What is react-async-hook?
The react-async-hook package provides a set of hooks to manage asynchronous operations in React components. It simplifies handling async functions, loading states, and errors, making it easier to work with data fetching and other async tasks in a React application.
What are react-async-hook's main functionalities?
The `useAsync` hook is used to handle asynchronous operations. It manages the loading state, error state, and the result of the async function. In this example, `useAsync` is used to fetch data from an API and display it.
import React from 'react';
import { useAsync } from 'react-async-hook';
const fetchData = async () => {
const response = await fetch('https://api.example.com/data');
if (!response.ok) throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
const MyComponent = () => {
const { loading, error, result } = useAsync(fetchData, []);
if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
return <div>Data: {JSON.stringify(result)}</div>;
export default MyComponent;
The `useAsyncCallback` hook is used to handle asynchronous operations that are triggered by user actions, such as button clicks. It provides an `execute` function to trigger the async operation and manages the loading and error states.
import React from 'react';
import { useAsyncCallback } from 'react-async-hook';
const saveData = async (data) => {
const response = await fetch('https://api.example.com/save', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(data),
if (!response.ok) throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
const MyComponent = () => {
const { execute, loading, error } = useAsyncCallback(saveData);
const handleSave = () => {
execute({ key: 'value' });
return (
<button onClick={handleSave} disabled={loading}>Save</button>
{loading && <div>Saving...</div>}
{error && <div>Error: {error.message}</div>}
export default MyComponent;
Other packages similar to react-async-hook
React Query is a powerful data-fetching library for React that provides hooks for fetching, caching, and updating data. It offers more advanced features like query caching, pagination, and background updates, making it suitable for complex data-fetching scenarios.
SWR (stale-while-revalidate) is a React hook library for data fetching developed by Vercel. It focuses on simplicity and performance, providing features like caching, revalidation, and automatic updates. SWR is great for handling remote data fetching with minimal configuration.
react-use is a collection of essential React hooks, including hooks for handling async operations. It provides a wide range of hooks for various use cases, making it a versatile library for React developers. The async hooks in react-use are similar to those in react-async-hook but are part of a larger collection of utilities.
The easiest way to load data in your React components:
const StarwarsHero = ({ id }) => {
const asyncHero = useAsync(fetchStarwarsHero, [id]);
return (
{asyncHero.loading && <div>Loading</div>}
{asyncHero.error && <div>Error: {asyncHero.error.message}</div>}
{asyncHero.result && (
<div>Name: {asyncHero.result.name}</div>
const fetchStarwarsHero = id => fetch(`https://swapi.co/api/people/${id}/`).then(result => {
if ( result.status !== 200 ) {
throw new Error("bad status = " + result.status);
return result.json();
I'm not sure yet if this library makes any sense. Suspense is probably a better approach that solves the same usecases.
There already a ton of way to fetch data into components.
This library aims to be the simplest to use and be less verbose than when using alternatives based on hoc/render-props like react-data-fetching or react-refetch.
This library is not meant to be used everywhere, but in many cases, fetching data in an ad-hoc way is a simple solution that is good enough for the usecase. You can keep using Redux/Apollo or other libraries for more advanced usecases.
yarn add react-async-hook
npm install react-async-hook --save
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