values | array | [] | Selected values |
options | array | [] | Available options, (option with key disabled: true will be disabled) |
keepOpen | bool | false | If true, dropdown will always stay open (good for debugging) |
autoFocus | bool | false | If true, and searchable , dropdown will auto focus |
clearOnBlur | bool | true | If true, and searchable , search value will be cleared on blur |
clearOnSelect | bool | true | If true, and searchable , search value will be cleared upon value select/de-select |
name | string | null | If set, input type hidden would be added in the component with the value of the name prop as name and select's values as value |
dropdownGap | number | 5 | Gap between select element and dropdown |
multi | bool | false | If true - will act as multi-select, if false - only one option will be selected at the time |
placeholder | string | "Select..." | Placeholder shown where there are no selected values |
addPlaceholder | string | "" | Secondary placeholder on search field if any value selected |
disabled | bool | false | Disable select and all interactions |
style | object | {} | Style object to pass to select |
className | string | | CSS class attribute to pass to select |
loading | bool | false | Loading indicator |
clearable | bool | false | Clear all indicator |
searchable | bool | true | If true, select will have search input text |
separator | bool | false | Separator line between close all and dropdown handle |
dropdownHandle | bool | true | Dropdown handle to open/close dropdown |
dropdownHeight | string | "300px" | Minimum height of a dropdown |
direction | string | "ltr" | direction of a dropdown "ltr", "rtl" or "auto" |
searchBy | string | label | Search by object property in values |
sortBy | string | null | Sort by object property in values |
labelField | string | "label" | Field in data to use for label |
valueField | string | "value" | Field in data to use for value |
color | string | "#0074D9" | Base color to use in component, also can be overwritten via CSS |
closeOnScroll | bool | false | If true, scrolling the page will close the dropdown |
closeOnSelect | bool | false | If true, selecting option will close the dropdown |
dropdownPosition | string | "bottom" | Available options are "auto", "top" and "bottom" defaults to "bottom". Auto will adjust itself according Select's position on the page |
keepSelectedInList | bool | true | If false, selected item will not appear in a list |
portal | DOM element | false | If valid dom element specified - dropdown will break out to render inside the specified element |
create | bool | false | If true, select will create value from search string and fire onCreateNew callback prop |
createNewLabel | string | "add {search}" | If create set to true, this will be the label of the "add new" component. {search} will be replaced by search value |
disabledLabel | string | "disabled" | Label shown on disabled field (after) the text |