A React plugin which implemention convenient communication between React components.
Getting Started
Options for adding Less.js to your project:
- Install with npm:
npm install react-component-event
- Clone the repo:
require react-component-event to your react component:
import reactComponentEvent from 'react-component-event';
Use reactComponentEvent decorate your component in constructor:
class Component extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// If this is your root component, set option is {root: true}
ReactComponentDecorator(this, [option]);
And you can use these function in this component easily:
componentDidMount() {
// Add a event listener to this component
this.on(EventName, (event, arg) => {
// Add a event listener only once
this.once(EventName, (event, arg) => {
// Dispatch the event to all parent components
this.emit(EventName, [arg...]);
// Dispatch the event to all children components
this.broadcast(EventName, [arg...]);
// remove the event listener from this component
this.off(EventName, [function]);
There is a clear and concise example in the repo, preview it in following steps:
Enter this project fold and execute:
npm instasll
And visit link: