img | Image | The Image object to display |
src | String/Base64 | The url to base64 string to load (use urls from your domain to prevent security errors) |
width | Number | The width of the editor |
height | Number | The height of the editor (image will fit to this height if neither imageHeight, nor imageWidth is set) |
imageWidth | Number | The desired width of the image, can not be used together with imageHeight |
imageHeight | Number | The desired height of the image, can not be used together with imageWidth |
cropRadius | Number | The crop area radius in px (default: calculated as min image with/height / 3) |
cropColor | String | The crop border color (default: white) |
lineWidth | Number | The crop border width (default: 4) |
minCropRadius | Number | The min crop area radius in px (default: 30) |
backgroundColor | Sting | The color of the image background (default: white) |
closeIconColor | String | The close button color (default: white) |
shadingColor | String | The shading color (default: grey) |
shadingOpacity | Number | The shading area opacity (default: 0.6) |
mimeTypes | String | The mime types used to filter loaded files (default: image/jpeg,image/png) |
label | String | Label text (default: Choose a file) |
labelStyle | Object | The style object for preview label (use camel case for css properties fore example: fontSize) |
borderStyle | Object | The style for object border preview (use camel case for css properties fore example: fontSize) |
onImageLoad(image) | Function | Invoked when image based on src prop finish loading |
onCrop(image) | Function | Invoked when user drag&drop event stop and return croped image in base64 sting |
onBeforeFileLoad(file) | Function | Invoked when user before upload file with internal file loader (etc. check file size) |
onFileLoad(file) | Function | Invoked when user upload file with internal file loader |
onClose() | Function | Invoked when user clicks on close editor button |