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CountryDropdown and RegionDropdown React components for your forms.

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A feature you often need in forms is a connected country and region dropdown, where the region field gets automatically updated when the user selects a country. Coding this is easy of course, but it's a royal pain having to track down all the raw country-region data. This script contains a pair of components to let you add this feature quickly and easily to your forms. It's the React version of this script.

It's pretty versatile:

  • Has two separate components (<CountryDropdown />, <RegionDropdown>) that you can embed in your DOM wherever you need. That sounded like a vulgar euphemism, but it wasn't, honest.
  • Let's you customize the list of countries that appears via a whitelist, blacklist, or even custom build to keep file size down.
  • Works as ES6 module, commonJS, AMD, whatever you fancy.
  • Lots of options for the most common use-cases, allowing you style is as you need (via classes/IDs), change name attributes, add you own custom onChange handlers to do whatever you want etc.


Check out the github pages section for some examples + example JSX code.


  • React (tested with 15.1.0, but should work on earlier versions).
  • If you want to run the repo locally (e.g. generated


Ah, modern web development: so many choices! Here's how to install it with the most common build tools:

npm install react-country-region-selector --save
bower install react-country-region-selector 
UMD (Universal Module Definition)

Just use the dist/rcrs.min.js file.


Here are a few examples in a few different formats.

ES6 with JSX example

I figure people not using JSX will know how to remove the JSX from the code below, if not open a ticket and I'll write up a non-JSX example too.

import React from 'react';
import { CountryDropdown, RegionDropdown } from 'react-country-region-selector';

class Example extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {
    this.state = { country: '', region: '' };

  selectCountry (val) {
    this.setState({ country: val });

  selectRegion (val) {
    this.setState({ region: val });

  render () {
    const { country, region } = this.state;
    return (
          onChange={(val) => this.selectCountry(val)} />
          onChange={(val) => this.selectRegion(val)} />
ES5 with JSX
// Up to you to include React + the react-country-region-selector (script tags, commonJS, whatever). 
// That's a choice you need to make with your build setup.

var Example = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      region: '',
      country: '',

  selectCountry: function (val) {
    this.setState({ country: val });

  selectRegion: function (val) {
    this.setState({ region: val });

  render () {
    return (
          onChange={this.selectCountry} />
          onChange={this.selectRegion} />
], function (React, rcrs) {

  var CountryDropdown = rcrs.CountryDropdown;
  var RegionDropdown = rcrs.CountryDropdown;

  var Example = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function () {
      return {
        region: '',
        country: '',

    selectCountry: function (val) {
      this.setState({ country: val });

    selectRegion: function (val) {
      this.setState({ region: val });

    render () {
      return (
            onChange={this.selectCountry} />
            onChange={this.selectRegion} />

  return Example;


<CountryDropdown />

valueYes""stringThe currently selected country. This should either be the shortcode, or the full country name depending on what you're using for your value attribute (see the valueType option). By default it's the full country name.
onChangeYes-functionCallback that gets called when the user selects a country. Use this to store the value in whatever store you're using (or just the parent component state).
nameNo"rcrs-country"stringThe name attribute of the generated select box.
idNo""stringThe ID of the generated select box. Not added by default.
classesNo""stringAny additional space-separated classes you want to add.
showDefaultOptionNotruebooleanWhether you want to show a default option.
defaultOptionLabelNo"Select Country"stringThe default option label.
labelTypeNo"full"stringEither "full" or "short". This governs whether you see country names or country short codes in the dropdown.
valueTypeNo"full"stringEither "full" or "short". This controls the actual value attribute of each <option> in the dropdown. Please note, if you set this to "short" you will need to let the corresponding <RegionDropdown /> component know as well, by passing a countryValueType="short" attribute.
whitelistNo[]arrayThis setting lets you target specific countries to appear in the dropdown. Only those specified here will appear. This should be an array of country shortcodes. See the country-region-data repo for the data and the shortcodes.
blacklistNo[]arrayLets you target countries that should not appear in the dropdown. Should also be an array of country shortcodes.

<RegionDropdown />

countryValueYes""stringThe currently selected country.
valueYes""stringThe currently selected region.
onChangeYes-functionCallback that gets called when the user selects a region. Use this to store the value in whatever store you're using (or just the parent component state).
nameNo"rcrs-region"stringThe name attribute of the generated select box.
idNo""stringThe ID of the generated select box. Not added by default.
classesNo""stringAny additional space-separated classes you want to add.
blankOptionLabelNo-stringThe label that appears in the region dropdown when the user hasn't selected a country yet.
showDefaultOptionNotruebooleanWhether you want to show a default option. This is what the user sees in the region dropdown after selecting a country. It defaults to the defaultOptionLabel setting (see next).
defaultOptionLabelNoSelect RegionstringThe default region option.
onChangeNo-functionCalled when the user selects a region. Use this to store the region value.
countryValueTypeNofullstringIf you've changed the country dropdown valueType to short you will need to set this value to short as well, so the component knows what's being passed in the country property.
labelTypeNo"full"stringEither "full" or "short". This governs whether you see region names or region short codes in the dropdown.
valueTypeNo"full"stringEither "full" or "short". This controls the actual value attribute of each <option> in the dropdown.
disableWhenEmptyNofalsebooleanDisables the region field when the user hasn't selected a country.

Other Stuff

  • Page charset: your page will need an appropriate charset to handle UTF-8 chars used in some country names. So if you see some invalid characters appearing in the dropdown, make sure you have UTF-8 specified in your page <head>, like so: <meta charset="UTF-8">
  • Data source: the list of countries and regions is maintained separately and pulled from the country-region-data repo.

Gulp commands

  • gulp - regenerate everything.
  • gulp --countries="UK,US" - generate a custom build of the script in the /lib and /dist folder containing only those countries you specify here. This seriously reduces file size (60KB down to as small as 16KB), so if you can do it, do it.


This repo uses the extremely handy react-component-gulp-tasks script for doing most of the gulp tasks (ES6, JSX conversion, UMD file creation, minifications, watchers, etc.). Big thanks to Jed Watson there.


  • 1.0.3 - Jan 2, 2016 - updated country-region-data, repo link fix.
  • 1.0.2 - October 16, 2016 - Fix issue where source-data.js in lib had no country data.
  • 1.0.0 - July 1, 2016 - initial version.





Package last updated on 03 Jan 2017

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