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A Modern Timeline component for React

  • 2.2.3
  • Source
  • npm
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Table of Contents

⚡ Installation

// install with yarn
yarn add react-chrono

// or with npm
npm install react-chrono

Getting Started

Please make sure you wrap the component in a container that has a width and height.

When no mode is specified, the component defaults to HORIZONTAL mode. Please check props for all the available options.

  import React from "react"
  import { Chrono } from "react-chrono";

  const Home = () => {
    const items = [{
      title: "May 1940",
      cardTitle: "Dunkirk",
      url: "",
      cardSubtitle:"Men of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) wade out to..",
      cardDetailedText: "Men of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) wade out to..",
      media: {
        type: "IMAGE",
        source: {
          url: "http://someurl/image.jpg"
    }, ...];

    return (
      <div style={{ width: "500px", height: "400px" }}>
        <Chrono items={items} />


🚥Vertical Mode

To render the timeline vertically use the VERTICAL mode

<div style={{ width: '500px', height: '950px' }}>
  <Chrono items={items} mode="VERTICAL" />


🚥Vertical Alternating

In VERTICAL_ALTERNATING mode the timeline is rendered vertically with cards alternating between left and right side.

<div style={{ width: '500px', height: '950px' }}>
  <Chrono items={items} mode="VERTICAL_ALTERNATING" />



activeItemIndex0Selects the active timeline item on load.
allowDynamicUpdatefalseAllows dynamic updating of timeline items.
borderLessCardsfalseRemoves border and shadow from timeline cards.
buttonTextsCustomize the alt text for all buttons.
cardHeight200Sets the minimum height of timeline cards.
cardLessfalseDisables timeline cards in both horizontal and vertical modes.
cardPositionHorizontalPositions the card in horizontal mode. Can be TOP or BOTTOM.
cardWidthSets the maximum width of timeline cards.
classNamesApplies custom class names for different card elements.
contentDetailsHeight150Controls height of details section if using cardDetailedText. Refer to TimelineItem model for more info.
disableAutoScrollOnClickfalseDisables auto-scrolling when a timeline card is clicked.
disableClickOnCirclefalseDisables click action on circular points.
disableNavOnKeyfalseDisables keyboard navigation.
enableBreakPointtrueEnables automatic switch to vertical mode when vertical breakpoint is reached.
enableDarkTogglefalseEnables toggle switch for dark mode.
enableOutlinefalseEnables outline menu on vertical and vertical alternating modes.
flipLayoutfalseFlips the layout (RTL).
focusActiveItemOnLoadfalseAutomatically scrolls and focuses on the activeItemIndex on load.
fontSizesCustomizes font sizes.
hideControlsfalseHides navigation controls.
itemWidth300Sets width of timeline section in horizontal mode.
items[]Collection of Timeline Item Models.
lineWidth3pxCustomizes width of timeline track line.
mediaHeight200Sets minimum height of media element if image or video is embedded in card.
mediaSettingsConfigures media-specific layout settings. Refer to mediaSettings for more info.
nestedCardHeight150Sets height of nested timeline card.
noUniqueIdfalseDisables generating a unique id for the table wrapper
onItemSelectedInvokes callback on item selection and passes relevant data.
onScrollEndDetects end of timeline via onScrollEnd.
onThemeChangeInvokes callback when theme is changed. Triggered via enableDarkToggle.
scrollabletrueMakes timeline scrollable in VERTICAL and VERTICAL alternating modes.
showAllCardsHorizontalfalseDisplays all cards in horizontal mode. By default, only active card is displayed.
slideItemDuration5000Duration in ms that timeline card is active during a slideshow.
slideShowfalseEnables slideshow control.
textOverlayfalseDisplays text as overlay on media elements. Refer to Text Overlay for more info.
themeCustomizes colors. Refer to Theme for more info.
timelinePointDimensionDimensions of circular points on timeline.
timelinePointShapecircleConfigures shape of timeline points. Can be circle, square, or diamond.
titleDateFormat'MMM DD, YYYY'Date format used when date is passed for each timeline item. Supports all dayjs formats.
uniqueIdThis prop should be used in conjunction with noUniqueId to pass a custom uniqueId for the wrapper
useReadMoretrueEnables or disables "read more" button. Button only available if text content on card is taller than card itself.
verticalBreakPoint768pxNumber of pixels below which timeline will automatically switch to VERTICAL mode.


react-chrono supports three modes HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL and VERTICAL_ALTERNATING. No additional setting is required.

