Simple, lightweight, and accessible React dropdown component.
This component was created to be a light weight and fully accessible dropdown component for React. For a more feature heavy and powerful dropdown look to the react-select package. (This dropdown is inspired by react-select)
Demo And Examples
For demo and examples checkout
Simply use npm or yarn to install the package.
// npm
$ npm install --save react-dropdown-aria
// Yarn
$ yarn add react-dropdown-aria
You can then include it as well as the styles in your project:
import Dropdown from 'react-dropdown-aria';
import 'react-dropdown-aria/dist/react-dropdown-aria.min.scss';
(You only need to include the styles once in your project)
Options should be provided to the Dropdown as an array of objects.
Simple Example:
options: {[
{ value: 'one' },
{ value: 'two' },
{ value: 'three' }
Each option object in the array of options can have the following keys:
key | Type | Default | Description |
ariaLabel | string | null | Aria Label to be applied to the option |
className | string | null | CSS class to be applied to this option |
title | string | null | HTML title to be used for the option |
value | string | null | The value to be displayed in the dropdown (Required) |
Groups Example
Groups of items can also be implemented by pasing an array of objects of the following form to the dropdown options prop:
options: {[
{ label: 'Group 1', groupOptions: optionsGroup1 },
{ label: 'Group 2', groupOptions: optionsGroup2 },
Where the groupOptions
is an array of options as described above, and the label
is the string to display above the group in the dropdown.
Dropdown Props
Property | Type | Default | Description |
ariaDescribedBy | string | null | ID of element that should be used to describe the dropdown |
ariaLabel | string | null | Aria Label to be applied to the main dropdown button |
ariaLabelledBy | string | null | ID of element that should be used as the label for the dropdown |
arrowRenderer | function | undefined | Custom function to render the arrow for the dropdown |
buttonClassName | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to main drodown button |
centerText | boolean | false | Whether main dropdown button text should be centered or not |
contentClassName | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to the dropdown option ul container |
disabled | boolean | false | Whether the dropdown should be disabled or not |
height | number | null | Use to set the dropdown height manually |
hideArrow | boolean | false | Controls whether dropdown component has the arrow or not |
id | string | undefined | id to be passed to the main dropdown button |
maxContentHeight | number | null | Controls the max height of the dropdown area that contains all options |
openUp | boolean | false | Whether dropdown should open up or not |
optionRenderer | function | undefined | Custom function to render the options displayed in the dropdown |
options | array | [] | Array of option objects |
optionClassName | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to all options in the dropdown |
pageKeyTraverseSize | number | 10 | Number of options page up or page down will move the current focused by |
placeholder | string | Select... | Placeholder value for dropdown |
selectedOption | string | null | The value of the option that is currently selected (as set by setSelected ). If not provided, selected value will be tracked internally (not recomended) |
selectedOptionClassName | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to the selected option in the dropdown |
selectedValueClassName | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to main drodown button text |
searchable | boolean | true | Whether or not the keyboard can be used to quickly navigate to an item through typing |
setSelected | function | undefined | Function used to update the state of the selected value |
width | number | null | Use to set the dropdown width manually |
Clone the repo
git clone
Install node modules and start in dev mode
npm install
npm run dev