Gridzilla is a responsive, mobile-first flexbox grid system for React based projects.
Install with npm
npm install --save react-gridzilla
Install with yarn
yarn add react-gridzilla
How it works
In a nutshell, there are three major components: Containers, Grids, and Units.
Containers center your site's contents and help align your grid content.
Grids are groups of units that ensure your units are lined up properly.
Content should be placed within units, and only units may be immediate children of grids.
Quick Usage Example:
<Unit>One of three units</Unit>
<Unit>One of three units</Unit>
<Unit>One of three units</Unit>
Containers are required when using the grid system. Choose from a responsive fixed-width container (meaning its max-width changes at each breakpoint) or fluid-width (meaning it's 100% wide all the time).
All containers have a maximum width of 100% and while containers can be nested, most layouts do not require a nested container.
Fluid-width Container
A fluid container is always 100% wide (full width of its parent) and at the same time preserves all default Container
properties such as margin and padding.
<Container fluid>
Content goes here...
Fixed-width Container
A fixed width container is the same as a fluid width container with the exception that it has a predefined maximum width.
There are five sizes available: xlarge (1140px), large (960px), medium (750px), small (544px) and xsmall (100%).
Each size has a short alias: xlarge (xl), large(lg), medium(md), small (sm) and xsmall (xs).
<Container xlarge> Extra large container </Container>
<Container xl> Also an extra large container </Container>
Custom width Container
If you want to set a custom size for your container, use the size
property which accepts the maximum width as a string:
<Container size="650px">
This is a custom size container
Auto-sizing Container
By default, a fixed-width container will span the full width of its parent if the viewport width is less than the breakpoint value that corresponds to the container size. On the other hand, an auto-sizing container will automatically shrink to the largest predefined size that can fit in the viewport. For example, an auto-sizing xlarge container will automatically become a large container if the viewport width is less than 1200px but more than 992px.
<Container autoSize xlarge>
Auto-sizing extra large container
Here is a handy table that demonstrates the width of each container type across the different breakpoints supported by the grid system:
Container type | Container width across breakpoints |
Extra small
Extra large
Extra small
xsmall, xs
| 100% |
small, sm
| 100% | 544px |
medium, md
| 100% | 544px | 750px |
large, lg
| 100% | 544px | 750px | 960px |
Extra large
xlarge, xl
| 100% | 544px | 750px | 960px | 1140px |