<Chrono items={items} mode="HORIZONTAL" />
<Chrono items={items} mode="VERTICAL" />
<Chrono items={items} mode="VERTICAL_ALTERNATING" />

Timeline item Model

cardDetailedTextdetailed text displayed in the timeline cardString or String[]
cardSubtitletext displayed in the timeline cardString
cardTitletitle that is displayed on the timeline cardString
datedate to be used in the title. when used, this will override the title propertyDate
mediamedia object to set image or videoObject
timelineContentrender custom content instead of text.This prop has higher precedence over cardDetailedTextReactNode
titletitle of the timeline itemString
urlurl to be used in the titleString
  title: "May 1940",
  cardTitle: "Dunkirk",
    "Men of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) wade out to a destroyer during the evacuation from Dunkirk.",
  cardDetailedText: ["paragraph1", "paragraph2"],
  timelineContent: <div>Custom content</div>,

if you have a large text to display(via cardDetailedText) and want to split the text into paragraphs, you can pass an array of strings.

each array entry will be created as a paragraph inside the timeline card.

⌨Keyboard Navigation

The timeline can be navigated via keyboard.

  • For HORIZONTAL mode use your LEFT RIGHT arrow keys for navigation.
  • For VERTICAL or VERTICAL_ALTERNATING mode, the timeline can be navigated via the UP DOWN arrow keys.
  • To easily jump to the first item or the last item in the timeline, use HOME or END keys.

To disable keyboard navigation set disableNavOnKey to true.

<Chrono items={items} disableNavOnKey />


With the scrollable prop, you can enable scrolling on both VERTICAL and VERTICAL_ALTERNATING modes.

<Chrono items={items} scrollable />

The scrollbar is not shown by default. To enable the scrollbar, pass an object with prop scrollbar to scrollable prop.

<Chrono items={items} scrollable={{ scrollbar: true }} />


Both images and videos can be embedded in the timeline.

Just add the media attribute to the Timeline Item model and the component will take care of the rest.

To embed a image
  title: "May 1940",
  cardTitle: "Dunkirk",
  media: {
    name: "dunkirk beach",
    source: {
      url: "http://someurl/image.jpg"
    type: "IMAGE"
To embed a video

Videos start playing automatically when active and will be automatically paused when not active.

Like images, videos are also automatically hidden when not in the visible viewport of the container.

  title: "7 December 1941",
  cardTitle: "Pearl Harbor",
  media: {
    source: {
      url: "/pearl-harbor.mp4",
      type: "mp4"
    type: "VIDEO",
    name: "Pearl Harbor"

To embed YouTube videos, use the right embed url.

  title: "7 December 1941",
  cardTitle: "Pearl Harbor",
  media: {
    source: {
      url: "",
      type: "mp4"
    type: "VIDEO",
    name: "Pearl Harbor"


Text overlay mode

The textOverlay prop allows you to overlay text on top of a media element in a card.To enable the text overlay feature, simply add the text property to the items array in your Chrono timeline data. Here's an example:

import { Chrono } from 'react-chrono';

const items = [
    title: 'First item',
    media: {
      type: 'IMAGE',
      source: {
        url: '',
    text: 'This is the caption for the first item.',

function MyTimeline() {
  return (
    <Chrono items={items} textOverlay />

The user can click on the expand button to expand the text and see more details. Here's what it looks like:


With the textOverlay prop, you can give your timeline a modern and sleek look, and provide additional context or information about each item.

🛠Rendering custom content

The Timeline cards of the component can also support embedded custom content. To insert custom content, pass the blocked elements between the Chrono tags. For instance, the below code snippet will generate two timeline items, where each div element will be automatically converted into a timeline item and inserted into the timeline card. The items collection mentioned in the code is completely optional, and custom rendering is supported on all three modes.

<Chrono mode="VERTICAL">
    <p>Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum</p>
    <img src="<url to  a nice image" />

Note that the items collection will also work well with any custom content that is passed. In the following code snippet, the title and cardTitle are set for the custom contents.

const items = [
  { title: 'Timeline title 1', cardTitle: 'Card Title 1' },
  { title: 'Timeline title 2', cardTitle: 'Card Title 2' },

<Chrono mode="VERTICAL" items={items}>
    <p>Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum</p>
    <img src="<url to  a nice image" />

🎭Custom icons for the Timeline

To utilize personalized icons on the timeline, enclose a collection of images between the chrono tags, wrapped in a container.

The icons are arranged sequentially; meaning, the first image that you pass in will be used as the icon for the first timeline item, and so on.

