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react-map-gl - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 7.0.0-alpha.2 to 7.0.0-alpha.3



@@ -5,2 +5,7 @@ # CHANGELOG

## 7.0.0-alpha.3 (Jan 3, 2022)
- [v7] Clean up typings and expose more utility types (#1667)
- Drop flow types support (#1666)
## 7.0.0-alpha.2 (Jan 2, 2022)

@@ -7,0 +12,0 @@


import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../types';
export declare type AttributionControlProps = {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ /**

import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../types';
export declare type FullscreenControlProps = {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ /** Id of the DOM element which should be made full screen. By default, the map container

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition, PositionOptions, FitBoundsOptions, MapboxEvent, GeolocateEvent, GeolocateErrorEvent } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition, PositionOptions, FitBoundsOptions, MapboxEvent, GeolocateEvent, GeolocateErrorEvent } from '../types';
export declare type GeolocateControlRef = {

@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ /** Triggers a geolocate event */

export declare type GeolocateControlProps = {
/** A Geolocation API PositionOptions object. */
* A Geolocation API PositionOptions object.
* @default {enableHighAccuracy:false,timeout:6000}
positionOptions?: PositionOptions;
/** A Map#fitBounds options object to use when the map is panned and zoomed to the user's location.
* The default is to use a maxZoom of 15 to limit how far the map will zoom in for very accurate locations.
* @default {maxZoom:15}

@@ -18,2 +21,3 @@ fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions;

* updates to the user's location as it changes. Default false.
* @default false

@@ -23,9 +27,14 @@ trackUserLocation?: boolean;

* (95% confidence level) of the user's location. Set to false to disable.
* This only has effect if `showUserLocation` is true. Default true.
* This only has effect if `showUserLocation` is true.
* @default true
showAccuracyCircle?: boolean;
/** Show a dot on the map at the user's location. Set to false to disable. Default true. */
* Show a dot on the map at the user's location. Set to false to disable.
* @default true
showUserLocation?: boolean;
/** If true an arrow will be drawn next to the user location dot indicating the device's heading.
* This only has affect when `trackUserLocation` is true. Default false.
* @default false

@@ -32,0 +41,0 @@ showUserHeading?: boolean;

@@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ "use strict";

GeolocateControl.displayName = 'GeolocateControl';
exports.default = React.memo(GeolocateControl);
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { AnyLayer } from '../utils/types';
import type { AnyLayer } from '../types';
export declare type LayerProps = AnyLayer & {
id?: string;
/** If set, the layer will be inserted before the specified layer */
beforeId?: string;

@@ -6,0 +7,0 @@ };

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />

import type { CSSProperties } from 'react';
import type { MapboxMap } from '../utils/types';
import type { MapboxMap } from '../types';
export declare const MapContext: React.Context<MapboxMap>;

@@ -15,5 +15,105 @@ export declare type MapProps = MapboxProps & {

children?: any;
ref?: React.Ref<MapRef>;
declare const Map: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Pick<MapProps, "style" | "cursor" | "children" | "id" | "onLoad" | "onError" | "onClick" | "onContextMenu" | "onDrag" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragStart" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseUp" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchStart" | "onWheel" | "maxZoom" | "minZoom" | "viewState" | "interactive" | "antialias" | "attributionControl" | "bearingSnap" | "boxZoom" | "clickTolerance" | "collectResourceTiming" | "crossSourceCollisions" | "cooperativeGestures" | "customAttribution" | "dragPan" | "dragRotate" | "doubleClickZoom" | "hash" | "fadeDuration" | "failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat" | "keyboard" | "locale" | "localFontFamily" | "localIdeographFontFamily" | "logoPosition" | "maxBounds" | "maxPitch" | "minPitch" | "optimizeForTerrain" | "preserveDrawingBuffer" | "pitchWithRotate" | "refreshExpiredTiles" | "renderWorldCopies" | "scrollZoom" | "trackResize" | "transformRequest" | "touchZoomRotate" | "touchPitch" | "maxTileCacheSize" | "testMode" | "onDblClick" | "onMoveStart" | "onMove" | "onMoveEnd" | "onZoomStart" | "onZoom" | "onZoomEnd" | "onRotateStart" | "onRotate" | "onRotateEnd" | "onPitchStart" | "onPitch" | "onPitchEnd" | "onBoxZoomStart" | "onBoxZoomEnd" | "onBoxZoomCancel" | "onResize" | "onRender" | "onIdle" | "onRemove" | "onData" | "onStyleData" | "onSourceData" | keyof import("../utils/types").ViewState | "mapboxAccessToken" | "initialViewState" | "gl" | "mapStyle" | "styleDiffing" | "interactiveLayerIds" | "projection"> & React.RefAttributes<MapRef>>;
declare const Map: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<import("../types").ViewState & {
mapboxAccessToken?: string;
initialViewState?: import("../types").ViewState & {
bounds?: import("mapbox-gl").LngLatBoundsLike;
fitBoundsOptions?: import("mapbox-gl").FitBoundsOptions;
gl?: WebGLRenderingContext;
antialias?: boolean;
attributionControl?: boolean;
bearingSnap?: number;
clickTolerance?: number;
collectResourceTiming?: boolean;
cooperativeGestures?: boolean;
crossSourceCollisions?: boolean;
customAttribution?: string | string[];
fadeDuration?: number;
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean;
hash?: string | boolean;
interactive?: boolean;
locale?: {
[key: string]: string;
localFontFamily?: string;
localIdeographFontFamily?: string;
logoPosition?: "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right";
maxTileCacheSize?: number;
optimizeForTerrain?: boolean;
pitchWithRotate?: boolean;
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean;
refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean;
testMode?: boolean;
trackResize?: boolean;
transformRequest?: import("mapbox-gl").TransformRequestFunction;
boxZoom?: boolean;
doubleClickZoom?: boolean;
dragPan?: boolean | import("mapbox-gl").DragPanOptions;
dragRotate?: boolean;
keyboard?: boolean;
scrollZoom?: boolean | import("mapbox-gl").InteractiveOptions;
touchPitch?: boolean | import("mapbox-gl").InteractiveOptions;
touchZoomRotate?: boolean | import("mapbox-gl").InteractiveOptions;
maxBounds?: import("mapbox-gl").LngLatBoundsLike;
maxPitch?: number;
maxZoom?: number;
minPitch?: number;
minZoom?: number;
viewState?: import("../types").ViewState;
mapStyle?: string | import("mapbox-gl").Style | import("../types").ImmutableLike;
styleDiffing?: boolean;
interactiveLayerIds?: string[];
projection?: string | import("../types").ProjectionSpecification;
renderWorldCopies?: boolean;
cursor?: string;
onMouseDown?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseUp?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseOver?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseMove?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onClick?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onDblClick?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseEnter?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseLeave?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseOut?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onContextMenu?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onWheel?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapWheelEvent) => void;
onTouchStart?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchEnd?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchMove?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchCancel?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onMoveStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onMove?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onMoveEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDragStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDrag?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDragEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoomStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoom?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoomEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotateStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotate?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotateEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitchStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitch?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitchEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomCancel?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onResize?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onLoad?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onRender?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onIdle?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onError?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").ErrorEvent) => void;
onRemove?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onData?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapDataEvent) => void;
onStyleData?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapDataEvent) => void;
onSourceData?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapDataEvent) => void;
} & {
/** Map container id */
id?: string;
/** Map container CSS style */
style?: CSSProperties;
children?: any;
} & React.RefAttributes<MapRef>>;
export default Map;

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ "use strict";

var use_map_1 = require("./use-map");
var mapboxgl_1 = require("../utils/mapboxgl");
var mapbox_1 = require("../mapbox/mapbox");

@@ -49,3 +50,3 @@ var create_ref_1 = require("../mapbox/create-ref");

(0, react_1.useEffect)(function () {
var map = new mapbox_1.default(props);
var map = new mapbox_1.default(mapboxgl_1.default.Map, props);

@@ -68,4 +69,5 @@ setMapInstance(map);

Map.displayName = 'Map';
Map.defaultProps = defaultProps;
exports.default = Map;
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import * as React from 'react';
import type { MarkerDragEvent, MarkerOptions, MapboxPopup } from '../utils/types';
export declare type MarkerProps = Omit<MarkerOptions, 'element'> & {
import type { MarkerDragEvent, MapboxPopup, PointLike, Anchor, Alignment } from '../types';
export declare type MarkerProps = {
/** Longitude of the anchor location */
longitude: number;
/** Latitude of the anchor location */
latitude: number;
/** A string indicating the part of the Marker that should be positioned closest to the coordinate set via Marker.setLngLat.
* Options are `'center'`, `'top'`, `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top-left'`, `'top-right'`, `'bottom-left'`, and `'bottom-right'`.
* @default "center"
anchor?: Anchor;
* The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click on the marker for it to be considered a valid click
* (as opposed to a marker drag). The default (0) is to inherit map's clickTolerance.
clickTolerance?: number;
/** The color to use for the default marker if options.element is not provided.
* @default "#3FB1CE"
color?: string;
/** A boolean indicating whether or not a marker is able to be dragged to a new position on the map.
* @default false
draggable?: boolean;
/** The offset in pixels as a PointLike object to apply relative to the element's center. Negatives indicate left and up. */
offset?: PointLike;
/** `map` aligns the `Marker` to the plane of the map.
* `viewport` aligns the `Marker` to the plane of the viewport.
* `auto` automatically matches the value of `rotationAlignment`.
* @default "auto"
pitchAlignment?: Alignment;
/** The rotation angle of the marker in degrees, relative to its `rotationAlignment` setting. A positive value will rotate the marker clockwise.
* @default 0
rotation?: number;
/** `map` aligns the `Marker`'s rotation relative to the map, maintaining a bearing as the map rotates.
* `viewport` aligns the `Marker`'s rotation relative to the viewport, agnostic to map rotations.
* `auto` is equivalent to `viewport`.
* @default "auto"
rotationAlignment?: Alignment;
/** The scale to use for the default marker if options.element is not provided.
* The default scale (1) corresponds to a height of `41px` and a width of `27px`.
* @default 1
scale?: number;
/** A Popup instance that is bound to the marker */
popup?: MapboxPopup;

@@ -8,0 +52,0 @@ onDragStart?: (e: MarkerDragEvent) => void;

import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../types';
export declare type NavigationControlProps = {
/** If true the compass button is included. */
/** If true the compass button is included.
* @default true
showCompass?: boolean;
/** If true the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons are included. */
/** If true the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons are included.
* @default true
showZoom?: boolean;
/** If true the pitch is visualized by rotating X-axis of compass. */
/** If true the pitch is visualized by rotating X-axis of compass.
* @default false
visualizePitch?: boolean;

@@ -10,0 +16,0 @@ /** Placement of the control relative to the map. */

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import * as React from 'react';
import type { PopupOptions, MapboxEvent } from '../utils/types';
export declare type PopupProps = PopupOptions & {
import type { MapboxEvent, Anchor, PointLike } from '../types';
export declare type PopupProps = {
/** Longitude of the anchor location */
longitude: number;
/** Latitude of the anchor location */
latitude: number;
* A string indicating the part of the popup that should be positioned closest to the coordinate.
* Options are `'center'`, `'top'`, `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top-left'`, `'top-right'`, `'bottom-left'`,
* and `'bottom-right'`. If unset, the anchor will be dynamically set to ensure the popup falls within the map
* container with a preference for `'bottom'`.
anchor?: Anchor;
* If `true`, a close button will appear in the top right corner of the popup.
* @default true
closeButton?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will close when the map is clicked.
* @default true
closeOnClick?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will closed when the map moves.
* @default false
closeOnMove?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will try to focus the first focusable element inside the popup.
* @default true
focusAfterOpen?: boolean;
* A pixel offset applied to the popup's location specified as:
* - a single number specifying a distance from the popup's location
* - a PointLike specifying a constant offset
* - an object of Points specifing an offset for each anchor position.
offset?: number | PointLike | Partial<{
[anchor in Anchor]: PointLike;
/** Space-separated CSS class names to add to popup container. */
className?: string;
* A string that sets the CSS property of the popup's maximum width (for example, `'300px'`).
* To ensure the popup resizes to fit its content, set this property to `'none'`
* @default "240px"
maxWidth?: string;
onOpen?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;

@@ -8,0 +54,0 @@ onClose?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;

import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../types';
export declare type ScaleControlProps = {
/** Unit of the distance. Default 'metric'. */
/** Unit of the distance.
* @default "metric"
unit?: 'imperial' | 'metric' | 'nautical';
/** The maximum length of the scale control in pixels. Default 100. */
/** The maximum length of the scale control in pixels.
* @default 100
maxWidth?: number;

@@ -8,0 +12,0 @@ /** Placement of the control relative to the map. */

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { AnySourceData } from '../utils/types';
import type { AnySourceData } from '../types';
export declare type SourceProps = AnySourceData & {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ id?: string;

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { IControl, ControlPosition, MapboxMap } from '../utils/types';
import type { IControl, ControlPosition, MapboxMap } from '../types';
export default function useControl(onCreate: () => IControl, opts?: {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ position?: ControlPosition;

@@ -15,2 +15,2 @@ export { default } from './components/map';

export { MapProvider, useMap } from './components/use-map';
export * from './utils/types';
export * from './types/external';

@@ -42,3 +42,3 @@ "use strict";

// Types
__exportStar(require("./utils/types"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./types/external"), exports);
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { MapboxMap, ViewState } from '../utils/types';
import type { MapboxMap, ViewState } from '../types';
import type Mapbox from './mapbox';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ /** mapboxgl.Map methods to forward to the ref object

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { ProjectionSpecification, ViewState, ViewStateChangeEvent, MapboxOptions, MapboxStyle, ImmutableLike, LngLatBoundsLike, FitBoundsOptions, MapMouseEvent, MapLayerMouseEvent, MapLayerTouchEvent, MapWheelEvent, MapDataEvent, MapboxEvent, ErrorEvent, MapboxMap } from '../utils/types';
export declare type MapboxProps = Omit<MapboxOptions, 'center' | 'accessToken' | 'container' | 'style' | 'bounds' | 'fitBoundsOptions'> & ViewState & {
import type { ProjectionSpecification, ViewState, ViewStateChangeEvent, DragPanOptions, InteractiveOptions, TransformRequestFunction, MapboxStyle, ImmutableLike, LngLatBoundsLike, FitBoundsOptions, MapMouseEvent, MapLayerMouseEvent, MapLayerTouchEvent, MapWheelEvent, MapDataEvent, MapboxEvent, ErrorEvent, MapboxMap } from '../types';
export declare type MapboxProps = ViewState & {
mapboxAccessToken?: string;
/** Camera options used when constructing the Map instance */
initialViewState?: ViewState & {
/** The initial bounds of the map. If bounds is specified, it overrides longitude, latitude and zoom options. */
bounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
/** A fitBounds options object to use only when setting the bounds option. */
fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions;

@@ -12,2 +14,194 @@ };

gl?: WebGLRenderingContext;
* If true, the gl context will be created with MSA antialiasing, which can be useful for antialiasing custom layers.
* This is false by default as a performance optimization.
* @default false
antialias?: boolean;
* If true, an attribution control will be added to the map.
* @default true
attributionControl?: boolean;
* Snap to north threshold in degrees.
* @default 7
bearingSnap?: number;
* The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click for it to be
* considered a valid click (as opposed to a mouse drag).
* @default 3
clickTolerance?: number;
* If `true`, Resource Timing API information will be collected for requests made by GeoJSON
* and Vector Tile web workers (this information is normally inaccessible from the main
* Javascript thread). Information will be returned in a `resourceTiming` property of
* relevant `data` events.
* @default false
collectResourceTiming?: boolean;
* If `true` , scroll zoom will require pressing the ctrl or ⌘ key while scrolling to zoom map,
* and touch pan will require using two fingers while panning to move the map.
* Touch pitch will require three fingers to activate if enabled.
cooperativeGestures?: boolean;
* If `true`, symbols from multiple sources can collide with each other during collision
* detection. If `false`, collision detection is run separately for the symbols in each source.
* @default true
crossSourceCollisions?: boolean;
/** String or strings to show in an AttributionControl.
* Only applicable if options.attributionControl is `true`. */
customAttribution?: string | string[];
* Controls the duration of the fade-in/fade-out animation for label collisions, in milliseconds.
* This setting affects all symbol layers. This setting does not affect the duration of runtime
* styling transitions or raster tile cross-fading.
* @default 300
fadeDuration?: number;
/** If true, map creation will fail if the implementation determines that the performance of the created WebGL context would be dramatically lower than expected.
* @default false
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean;
/** If `true`, the map's position (zoom, center latitude, center longitude, bearing, and pitch) will be synced with the hash fragment of the page's URL.
* For example, `http://path/to/my/page.html#2.59/39.26/53.07/-24.1/60`.
* An additional string may optionally be provided to indicate a parameter-styled hash,
* e.g. http://path/to/my/page.html#map=2.59/39.26/53.07/-24.1/60&foo=bar, where foo
* is a custom parameter and bar is an arbitrary hash distinct from the map hash.
hash?: boolean | string;
/** If false, no mouse, touch, or keyboard listeners are attached to the map, so it will not respond to input
* @default true
interactive?: boolean;
/** A patch to apply to the default localization table for UI strings, e.g. control tooltips.
* The `locale` object maps namespaced UI string IDs to translated strings in the target language;
* see `src/ui/default_locale.js` for an example with all supported string IDs.
* The object may specify all UI strings (thereby adding support for a new translation) or
* only a subset of strings (thereby patching the default translation table).
locale?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Overrides the generation of all glyphs and font settings except font-weight keywords
* Also overrides localIdeographFontFamily
* @default null
localFontFamily?: string;
* If specified, defines a CSS font-family for locally overriding generation of glyphs in the
* 'CJK Unified Ideographs' and 'Hangul Syllables' ranges. In these ranges, font settings from
* the map's style will be ignored, except for font-weight keywords (light/regular/medium/bold).
* The purpose of this option is to avoid bandwidth-intensive glyph server requests.
* @default "sans-serif"
localIdeographFontFamily?: string;
* A string representing the position of the Mapbox wordmark on the map.
* @default "bottom-left"
logoPosition?: 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
* The maximum number of tiles stored in the tile cache for a given source. If omitted, the
* cache will be dynamically sized based on the current viewport.
* @default null
maxTileCacheSize?: number;
* If true, map will prioritize rendering for performance by reordering layers
* If false, layers will always be drawn in the specified order
* @default true
optimizeForTerrain?: boolean;
* If `false`, the map's pitch (tilt) control with "drag to rotate" interaction will be disabled.
* @default true
pitchWithRotate?: boolean;
/** If true, The maps canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL();. This is false by default as a performance optimization.
* @default false
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean;
* If `false`, the map won't attempt to re-request tiles once they expire per their HTTP
* `cacheControl`/`expires` headers.
* @default true
refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean;
* Allows for the usage of the map in automated tests without an accessToken with custom self-hosted test fixtures.
* @default null
testMode?: boolean;
* If true, the map will automatically resize when the browser window resizes
* @default true
trackResize?: boolean;
* A callback run before the Map makes a request for an external URL. The callback can be
* used to modify the url, set headers, or set the credentials property for cross-origin requests.
* @default null
transformRequest?: TransformRequestFunction;
* If true, enable the "box zoom" interaction (see BoxZoomHandler)
* @default true
boxZoom?: boolean;
* If true, enable the "double click to zoom" interaction (see DoubleClickZoomHandler).
* @default true
doubleClickZoom?: boolean;
* If `true`, the "drag to pan" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link DragPanHandler#enable}.
* @default true
dragPan?: boolean | DragPanOptions;
* If true, enable the "drag to rotate" interaction (see DragRotateHandler).
* @default true
dragRotate?: boolean;
* If true, enable keyboard shortcuts (see KeyboardHandler).
* @default true
keyboard?: boolean;
* If `true`, the "scroll to zoom" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link ScrollZoomHandler#enable}.
* @default true
scrollZoom?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
* If `true`, the "drag to pitch" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link TouchPitchHandler#enable}.
* @default true
touchPitch?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
* If `true`, the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link TouchZoomRotateHandler#enable}.
* @default true
touchZoomRotate?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
/** If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds. */
maxBounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
/** Maximum pitch of the map. */
maxPitch?: number;
/** Maximum zoom of the map. */
maxZoom?: number;
/** Minimum pitch of the map. */
minPitch?: number;
/** Minimum zoom of the map. */
minZoom?: number;
/** Aternative way to specify camera state */

@@ -17,8 +211,17 @@ viewState?: ViewState;

mapStyle?: string | MapboxStyle | ImmutableLike;
/** Enable diffing when the map style changes */
/** Enable diffing when the map style changes
* @default true
styleDiffing?: boolean;
/** Default layers to query on pointer events */
interactiveLayerIds?: string[];
/** The projection the map should be rendered in */
/** The projection the map should be rendered in
* @default "mercator"
projection?: ProjectionSpecification | string;
* If `true`, multiple copies of the world will be rendered, when zoomed out.
* @default true
renderWorldCopies?: boolean;
/** CSS cursor */

@@ -73,2 +276,3 @@ cursor?: string;

export default class Mapbox {
private _MapClass;
private _map;

@@ -85,3 +289,3 @@ props: MapboxProps;

private _nextProps;
constructor(props: MapboxProps);
constructor(MapClass: typeof MapboxMap, props: MapboxProps);
get map(): MapboxMap;

@@ -88,0 +292,0 @@ get viewState(): ViewState;

@@ -14,3 +14,2 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var mapboxgl_1 = require("../utils/mapboxgl");
var transform_1 = require("../utils/transform");

@@ -89,3 +88,3 @@ var style_utils_1 = require("../utils/style-utils");

var Mapbox = /** @class */ (function () {
function Mapbox(props) {
function Mapbox(MapClass, props) {
var _this = this;

@@ -115,2 +114,3 @@ // mapboxgl.Map instance. Not using type here because we are accessing

else {
// eslint-disable-next-line

@@ -147,2 +147,3 @@ }

this._MapClass = MapClass;
this.props = props;

@@ -208,3 +209,3 @@ }

var map = new mapboxgl_1.default.Map(mapOptions);
var map = new this._MapClass(mapOptions);
if (viewState.padding) {

@@ -404,2 +405,3 @@ map.setPadding(viewState.padding);


@@ -406,0 +408,0 @@ if (eventType in cameraEvents) {

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { PointLike } from './types';
import type { PointLike } from '../types';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * Compare two points

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import { ImmutableLike, MapboxStyle } from './types';
import { ImmutableLike, MapboxStyle } from '../types';
export declare function normalizeStyle(style: string | MapboxStyle | ImmutableLike): string | MapboxStyle;
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { PaddingOptions, ViewState } from './types';
import type { PaddingOptions, ViewState } from '../types';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * Stub for mapbox's Transform class

import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../types';
export declare type AttributionControlProps = {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ /**

import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../types';
export declare type FullscreenControlProps = {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ /** Id of the DOM element which should be made full screen. By default, the map container

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition, PositionOptions, FitBoundsOptions, MapboxEvent, GeolocateEvent, GeolocateErrorEvent } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition, PositionOptions, FitBoundsOptions, MapboxEvent, GeolocateEvent, GeolocateErrorEvent } from '../types';
export declare type GeolocateControlRef = {

@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ /** Triggers a geolocate event */

export declare type GeolocateControlProps = {
/** A Geolocation API PositionOptions object. */
* A Geolocation API PositionOptions object.
* @default {enableHighAccuracy:false,timeout:6000}
positionOptions?: PositionOptions;
/** A Map#fitBounds options object to use when the map is panned and zoomed to the user's location.
* The default is to use a maxZoom of 15 to limit how far the map will zoom in for very accurate locations.
* @default {maxZoom:15}

@@ -18,2 +21,3 @@ fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions;

* updates to the user's location as it changes. Default false.
* @default false

@@ -23,9 +27,14 @@ trackUserLocation?: boolean;

* (95% confidence level) of the user's location. Set to false to disable.
* This only has effect if `showUserLocation` is true. Default true.
* This only has effect if `showUserLocation` is true.
* @default true
showAccuracyCircle?: boolean;
/** Show a dot on the map at the user's location. Set to false to disable. Default true. */
* Show a dot on the map at the user's location. Set to false to disable.
* @default true
showUserLocation?: boolean;
/** If true an arrow will be drawn next to the user location dot indicating the device's heading.
* This only has affect when `trackUserLocation` is true. Default false.
* @default false

@@ -32,0 +41,0 @@ showUserHeading?: boolean;

@@ -32,3 +32,4 @@ import * as React from 'react';

GeolocateControl.displayName = 'GeolocateControl';
export default React.memo(GeolocateControl);
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { AnyLayer } from '../utils/types';
import type { AnyLayer } from '../types';
export declare type LayerProps = AnyLayer & {
id?: string;
/** If set, the layer will be inserted before the specified layer */
beforeId?: string;

@@ -6,0 +7,0 @@ };

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />

import type { CSSProperties } from 'react';
import type { MapboxMap } from '../utils/types';
import type { MapboxMap } from '../types';
export declare const MapContext: React.Context<MapboxMap>;

@@ -15,5 +15,105 @@ export declare type MapProps = MapboxProps & {

children?: any;
ref?: React.Ref<MapRef>;
declare const Map: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Pick<MapProps, "style" | "cursor" | "children" | "id" | "onLoad" | "onError" | "onClick" | "onContextMenu" | "onDrag" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragStart" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseUp" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchStart" | "onWheel" | "maxZoom" | "minZoom" | "viewState" | "interactive" | "antialias" | "attributionControl" | "bearingSnap" | "boxZoom" | "clickTolerance" | "collectResourceTiming" | "crossSourceCollisions" | "cooperativeGestures" | "customAttribution" | "dragPan" | "dragRotate" | "doubleClickZoom" | "hash" | "fadeDuration" | "failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat" | "keyboard" | "locale" | "localFontFamily" | "localIdeographFontFamily" | "logoPosition" | "maxBounds" | "maxPitch" | "minPitch" | "optimizeForTerrain" | "preserveDrawingBuffer" | "pitchWithRotate" | "refreshExpiredTiles" | "renderWorldCopies" | "scrollZoom" | "trackResize" | "transformRequest" | "touchZoomRotate" | "touchPitch" | "maxTileCacheSize" | "testMode" | "onDblClick" | "onMoveStart" | "onMove" | "onMoveEnd" | "onZoomStart" | "onZoom" | "onZoomEnd" | "onRotateStart" | "onRotate" | "onRotateEnd" | "onPitchStart" | "onPitch" | "onPitchEnd" | "onBoxZoomStart" | "onBoxZoomEnd" | "onBoxZoomCancel" | "onResize" | "onRender" | "onIdle" | "onRemove" | "onData" | "onStyleData" | "onSourceData" | keyof import("../utils/types").ViewState | "mapboxAccessToken" | "initialViewState" | "gl" | "mapStyle" | "styleDiffing" | "interactiveLayerIds" | "projection"> & React.RefAttributes<MapRef>>;
declare const Map: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<import("../types").ViewState & {
mapboxAccessToken?: string;
initialViewState?: import("../types").ViewState & {
bounds?: import("mapbox-gl").LngLatBoundsLike;
fitBoundsOptions?: import("mapbox-gl").FitBoundsOptions;
gl?: WebGLRenderingContext;
antialias?: boolean;
attributionControl?: boolean;
bearingSnap?: number;
clickTolerance?: number;
collectResourceTiming?: boolean;
cooperativeGestures?: boolean;
crossSourceCollisions?: boolean;
customAttribution?: string | string[];
fadeDuration?: number;
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean;
hash?: string | boolean;
interactive?: boolean;
locale?: {
[key: string]: string;
localFontFamily?: string;
localIdeographFontFamily?: string;
logoPosition?: "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right";
maxTileCacheSize?: number;
optimizeForTerrain?: boolean;
pitchWithRotate?: boolean;
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean;
refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean;
testMode?: boolean;
trackResize?: boolean;
transformRequest?: import("mapbox-gl").TransformRequestFunction;
boxZoom?: boolean;
doubleClickZoom?: boolean;
dragPan?: boolean | import("mapbox-gl").DragPanOptions;
dragRotate?: boolean;
keyboard?: boolean;
scrollZoom?: boolean | import("mapbox-gl").InteractiveOptions;
touchPitch?: boolean | import("mapbox-gl").InteractiveOptions;
touchZoomRotate?: boolean | import("mapbox-gl").InteractiveOptions;
maxBounds?: import("mapbox-gl").LngLatBoundsLike;
maxPitch?: number;
maxZoom?: number;
minPitch?: number;
minZoom?: number;
viewState?: import("../types").ViewState;
mapStyle?: string | import("mapbox-gl").Style | import("../types").ImmutableLike;
styleDiffing?: boolean;
interactiveLayerIds?: string[];
projection?: string | import("../types").ProjectionSpecification;
renderWorldCopies?: boolean;
cursor?: string;
onMouseDown?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseUp?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseOver?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseMove?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onClick?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onDblClick?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseEnter?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseLeave?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseOut?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onContextMenu?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onWheel?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapWheelEvent) => void;
onTouchStart?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchEnd?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchMove?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchCancel?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onMoveStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onMove?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onMoveEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDragStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDrag?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDragEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoomStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoom?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoomEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotateStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotate?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotateEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitchStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitch?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitchEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomStart?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomEnd?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomCancel?: (e: import("../types").ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onResize?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onLoad?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onRender?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onIdle?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onError?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").ErrorEvent) => void;
onRemove?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapboxEvent<undefined>) => void;
onData?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapDataEvent) => void;
onStyleData?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapDataEvent) => void;
onSourceData?: (e: import("mapbox-gl").MapDataEvent) => void;
} & {
/** Map container id */
id?: string;
/** Map container CSS style */
style?: CSSProperties;
children?: any;
} & React.RefAttributes<MapRef>>;
export default Map;
import * as React from 'react';
import { useState, useRef, useEffect, useContext, forwardRef, useImperativeHandle } from 'react';
import { MountedMapsContext } from './use-map';
import mapboxgl from '../utils/mapboxgl';
import Mapbox from '../mapbox/mapbox';

@@ -34,3 +35,3 @@ import createRef from '../mapbox/create-ref';

useEffect(() => {
const map = new Mapbox(props);
const map = new Mapbox(mapboxgl.Map, props);

@@ -58,4 +59,5 @@ setMapInstance(map);

Map.displayName = 'Map';
Map.defaultProps = defaultProps;
export default Map;
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import * as React from 'react';
import type { MarkerDragEvent, MarkerOptions, MapboxPopup } from '../utils/types';
export declare type MarkerProps = Omit<MarkerOptions, 'element'> & {
import type { MarkerDragEvent, MapboxPopup, PointLike, Anchor, Alignment } from '../types';
export declare type MarkerProps = {
/** Longitude of the anchor location */
longitude: number;
/** Latitude of the anchor location */
latitude: number;
/** A string indicating the part of the Marker that should be positioned closest to the coordinate set via Marker.setLngLat.
* Options are `'center'`, `'top'`, `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top-left'`, `'top-right'`, `'bottom-left'`, and `'bottom-right'`.
* @default "center"
anchor?: Anchor;
* The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click on the marker for it to be considered a valid click
* (as opposed to a marker drag). The default (0) is to inherit map's clickTolerance.
clickTolerance?: number;
/** The color to use for the default marker if options.element is not provided.
* @default "#3FB1CE"
color?: string;
/** A boolean indicating whether or not a marker is able to be dragged to a new position on the map.
* @default false
draggable?: boolean;
/** The offset in pixels as a PointLike object to apply relative to the element's center. Negatives indicate left and up. */
offset?: PointLike;
/** `map` aligns the `Marker` to the plane of the map.
* `viewport` aligns the `Marker` to the plane of the viewport.
* `auto` automatically matches the value of `rotationAlignment`.
* @default "auto"
pitchAlignment?: Alignment;
/** The rotation angle of the marker in degrees, relative to its `rotationAlignment` setting. A positive value will rotate the marker clockwise.
* @default 0
rotation?: number;
/** `map` aligns the `Marker`'s rotation relative to the map, maintaining a bearing as the map rotates.
* `viewport` aligns the `Marker`'s rotation relative to the viewport, agnostic to map rotations.
* `auto` is equivalent to `viewport`.
* @default "auto"
rotationAlignment?: Alignment;
/** The scale to use for the default marker if options.element is not provided.
* The default scale (1) corresponds to a height of `41px` and a width of `27px`.
* @default 1
scale?: number;
/** A Popup instance that is bound to the marker */
popup?: MapboxPopup;

