name | 'brace-editor' | Unique Id to be used for the editor |
mode | '' | Language for parsing and code highlighting |
theme | '' | theme to use |
height | '500px' | CSS value for height |
width | '500px' | CSS value for width |
className | | custom className |
fontSize | 12 | pixel value for font-size |
showGutter | true | boolean |
showPrintMargin | true | boolean |
highlightActiveLine | true | boolean |
focus | false | boolean |
cursorStart | 1 | number |
wrapEnabled | false | Wrapping lines |
readOnly | false | boolean |
minLines | | Minimum number of lines to be displayed |
maxLines | | Maximum number of lines to be displayed |
enableBasicAutocompletion | false | Enable basic autocompletion |
enableLiveAutocompletion | false | Enable live autocompletion |
tabSize | 4 | tabSize number |
value | '' | String value you want to populate in the code highlighter |
defaultValue | '' | Default value of the editor |
onLoad | | Function onLoad |
onBeforeLoad | | function that trigger before editor setup |
onChange | | function that occurs on document change it has 1 argument value. see the example above |
onCopy | | function that trigger by editor copy event, and pass text as argument |
onPaste | | function that trigger by editor paste event, and pass text as argument |
onFocus | | function that trigger by editor focus event |
onBlur | | function that trigger by editor blur event |
onScroll | | function that trigger by editor scroll event |
editorProps | | Object of properties to apply directly to the Ace editor instance |
setOptions | | Object of options to apply directly to the Ace editor instance |
keyboardHandler | | String corresponding to the keybinding mode to set (such as vim) |
commands | | Array of new commands to add to the editor |
annotations | | Array of annotations to show in the editor i.e. [{ row: 0, column: 2, type: 'error', text: 'Some error.'}] , displayed in the gutter |
markers | | Array of markers to show in the editor, i.e. [{ startRow: 0, startCol: 2, endRow: 1, endCol: 20, className: 'error-marker', type: 'background' }] |
style | | Object with camelCased properties |