Simple, lightweight, and accessible React dropdown component.
This component was created to be a light weight and fully accessible dropdown component for React. For a more feature heavy and powerful dropdown look to the react-select package. (This dropdown is inspired by react-select)
Upgrading to v2
Please take note when upgrading from v1 to v2 there are breaking changes. Be sure to carefully read the changelog entry for v2.0.0.
- Fully customizable styling
- Grouped options
- Accessible
- Searchable
- Custom render function props
- Typescript typings
Demo And Examples
For demo and examples see
Simply use npm or yarn to install the package.
// Yarn
$ yarn add react-dropdown-aria
// npm
$ npm install --save react-dropdown-aria
You can then include it in your project as needed:
import Dropdown from 'react-dropdown-aria';
Options should be provided to the Dropdown as an array of objects.
Simple Example:
options: {[
{ value: 'one' },
{ value: 'two' },
{ value: 'three' }
Each option object in the array of options can have the following keys:
key | Type | Default | Description |
ariaLabel | string | null | Aria Label to be applied to the option |
className | string | null | CSS class to be applied to this option |
title | string | null | HTML title to be used for the option |
value | string | null | The value to be displayed in the dropdown (Required) |
Groups Example
Groups of items can also be implemented by pasing an array of objects of the following form to the dropdown options prop:
options: {[
{ label: 'Group 1', groupOptions: optionsGroup1 },
{ label: 'Group 2', groupOptions: optionsGroup2 },
Where the groupOptions
is an array of options as described above, and the label
is the string to display above the group in the dropdown.
Custom styling can be applied to the dropdown through 2 ways:
- CSS className props (As seen in props table below)
- Emotion JavaScript Objects passed to
The suggested method is by using the style prop as shown in the Custom Styling Example.
The following object keys are supported to apply style to the corresponding part of the dropdown:
Arrow, DropdownButton, DisplayedValue, DropdownWrapper, GroupContainer, GroupDivider, GroupHeading, OptionContainer, OptionItem
The style prop should be passed an object containing one or more of the above properties. Each of those properties should be a function that returns an object. An example is shown below:
const style = {
OptionItem: (base, state, { selected }) => ({
fontSize: '0.95em',
color: selected ? 'white' : 'black',
backgroundColor: selected ? '#00A3EF' : 'white',
'&:hover': {
backgroundColor: selected ? '#0092d6' : '#e0f5ff',
'&:focus': {
backgroundColor: selected ? '#0092d6' : '#e0f5ff',
As shown above, each function will be called with base
and state
at minimum and some will be provided a third extraState
parameter which should be an object, as shown with optionStyle
where the extraState contains whether an option is currently selected or not.
- is the default styles object. It can either be spread out to extend the default styles (as shown above) or ommitted to ignore all default styles
- is the internal state of the dropdown
Dropdown Props
Property | Type | Default | Description |
ariaDescribedBy | string | null | ID of element that should be used to describe the dropdown |
ariaLabel | string | null | Aria Label to be applied to the main dropdown button |
ariaLabelledBy | string | null | ID of element that should be used as the label for the dropdown |
arrowRenderer | function | undefined | Custom function to render the arrow for the dropdown |
centerText | boolean | false | Whether main dropdown button text should be centered or not |
className | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to the drodown |
contentClassName | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to the dropdown option ul container |
defaultOpen | boolean | false | Whether the dropdown should be open by default |
disabled | boolean | false | Whether the dropdown should be disabled or not |
height | number | null | Use to set the dropdown height manually |
hideArrow | boolean | false | Controls whether dropdown component has the arrow or not |
id | string | undefined | id to be passed to the main dropdown button |
maxContentHeight | number | null | Controls the max height of the dropdown area that contains all options |
openUp | boolean | false | Whether dropdown should open up or not |
optionRenderer | function | undefined | Custom function to render the options displayed in the dropdown |
options | array | [] | Array of option objects |
optionClassName | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to all options in the dropdown |
pageKeyTraverseSize | number | 10 | Number of options page up or page down will move the current focused by |
placeholder | string | Select... | Placeholder value for dropdown |
value | string | null | The value of the option that is currently selected (as set by setSelected ). |
selectedValueClassName | string | undefined | CSS class to be applied to main drodown button text |
searchable | boolean | true | Whether or not the keyboard can be used to quickly navigate to an item through typing |
onChange | function | undefined | Function called when the selected value changes |
style | object | {} | Use to change the style of the dropdown through js instead of css (see styling section) |
width | number | null | Use to set the dropdown width manually |
Clone the repo
git clone
Install node modules
yarn install
Then in two seperate consoles start the library and demo
yarn lib:dev
yarn demo:dev