@@ -8,0 +52,0 @@ onDragStart?: (e: MarkerDragEvent) => void;

import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../types';
export declare type NavigationControlProps = {
/** If true the compass button is included. */
/** If true the compass button is included.
* @default true
showCompass?: boolean;
/** If true the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons are included. */
/** If true the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons are included.
* @default true
showZoom?: boolean;
/** If true the pitch is visualized by rotating X-axis of compass. */
/** If true the pitch is visualized by rotating X-axis of compass.
* @default false
visualizePitch?: boolean;

@@ -10,0 +16,0 @@ /** Placement of the control relative to the map. */

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import * as React from 'react';
import type { PopupOptions, MapboxEvent } from '../utils/types';
export declare type PopupProps = PopupOptions & {
import type { MapboxEvent, Anchor, PointLike } from '../types';
export declare type PopupProps = {
/** Longitude of the anchor location */
longitude: number;
/** Latitude of the anchor location */
latitude: number;
* A string indicating the part of the popup that should be positioned closest to the coordinate.
* Options are `'center'`, `'top'`, `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top-left'`, `'top-right'`, `'bottom-left'`,
* and `'bottom-right'`. If unset, the anchor will be dynamically set to ensure the popup falls within the map
* container with a preference for `'bottom'`.
anchor?: Anchor;
* If `true`, a close button will appear in the top right corner of the popup.
* @default true
closeButton?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will close when the map is clicked.
* @default true
closeOnClick?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will closed when the map moves.
* @default false
closeOnMove?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will try to focus the first focusable element inside the popup.
* @default true
focusAfterOpen?: boolean;
* A pixel offset applied to the popup's location specified as:
* - a single number specifying a distance from the popup's location
* - a PointLike specifying a constant offset
* - an object of Points specifing an offset for each anchor position.
offset?: number | PointLike | Partial<{
[anchor in Anchor]: PointLike;
/** Space-separated CSS class names to add to popup container. */
className?: string;
* A string that sets the CSS property of the popup's maximum width (for example, `'300px'`).
* To ensure the popup resizes to fit its content, set this property to `'none'`
* @default "240px"
maxWidth?: string;
onOpen?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;

@@ -8,0 +54,0 @@ onClose?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;

import * as React from 'react';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../utils/types';
import type { ControlPosition } from '../types';
export declare type ScaleControlProps = {
/** Unit of the distance. Default 'metric'. */
/** Unit of the distance.
* @default "metric"
unit?: 'imperial' | 'metric' | 'nautical';
/** The maximum length of the scale control in pixels. Default 100. */
/** The maximum length of the scale control in pixels.
* @default 100
maxWidth?: number;

@@ -8,0 +12,0 @@ /** Placement of the control relative to the map. */

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { AnySourceData } from '../utils/types';
import type { AnySourceData } from '../types';
export declare type SourceProps = AnySourceData & {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ id?: string;

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { IControl, ControlPosition, MapboxMap } from '../utils/types';
import type { IControl, ControlPosition, MapboxMap } from '../types';
export default function useControl(onCreate: () => IControl, opts?: {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ position?: ControlPosition;

@@ -15,2 +15,2 @@ export { default } from './components/map';

export { MapProvider, useMap } from './components/use-map';
export * from './utils/types';
export * from './types/external';

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ export { default } from './components/map';

// Types
export * from './utils/types';
export * from './types/external';
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { MapboxMap, ViewState } from '../utils/types';
import type { MapboxMap, ViewState } from '../types';
import type Mapbox from './mapbox';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ /** mapboxgl.Map methods to forward to the ref object

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { ProjectionSpecification, ViewState, ViewStateChangeEvent, MapboxOptions, MapboxStyle, ImmutableLike, LngLatBoundsLike, FitBoundsOptions, MapMouseEvent, MapLayerMouseEvent, MapLayerTouchEvent, MapWheelEvent, MapDataEvent, MapboxEvent, ErrorEvent, MapboxMap } from '../utils/types';
export declare type MapboxProps = Omit<MapboxOptions, 'center' | 'accessToken' | 'container' | 'style' | 'bounds' | 'fitBoundsOptions'> & ViewState & {
import type { ProjectionSpecification, ViewState, ViewStateChangeEvent, DragPanOptions, InteractiveOptions, TransformRequestFunction, MapboxStyle, ImmutableLike, LngLatBoundsLike, FitBoundsOptions, MapMouseEvent, MapLayerMouseEvent, MapLayerTouchEvent, MapWheelEvent, MapDataEvent, MapboxEvent, ErrorEvent, MapboxMap } from '../types';
export declare type MapboxProps = ViewState & {
mapboxAccessToken?: string;
/** Camera options used when constructing the Map instance */
initialViewState?: ViewState & {
/** The initial bounds of the map. If bounds is specified, it overrides longitude, latitude and zoom options. */
bounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
/** A fitBounds options object to use only when setting the bounds option. */
fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions;

@@ -12,2 +14,194 @@ };

gl?: WebGLRenderingContext;
* If true, the gl context will be created with MSA antialiasing, which can be useful for antialiasing custom layers.
* This is false by default as a performance optimization.
* @default false
antialias?: boolean;
* If true, an attribution control will be added to the map.
* @default true
attributionControl?: boolean;
* Snap to north threshold in degrees.
* @default 7
bearingSnap?: number;
* The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click for it to be
* considered a valid click (as opposed to a mouse drag).
* @default 3
clickTolerance?: number;
* If `true`, Resource Timing API information will be collected for requests made by GeoJSON
* and Vector Tile web workers (this information is normally inaccessible from the main
* Javascript thread). Information will be returned in a `resourceTiming` property of
* relevant `data` events.
* @default false
collectResourceTiming?: boolean;
* If `true` , scroll zoom will require pressing the ctrl or ⌘ key while scrolling to zoom map,
* and touch pan will require using two fingers while panning to move the map.
* Touch pitch will require three fingers to activate if enabled.
cooperativeGestures?: boolean;
* If `true`, symbols from multiple sources can collide with each other during collision
* detection. If `false`, collision detection is run separately for the symbols in each source.
* @default true
crossSourceCollisions?: boolean;
/** String or strings to show in an AttributionControl.
* Only applicable if options.attributionControl is `true`. */
customAttribution?: string | string[];
* Controls the duration of the fade-in/fade-out animation for label collisions, in milliseconds.
* This setting affects all symbol layers. This setting does not affect the duration of runtime
* styling transitions or raster tile cross-fading.
* @default 300
fadeDuration?: number;
/** If true, map creation will fail if the implementation determines that the performance of the created WebGL context would be dramatically lower than expected.
* @default false
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean;
/** If `true`, the map's position (zoom, center latitude, center longitude, bearing, and pitch) will be synced with the hash fragment of the page's URL.
* For example, `http://path/to/my/page.html#2.59/39.26/53.07/-24.1/60`.
* An additional string may optionally be provided to indicate a parameter-styled hash,
* e.g. http://path/to/my/page.html#map=2.59/39.26/53.07/-24.1/60&foo=bar, where foo
* is a custom parameter and bar is an arbitrary hash distinct from the map hash.
hash?: boolean | string;
/** If false, no mouse, touch, or keyboard listeners are attached to the map, so it will not respond to input
* @default true
interactive?: boolean;
/** A patch to apply to the default localization table for UI strings, e.g. control tooltips.
* The `locale` object maps namespaced UI string IDs to translated strings in the target language;
* see `src/ui/default_locale.js` for an example with all supported string IDs.
* The object may specify all UI strings (thereby adding support for a new translation) or
* only a subset of strings (thereby patching the default translation table).
locale?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Overrides the generation of all glyphs and font settings except font-weight keywords
* Also overrides localIdeographFontFamily
* @default null
localFontFamily?: string;
* If specified, defines a CSS font-family for locally overriding generation of glyphs in the
* 'CJK Unified Ideographs' and 'Hangul Syllables' ranges. In these ranges, font settings from
* the map's style will be ignored, except for font-weight keywords (light/regular/medium/bold).
* The purpose of this option is to avoid bandwidth-intensive glyph server requests.
* @default "sans-serif"
localIdeographFontFamily?: string;
* A string representing the position of the Mapbox wordmark on the map.
* @default "bottom-left"
logoPosition?: 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
* The maximum number of tiles stored in the tile cache for a given source. If omitted, the
* cache will be dynamically sized based on the current viewport.
* @default null
maxTileCacheSize?: number;
* If true, map will prioritize rendering for performance by reordering layers
* If false, layers will always be drawn in the specified order
* @default true
optimizeForTerrain?: boolean;
* If `false`, the map's pitch (tilt) control with "drag to rotate" interaction will be disabled.
* @default true
pitchWithRotate?: boolean;
/** If true, The maps canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL();. This is false by default as a performance optimization.
* @default false
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean;
* If `false`, the map won't attempt to re-request tiles once they expire per their HTTP
* `cacheControl`/`expires` headers.
* @default true
refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean;
* Allows for the usage of the map in automated tests without an accessToken with custom self-hosted test fixtures.
* @default null
testMode?: boolean;
* If true, the map will automatically resize when the browser window resizes
* @default true
trackResize?: boolean;
* A callback run before the Map makes a request for an external URL. The callback can be
* used to modify the url, set headers, or set the credentials property for cross-origin requests.
* @default null
transformRequest?: TransformRequestFunction;
* If true, enable the "box zoom" interaction (see BoxZoomHandler)
* @default true
boxZoom?: boolean;
* If true, enable the "double click to zoom" interaction (see DoubleClickZoomHandler).
* @default true
doubleClickZoom?: boolean;
* If `true`, the "drag to pan" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link DragPanHandler#enable}.
* @default true
dragPan?: boolean | DragPanOptions;
* If true, enable the "drag to rotate" interaction (see DragRotateHandler).
* @default true
dragRotate?: boolean;
* If true, enable keyboard shortcuts (see KeyboardHandler).
* @default true
keyboard?: boolean;
* If `true`, the "scroll to zoom" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link ScrollZoomHandler#enable}.
* @default true
scrollZoom?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
* If `true`, the "drag to pitch" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link TouchPitchHandler#enable}.
* @default true
touchPitch?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
* If `true`, the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link TouchZoomRotateHandler#enable}.
* @default true
touchZoomRotate?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
/** If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds. */
maxBounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
/** Maximum pitch of the map. */
maxPitch?: number;
/** Maximum zoom of the map. */
maxZoom?: number;
/** Minimum pitch of the map. */
minPitch?: number;
/** Minimum zoom of the map. */
minZoom?: number;
/** Aternative way to specify camera state */

