A simple higher order component capable of injecting weather information from open weather api into a component
Example of use
<input value={state.value} onInput={e => this.setState({ value: ( as HTMLInputElement).value })} />
<button onClick={() => this.setState(prevState => ({ apiKey: prevState.value }))}>Test component</button>
{state.apiKey && (
label="Cloudy weather measurements"
query={['clouds', 'cloudy']}
loadingComponent={() => <div>Loading...</div>}
setup={forecast => forecast
.at(today, fourDaysFromNow)
.around(50.08804, 14.42076)
Example of how to define injected component
import React, { FunctionComponent } from "react";
import { InjectedForecastResults } from "react-forecast-query";
import weatherEnhancer from "react-forecast-query";
export interface WeatherDisplayProps {
label: string;
const WeatherDisplay: FunctionComponent<WeatherDisplayProps & InjectedForecastResults> = props => (
{ => (
{} {} - {clouds.value}
{ => (
<img src={props.forecast.icon(weather.icon)} />
export default weatherEnhancer(WeatherDisplay);
Use of the component
Use setup props to add location, units, language and dates, then define a string list of information you want to receive.
List of information is derived from ".list()" function in forecast-query.
"By" parameter refers to how descriptive the list should be ("hour" delivers hourly weather updates, "day" daily ones).
"loadingComponent" will display whatever component you want when the api is loading information.
Changes since 0.1.0
Added error component
Changes since 0.1.1
Fix error component error reporting
More information
For more information about weather prediction from open weather api please visit:
If you find any bug or have an idea of how to improve this package, please file in an issue or a pull request