It is important to note that the image collection must be passed in inside a container with the designated chrono-icons className. This is a required convention, as the component relies on this className to select the appropriate images.

<Chrono items={items} mode="VERTICAL_ALTERNATING">
  <div className="chrono-icons">
    <img src="image1.svg" alt="image1" />
    <img src="image2.svg" alt="image2" />

custom icons also works if you are rendering custom content inside the cards.

<Chrono mode="VERTICAL" items={items}>
    <p>Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum</p>
    <img src="<url to  a nice image" />
  <div className="chrono-icons">
    <img src="image1.svg" alt="image1" />
    <img src="image2.svg" alt="image2" />

🌿Nested Timelines

Nested timelines in React-Chrono allow you to display timelines within timeline cards. This feature is data-driven, which means that if a timeline item has an items array, the component will automatically attempt to render the nested timeline inside the timeline card.

To use nested timelines, simply provide an array of items within the items property of a timeline item. The component will then take care of rendering the nested timeline for you.

You can also adjust the height of the nested timeline card using the nestedCardHeight prop. This allows you to control the size of the card to fit your specific use case.

const items = [
    title: 'Timeline title 1',
    cardTitle: 'Card Title 1',
    items: [
      { cardTitle: 'nested card title 1' },
      { cardTitle: 'nested card title 2' },
  { title: 'Timeline title 2', cardTitle: 'Card Title 2' },

<Chrono mode="VERTICAL" items={items}></Chrono>;


Enabling the slideshow feature can be done by setting the slideShow prop to true. Additionally, an optional slideItemDuration prop can be set to determine the time delay between cards.

Enabling this prop will cause the play button to appear in the timeline control panel. Use the slideShowType prop to set the type of slideshow animation.

ModeDefault Slideshow Type

The slideshow can be cancelled by clicking on the stop button in the control panel or by pressing the ESC key.


With enableOutline prop you can enable outline on the timelines and quickly jump to a specific timeline item. The outlines are only supported on VERTICAL and VERTICAL_ALTERNATING modes.

<Chrono items={items} enableOutline />


Item Width

The itemWidth prop can be used to set the width of each individual timeline sections. This setting is applicable only for the HORIZONTAL mode.

🎥Media Settings

Use media settings to align the media or change how a image is displayed in the card.

alignaligns the media. can be left, right or centerstringcenter
fitfits the image. can be cover or containstringcover
<Chrono items={items} mediaSettings={{ align: 'right', fit: 'contain' }} />


Use the breakpoint feature to automatically switch the timeline to VERTICAL mode when there is not enough space for VERTICAL_ALTERNATING mode, such as on mobile devices. Set the auto switch to happen by enabling the enableBreakPoint prop and specifying the pixel limit with the verticalBreakPoint prop.

<Chrono items={items} enableBreakPoint verticalBreakPoint={400} />


Customize colors with the theme prop.

    primary: 'red',
    secondary: 'blue',
    cardBgColor: 'yellow',
    titleColor: 'black',
    titleColorActive: 'red',

Customize Font sizes

Use the fontSizes prop to customize the font sizes of the timeline card.

    cardSubtitle: '0.85rem',
    cardText: '0.8rem',
    cardTitle: '1rem',
    title: '1rem',

Customize alt text for buttons

With the buttonTexts prop, you can change the button's alt text.

    first: 'Jump to First',
    last: 'Jump to Last',
    next: 'Next',
    previous: 'Previous',


first'Go to First'
last'Go to Last'
play'Play Slideshow'

Using custom class names

You can use the classNames prop to employ your own class names. The subsequent example illustrates how you can use custom class names on different elements.

    card: 'my-card',
    cardMedia: 'my-card-media',
    cardSubTitle: 'my-card-subtitle',
    cardText: 'my-card-text',
    cardTitle: 'my-card-title',
    controls: 'my-controls',
    title: 'my-title',

📦CodeSandbox Examples

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Deep dive into wide variety of examples hosted as a Storybook.

🔨Build Setup

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# start dev
pnpm dev

# run css linting
pnpm lint:css

# eslint
pnpm eslint

# prettier
pnpm lint

# package lib
pnpm rollup


  # run unit tests
  pnpm test

  # run cypress tests
  pnpm cypress:test


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

🧱Built with


Huge thanks to BrowserStack for the Open Source License!

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

Prabhu Murthy –

Buy Me A Coffee


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):



Alexandre Girard
Alexandre Girard


Taqi Abbas
Taqi Abbas



Christophe Bernard
Christophe Bernard


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!



Package last updated on 05 Aug 2023

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