@@ -17,8 +211,17 @@ viewState?: ViewState;

mapStyle?: string | MapboxStyle | ImmutableLike;
/** Enable diffing when the map style changes */
/** Enable diffing when the map style changes
* @default true
styleDiffing?: boolean;
/** Default layers to query on pointer events */
interactiveLayerIds?: string[];
/** The projection the map should be rendered in */
/** The projection the map should be rendered in
* @default "mercator"
projection?: ProjectionSpecification | string;
* If `true`, multiple copies of the world will be rendered, when zoomed out.
* @default true
renderWorldCopies?: boolean;
/** CSS cursor */

@@ -73,2 +276,3 @@ cursor?: string;

export default class Mapbox {
private _MapClass;
private _map;

@@ -85,3 +289,3 @@ props: MapboxProps;

private _nextProps;
constructor(props: MapboxProps);
constructor(MapClass: typeof MapboxMap, props: MapboxProps);
get map(): MapboxMap;

@@ -88,0 +292,0 @@ get viewState(): ViewState;

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import mapboxgl from '../utils/mapboxgl';
import { transformToViewState, applyViewStateToTransform } from '../utils/transform';

@@ -75,3 +74,3 @@ import { normalizeStyle } from '../utils/style-utils';

export default class Mapbox {
constructor(props) {
constructor(MapClass, props) {
// mapboxgl.Map instance. Not using type here because we are accessing

@@ -100,2 +99,3 @@ // private members and methods

else {
// eslint-disable-next-line

@@ -132,2 +132,3 @@ }

this._MapClass = MapClass;
this.props = props;

@@ -190,3 +191,3 @@ }

const map = new mapboxgl.Map(mapOptions);
const map = new this._MapClass(mapOptions);
if (viewState.padding) {

@@ -385,2 +386,3 @@ map.setPadding(viewState.padding);


@@ -387,0 +389,0 @@ if (eventType in cameraEvents) {

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { PointLike } from './types';
import type { PointLike } from '../types';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * Compare two points

/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import { ImmutableLike, MapboxStyle } from './types';
import { ImmutableLike, MapboxStyle } from '../types';
export declare function normalizeStyle(style: string | MapboxStyle | ImmutableLike): string | MapboxStyle;
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
import type { PaddingOptions, ViewState } from './types';
import type { PaddingOptions, ViewState } from '../types';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * Stub for mapbox's Transform class

"name": "react-map-gl",
"description": "React components for Mapbox GL JS-compatible libraries",
"version": "7.0.0-alpha.2",
"version": "7.0.0-alpha.3",
"keywords": [

@@ -28,4 +28,3 @@ "mapbox",

"bootstrap": "PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD=true yarn && ocular-bootstrap",
"build": "ocular-clean && tsc -b tsconfig.esm.json && tsc -b tsconfig.es5.json && npm run flowgen",
"flowgen": "for i in $(find dist -type f -name \"*.d.ts\"); do sh -c \"flowgen $i -o ${i%.*.*}.js.flow\"; done;",
"build": "ocular-clean && tsc -b tsconfig.esm.json && tsc -b tsconfig.es5.json",
"lint": "ocular-lint",

@@ -57,3 +56,2 @@ "cover": "ocular-test cover",

"coveralls": "^3.0.0",
"flowgen": "^1.12.1",
"jsdom": "^15.0.0",

@@ -60,0 +58,0 @@ "mapbox-gl": "^2.1.0",

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

import type {ControlPosition} from '../utils/types';
import type {ControlPosition} from '../types';

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ export type AttributionControlProps = {

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /* global document */

import type {ControlPosition} from '../utils/types';
import type {ControlPosition} from '../types';

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ export type FullscreenControlProps = {

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

} from '../utils/types';
} from '../types';

@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ export type GeolocateControlRef = {

export type GeolocateControlProps = {
/** A Geolocation API PositionOptions object. */
* A Geolocation API PositionOptions object.
* @default {enableHighAccuracy:false,timeout:6000}
positionOptions?: PositionOptions;
/** A Map#fitBounds options object to use when the map is panned and zoomed to the user's location.
* The default is to use a maxZoom of 15 to limit how far the map will zoom in for very accurate locations.
* @default {maxZoom:15}

@@ -31,2 +34,3 @@ fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions;

* updates to the user's location as it changes. Default false.
* @default false

@@ -36,9 +40,14 @@ trackUserLocation?: boolean;

* (95% confidence level) of the user's location. Set to false to disable.
* This only has effect if `showUserLocation` is true. Default true.
* This only has effect if `showUserLocation` is true.
* @default true
showAccuracyCircle?: boolean;
/** Show a dot on the map at the user's location. Set to false to disable. Default true. */
* Show a dot on the map at the user's location. Set to false to disable.
* @default true
showUserLocation?: boolean;
/** If true an arrow will be drawn next to the user location dot indicating the device's heading.
* This only has affect when `trackUserLocation` is true. Default false.
* @default false

@@ -103,2 +112,4 @@ showUserHeading?: boolean;

GeolocateControl.displayName = 'GeolocateControl';
export default React.memo(GeolocateControl);

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import {useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState, useRef} from 'react';

import type {MapboxMap, AnyLayer} from '../utils/types';
import type {MapboxMap, AnyLayer} from '../types';
export type LayerProps = AnyLayer & {
id?: string;
/** If set, the layer will be inserted before the specified layer */
beforeId?: string;

@@ -12,0 +13,0 @@ };

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ /* global document */

import mapboxgl from '../utils/mapboxgl';
import type {MarkerDragEvent, MarkerOptions, MapboxPopup} from '../utils/types';
import type {MarkerDragEvent, MapboxPopup, PointLike, Anchor, Alignment} from '../types';

