deploy on 0.0.3 for test
Override Style
Icon Imgs
use icon module - react-icons
playlist classnames
- play-list-trigger-container
- sortable-play-list-content-container (root)
- sortable-list
- list-item-root
- list-item-container
- album-cover-wrapper
- album-info-wrapper
- list-item-root dragstart
- list-item-root dragover
interface classnames
color variables
- --rs-audio-player-volume-fill
- --rs-audio-player-volume-track
- --rs-audio-player-volume-thumb
- --rs-audio-player-volume-background
- --rs-audio-player-volume-panel-background
- --rs-audio-player-volume-panel-border
- --rs-audio-player-track-current-time-color
- --rs-audio-player-track-duration-color
- --rs-audio-player-progress-color
- --rs-audio-player-selected-list-item-background
UI Placement
flexible and customable UI
it can offer variant UI and you can also place each component easily
Volume Tooltip
is wrapped with tooltip
of react-spectrum
Theme mode
it apply color-theme from system-theme
and you can customize color-theme from css-variable
of theme-default
of react-spectrum
grid item custom area
progress = 2-4
playBtn = 2-4
repeatBtn = row1-4 / 2 / row1-4 / 10