</p>
export default MyDialog;
Customizing Styles
This example shows how to apply custom styles to the dialog, including its width and the padding of its body content.
import React from 'react';
import Dialog from 'rc-dialog';
const MyStyledDialog = () => {
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false);
return (
<button onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Open Styled Dialog</button>
onClose={() => setVisible(false)}
title='Styled Dialog'
style={{ width: 600 }}
bodyStyle={{ padding: 20 }}
<p>This dialog has customized styles.</p>
export default MyStyledDialog;
Modal with Footer
This code snippet illustrates how to add a footer to the dialog, which in this case contains a button to close the modal.
import React from 'react';
import Dialog from 'rc-dialog';
const ModalWithFooter = () => {
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false);
return (
<button onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Open Modal with Footer</button>
onClose={() => setVisible(false)}
title='Modal Title'
footer={<button onClick={() => setVisible(false)}>Close</button>}
<p>This modal includes a footer with a close button.</p>
export default ModalWithFooter;
Other packages similar to rc-dialog
react-modal is a popular package for creating accessible modals in React applications. It offers similar functionalities to rc-dialog, such as customizable styles and easy management of modal states. However, react-modal places a stronger emphasis on accessibility features.
material-ui (specifically the Dialog component within it) provides a comprehensive solution for creating dialogs and modals in React applications that adhere to Material Design principles. Compared to rc-dialog, material-ui's Dialog component comes with a wider range of pre-designed styles and animations, making it a good choice for applications following Material Design guidelines.
react dialog component
var Dialog = require('rc-dialog');
<Dialog title={title} onClose={callback1} visible>
<p>first dialog</p>
), document.getElementById('t1'));
name | type | default | description |
prefixCls | String | rc-dialog | The dialog dom node's prefixCls |
className | String | | additional className for dialog |
wrapClassName | String | | additional className for dialog wrap |
style | Object | {} | Root style for dialog element.Such as width, height |
zIndex | Number | | |
bodyStyle | Object | {} | body style for dialog body element.Such as height |
maskStyle | Object | {} | style for mask element. |
visible | Boolean | false | current dialog's visible status |
animation | String | | part of dialog animation css class name |
maskAnimation | String | | part of dialog's mask animation css class name |
transitionName | String | | dialog animation css class name |
maskTransitionName | String | | mask animation css class name |
title | String|React.Element | | Title of the dialog |
footer | React.Element | | footer of the dialog |
closable | Boolean | true | whether show close button |
mask | Boolean | true | whether show mask |
maskClosable | Boolean | true | whether click mask to close |
keyboard | Boolean | true | whether support press esc to close |
mousePosition | {x:number,y:number} | | set pageX and pageY of current mouse(it will cause transform origin to be set). |
onClose | function() | | called when click close button or mask |
getContainer | function(): HTMLElement | | to determine where Dialog will be mounted |
rc-dialog/lib/Modal (react-native)
name | type | default | description |
wrapStyle | | {} | style for modal wrap |
maskStyle | | {} | style for modal mask |
style | | {} | style for modal |
animationType | none|fade|slide-up|slide-down | slide-up | animation type for modal content |
animationDuration | number | 300(ms) | |
visible | boolean | | |
animateAppear | false | | whether animation on first show |
onClose | ()=>void | | called when close |
onAnimationEnd | (visible:boolean)=>void (animationType !== 'none') | | called when animation end |
npm install
npm start
online example: http://react-component.github.io/dialog/
./node_modules/rc-tools run react-native-init
react-native run-ios
Test Case
npm test
npm run chrome-test
npm run coverage
open coverage/ dir
rc-dialog is released under the MIT license.