@@ -13,5 +13,49 @@ import {MapContext} from './map';

export type MarkerProps = Omit<MarkerOptions, 'element'> & {
export type MarkerProps = {
/** Longitude of the anchor location */
longitude: number;
/** Latitude of the anchor location */
latitude: number;
/** A string indicating the part of the Marker that should be positioned closest to the coordinate set via Marker.setLngLat.
* Options are `'center'`, `'top'`, `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top-left'`, `'top-right'`, `'bottom-left'`, and `'bottom-right'`.
* @default "center"
anchor?: Anchor;
* The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click on the marker for it to be considered a valid click
* (as opposed to a marker drag). The default (0) is to inherit map's clickTolerance.
clickTolerance?: number;
/** The color to use for the default marker if options.element is not provided.
* @default "#3FB1CE"
color?: string;
/** A boolean indicating whether or not a marker is able to be dragged to a new position on the map.
* @default false
draggable?: boolean;
/** The offset in pixels as a PointLike object to apply relative to the element's center. Negatives indicate left and up. */
offset?: PointLike;
/** `map` aligns the `Marker` to the plane of the map.
* `viewport` aligns the `Marker` to the plane of the viewport.
* `auto` automatically matches the value of `rotationAlignment`.
* @default "auto"
pitchAlignment?: Alignment;
/** The rotation angle of the marker in degrees, relative to its `rotationAlignment` setting. A positive value will rotate the marker clockwise.
* @default 0
rotation?: number;
/** `map` aligns the `Marker`'s rotation relative to the map, maintaining a bearing as the map rotates.
* `viewport` aligns the `Marker`'s rotation relative to the viewport, agnostic to map rotations.
* `auto` is equivalent to `viewport`.
* @default "auto"
rotationAlignment?: Alignment;
/** The scale to use for the default marker if options.element is not provided.
* The default scale (1) corresponds to a height of `41px` and a width of `27px`.
* @default 1
scale?: number;
/** A Popup instance that is bound to the marker */
popup?: MapboxPopup;

@@ -18,0 +62,0 @@ onDragStart?: (e: MarkerDragEvent) => void;

@@ -5,10 +5,16 @@ import * as React from 'react';

import type {ControlPosition} from '../utils/types';
import type {ControlPosition} from '../types';
export type NavigationControlProps = {
/** If true the compass button is included. */
/** If true the compass button is included.
* @default true
showCompass?: boolean;
/** If true the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons are included. */
/** If true the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons are included.
* @default true
showZoom?: boolean;
/** If true the pitch is visualized by rotating X-axis of compass. */
/** If true the pitch is visualized by rotating X-axis of compass.
* @default false
visualizePitch?: boolean;

@@ -15,0 +21,0 @@ /** Placement of the control relative to the map. */

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ /* global document */

import mapboxgl from '../utils/mapboxgl';
import type {PopupOptions, MapboxEvent} from '../utils/types';
import type {MapboxEvent, Anchor, PointLike} from '../types';

@@ -13,5 +13,50 @@ import {MapContext} from './map';

export type PopupProps = PopupOptions & {
export type PopupProps = {
/** Longitude of the anchor location */
longitude: number;
/** Latitude of the anchor location */
latitude: number;
* A string indicating the part of the popup that should be positioned closest to the coordinate.
* Options are `'center'`, `'top'`, `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top-left'`, `'top-right'`, `'bottom-left'`,
* and `'bottom-right'`. If unset, the anchor will be dynamically set to ensure the popup falls within the map
* container with a preference for `'bottom'`.
anchor?: Anchor;
* If `true`, a close button will appear in the top right corner of the popup.
* @default true
closeButton?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will close when the map is clicked.
* @default true
closeOnClick?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will closed when the map moves.
* @default false
closeOnMove?: boolean;
* If `true`, the popup will try to focus the first focusable element inside the popup.
* @default true
focusAfterOpen?: boolean;
* A pixel offset applied to the popup's location specified as:
* - a single number specifying a distance from the popup's location
* - a PointLike specifying a constant offset
* - an object of Points specifing an offset for each anchor position.
offset?: number | PointLike | Partial<{[anchor in Anchor]: PointLike}>;
/** Space-separated CSS class names to add to popup container. */
className?: string;
* A string that sets the CSS property of the popup's maximum width (for example, `'300px'`).
* To ensure the popup resizes to fit its content, set this property to `'none'`
* @default "240px"
maxWidth?: string;
onOpen?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;

@@ -18,0 +63,0 @@ onClose?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;

@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ import * as React from 'react';

import type {ControlPosition} from '../utils/types';
import type {ControlPosition} from '../types';
export type ScaleControlProps = {
/** Unit of the distance. Default 'metric'. */
/** Unit of the distance.
* @default "metric"
unit?: 'imperial' | 'metric' | 'nautical';
/** The maximum length of the scale control in pixels. Default 100. */
/** The maximum length of the scale control in pixels.
* @default 100
maxWidth?: number;

@@ -13,0 +17,0 @@ /** Placement of the control relative to the map. */

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

} from '../utils/types';
} from '../types';

@@ -18,0 +18,0 @@ export type SourceProps = AnySourceData & {

import {useContext, useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import type {IControl, ControlPosition, MapboxMap} from '../utils/types';
import type {IControl, ControlPosition, MapboxMap} from '../types';
import {MapContext} from './map';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@

@@ -30,2 +30,2 @@ export {default} from './components/map';

// Types
export * from './utils/types';
export * from './types/external';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type {MapboxMap, ViewState} from '../utils/types';
import type {MapboxMap, ViewState} from '../types';
import type Mapbox from './mapbox';

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import mapboxgl from '../utils/mapboxgl';
import {Transform, transformToViewState, applyViewStateToTransform} from '../utils/transform';

@@ -10,3 +9,5 @@ import {normalizeStyle} from '../utils/style-utils';


@@ -25,81 +26,288 @@ ImmutableLike,

} from '../utils/types';
} from '../types';
export type MapboxProps = Omit<
'center' | 'accessToken' | 'container' | 'style' | 'bounds' | 'fitBoundsOptions'
> &
ViewState & {
mapboxAccessToken?: string;
export type MapboxProps = ViewState & {
// Init options
mapboxAccessToken?: string;
/** Camera options used when constructing the Map instance */
initialViewState?: ViewState & {
bounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions;
/** Camera options used when constructing the Map instance */
initialViewState?: ViewState & {
/** The initial bounds of the map. If bounds is specified, it overrides longitude, latitude and zoom options. */
bounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
/** A fitBounds options object to use only when setting the bounds option. */
fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions;
/** If provided, render into an external WebGL context */
gl?: WebGLRenderingContext;
/** If provided, render into an external WebGL context */
gl?: WebGLRenderingContext;
/** Aternative way to specify camera state */
viewState?: ViewState;
* If true, the gl context will be created with MSA antialiasing, which can be useful for antialiasing custom layers.
* This is false by default as a performance optimization.
* @default false
antialias?: boolean;
* If true, an attribution control will be added to the map.
* @default true
attributionControl?: boolean;
* Snap to north threshold in degrees.
* @default 7
bearingSnap?: number;
* The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click for it to be
* considered a valid click (as opposed to a mouse drag).
* @default 3
clickTolerance?: number;
* If `true`, Resource Timing API information will be collected for requests made by GeoJSON
* and Vector Tile web workers (this information is normally inaccessible from the main
* Javascript thread). Information will be returned in a `resourceTiming` property of
* relevant `data` events.
* @default false
collectResourceTiming?: boolean;
* If `true` , scroll zoom will require pressing the ctrl or ⌘ key while scrolling to zoom map,
* and touch pan will require using two fingers while panning to move the map.
* Touch pitch will require three fingers to activate if enabled.
cooperativeGestures?: boolean;
* If `true`, symbols from multiple sources can collide with each other during collision
* detection. If `false`, collision detection is run separately for the symbols in each source.
* @default true
crossSourceCollisions?: boolean;
/** String or strings to show in an AttributionControl.
* Only applicable if options.attributionControl is `true`. */
customAttribution?: string | string[];
* Controls the duration of the fade-in/fade-out animation for label collisions, in milliseconds.
* This setting affects all symbol layers. This setting does not affect the duration of runtime
* styling transitions or raster tile cross-fading.
* @default 300
fadeDuration?: number;
/** If true, map creation will fail if the implementation determines that the performance of the created WebGL context would be dramatically lower than expected.
* @default false
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean;
/** If `true`, the map's position (zoom, center latitude, center longitude, bearing, and pitch) will be synced with the hash fragment of the page's URL.
* For example, `http://path/to/my/page.html#2.59/39.26/53.07/-24.1/60`.
* An additional string may optionally be provided to indicate a parameter-styled hash,
* e.g. http://path/to/my/page.html#map=2.59/39.26/53.07/-24.1/60&foo=bar, where foo
* is a custom parameter and bar is an arbitrary hash distinct from the map hash.
hash?: boolean | string;
/** If false, no mouse, touch, or keyboard listeners are attached to the map, so it will not respond to input
* @default true
interactive?: boolean;
/** A patch to apply to the default localization table for UI strings, e.g. control tooltips.
* The `locale` object maps namespaced UI string IDs to translated strings in the target language;
* see `src/ui/default_locale.js` for an example with all supported string IDs.
* The object may specify all UI strings (thereby adding support for a new translation) or
* only a subset of strings (thereby patching the default translation table).
locale?: {[key: string]: string};
* Overrides the generation of all glyphs and font settings except font-weight keywords
* Also overrides localIdeographFontFamily
* @default null
localFontFamily?: string;
* If specified, defines a CSS font-family for locally overriding generation of glyphs in the
* 'CJK Unified Ideographs' and 'Hangul Syllables' ranges. In these ranges, font settings from
* the map's style will be ignored, except for font-weight keywords (light/regular/medium/bold).
* The purpose of this option is to avoid bandwidth-intensive glyph server requests.
* @default "sans-serif"
localIdeographFontFamily?: string;
* A string representing the position of the Mapbox wordmark on the map.
* @default "bottom-left"
logoPosition?: 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
* The maximum number of tiles stored in the tile cache for a given source. If omitted, the
* cache will be dynamically sized based on the current viewport.
* @default null
maxTileCacheSize?: number;
* If true, map will prioritize rendering for performance by reordering layers
* If false, layers will always be drawn in the specified order
* @default true
optimizeForTerrain?: boolean;
* If `false`, the map's pitch (tilt) control with "drag to rotate" interaction will be disabled.
* @default true
pitchWithRotate?: boolean;
/** If true, The maps canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL();. This is false by default as a performance optimization.
* @default false
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean;
* If `false`, the map won't attempt to re-request tiles once they expire per their HTTP
* `cacheControl`/`expires` headers.
* @default true
refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean;
* Allows for the usage of the map in automated tests without an accessToken with custom self-hosted test fixtures.
* @default null
testMode?: boolean;
* If true, the map will automatically resize when the browser window resizes
* @default true
trackResize?: boolean;
* A callback run before the Map makes a request for an external URL. The callback can be
* used to modify the url, set headers, or set the credentials property for cross-origin requests.
* @default null
transformRequest?: TransformRequestFunction;
/** Mapbox style */
mapStyle?: string | MapboxStyle | ImmutableLike;
/** Enable diffing when the map style changes */
styleDiffing?: boolean;
/** Default layers to query on pointer events */
interactiveLayerIds?: string[];
/** The projection the map should be rendered in */
projection?: ProjectionSpecification | string;
/** CSS cursor */
cursor?: string;
// Handlers
// Callbacks
onMouseDown?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseUp?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseOver?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseMove?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onClick?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onDblClick?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseEnter?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseLeave?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseOut?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onContextMenu?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onWheel?: (e: MapWheelEvent) => void;
onTouchStart?: (e: MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchEnd?: (e: MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchMove?: (e: MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchCancel?: (e: MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
* If true, enable the "box zoom" interaction (see BoxZoomHandler)
* @default true
boxZoom?: boolean;
* If true, enable the "double click to zoom" interaction (see DoubleClickZoomHandler).
* @default true
doubleClickZoom?: boolean;
* If `true`, the "drag to pan" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link DragPanHandler#enable}.
* @default true
dragPan?: boolean | DragPanOptions;
* If true, enable the "drag to rotate" interaction (see DragRotateHandler).
* @default true
dragRotate?: boolean;
* If true, enable keyboard shortcuts (see KeyboardHandler).
* @default true
keyboard?: boolean;
* If `true`, the "scroll to zoom" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link ScrollZoomHandler#enable}.
* @default true
scrollZoom?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
* If `true`, the "drag to pitch" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link TouchPitchHandler#enable}.
* @default true
touchPitch?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
* If `true`, the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction is enabled.
* An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link TouchZoomRotateHandler#enable}.
* @default true
touchZoomRotate?: boolean | InteractiveOptions;
onMoveStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onMove?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onMoveEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDragStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDrag?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDragEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoomStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoom?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoomEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotateStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotate?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotateEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitchStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitch?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitchEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomCancel?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
// Constraints
onResize?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onLoad?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onRender?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onIdle?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onError?: (e: ErrorEvent) => void;
onRemove?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onData?: (e: MapDataEvent) => void;
onStyleData?: (e: MapDataEvent) => void;
onSourceData?: (e: MapDataEvent) => void;
/** If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds. */
maxBounds?: LngLatBoundsLike;
/** Maximum pitch of the map. */
maxPitch?: number;
/** Maximum zoom of the map. */
maxZoom?: number;
/** Minimum pitch of the map. */
minPitch?: number;
/** Minimum zoom of the map. */
minZoom?: number;
/** Aternative way to specify camera state */
viewState?: ViewState;
// Styling
/** Mapbox style */
mapStyle?: string | MapboxStyle | ImmutableLike;
/** Enable diffing when the map style changes
* @default true
styleDiffing?: boolean;
/** Default layers to query on pointer events */
interactiveLayerIds?: string[];
/** The projection the map should be rendered in
* @default "mercator"
projection?: ProjectionSpecification | string;
* If `true`, multiple copies of the world will be rendered, when zoomed out.
* @default true
renderWorldCopies?: boolean;
/** CSS cursor */
cursor?: string;
// Callbacks
onMouseDown?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseUp?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseOver?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseMove?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onClick?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onDblClick?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseEnter?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseLeave?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseOut?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onContextMenu?: (e: MapLayerMouseEvent) => void;
onWheel?: (e: MapWheelEvent) => void;
onTouchStart?: (e: MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchEnd?: (e: MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchMove?: (e: MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onTouchCancel?: (e: MapLayerTouchEvent) => void;
onMoveStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onMove?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onMoveEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDragStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDrag?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onDragEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoomStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoom?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onZoomEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotateStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotate?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onRotateEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitchStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitch?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onPitchEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomStart?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomEnd?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onBoxZoomCancel?: (e: ViewStateChangeEvent) => void;
onResize?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onLoad?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onRender?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onIdle?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onError?: (e: ErrorEvent) => void;
onRemove?: (e: MapboxEvent) => void;
onData?: (e: MapDataEvent) => void;
onStyleData?: (e: MapDataEvent) => void;
onSourceData?: (e: MapDataEvent) => void;
const pointerEvents = {

@@ -176,2 +384,3 @@ mousedown: 'onMouseDown',

export default class Mapbox {
private _MapClass: typeof MapboxMap;
// mapboxgl.Map instance. Not using type here because we are accessing

@@ -201,3 +410,4 @@ // private members and methods

constructor(props: MapboxProps) {
constructor(MapClass: typeof MapboxMap, props: MapboxProps) {
this._MapClass = MapClass;
this.props = props;

@@ -270,3 +480,3 @@ }

const map: any = new mapboxgl.Map(mapOptions);
const map: any = new this._MapClass(mapOptions);
if (viewState.padding) {

@@ -437,2 +647,3 @@ map.setPadding(viewState.padding);

} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line

@@ -529,2 +740,4 @@ }


@@ -531,0 +744,0 @@ if (eventType in cameraEvents) {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type {PointLike} from './types';
import type {PointLike} from '../types';

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import {ImmutableLike, MapboxStyle} from './types';
import {ImmutableLike, MapboxStyle} from '../types';

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ const refProps = ['type', 'source', 'source-layer', 'minzoom', 'maxzoom', 'filter', 'layout'];

import mapboxgl from './mapboxgl';
import type {PaddingOptions, ViewState} from './types';
import type {PaddingOptions, ViewState} from '../types';

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ /**

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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