Uses the Google Mobile Ads Consent SDK to ask users for GDPR compliant ad consent. Supports iOS and Android.
Getting started
For React Native versions < 0.60 use version 1.+ of this library and checkout the corresponding README file.
$ yarn add react-native-ad-consent
$ npm install react-native-ad-consent --save
Additional Steps (iOS)
Add the following key to your project's Info.plist
+ <key>GADIsAdManagerApp</key>
+ <true/>
Add the following initalization code to your project's AppDelegate.h
#import <React/RCTBridgeDelegate.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+#import <GoogleMobileAds/GoogleMobileAds.h>
Add the following initalization code to your project's AppDelegate.m
. Replace the sample AdMob App ID with your ID:
(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
+ [GADMobileAds configureWithApplicationID:@"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713"];
Get ad providers and set consent
import RNAdConsent from 'react-native-ad-consent'
const consentStatus = await RNAdConsent.requestConsentInfoUpdate({
publisherId: "pub-1234567890",
if (consentStatus === RNAdConsent.UNKNOWN) {
const isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown = await RNAdConsent.isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown()
if (isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown) {
const adProviders = await RNAdConsent.getAdProviders()
await RNAdConsent.setConsentStatus(RNAdConsent.PERSONALIZED)
Show Google's consent modal and set consent accordingly
import RNAdConsent from 'react-native-ad-consent'
const consentStatus = await RNAdConsent.requestConsentInfoUpdate({
publisherId: "pub-1234567890",
if (consentStatus === RNAdConsent.UNKNOWN) {
const formResponse = await RNAdConsent.showGoogleConsentForm({
privacyPolicyUrl: "",
shouldOfferAdFree: true,
if (formResponse === RNAdConsent.PREFERS_AD_FREE) {
} else {
await RNAdConsent.setConsentStatus(formResponse)
Name | Value |
NON_PERSONALIZED | "non_personalized" |
PERSONALIZED | "personalized" |
UNKNOWN | "unknown" |
PREFERS_AD_FREE | "prefers_ad_free" |
addTestDevice(deviceId: string): Promise<boolean>
Adds a test device ID. See how to get your ID for ios and Android.
The Consent SDK has different behaviors depending on the value of [...] isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown(). For example, the consent form fails to load if the user is not located in the EEA. To enable easier testing of your app both inside and outside the EEA, the Consent SDK supports debug options that you can set prior to calling any other methods in the Consent SDK. source
getAdProviders(): Promise<AdProviderItem[]>
type AdProviderItem = {
id: string,
name: string,
privacyPolicyUrl: string,
Returns a list of the ad technology providers associated with the publisher IDs used in your app.
isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown(): Promise<boolean>
Returns a boolean indicating if the user's consent is needed.
requestConsentInfoUpdate(config: ConsentInfoConfig): Promise<ConsentStatus>
type ConsentInfoConfig = {
publisherId: string,
type ConsentStatus = "non_personalized" | "personalized" | "unknown"
Returns the user's consent status, needs to be called once before any other method is called.
setConsentStatus(status: string): Promise<boolean>
Sets the user's consent choice.
setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent(isUnderAgeOfConsent: boolean): Promise<boolean>
Sets a flag indicating wether the user is under the age of consent.
showGoogleConsentForm(config: ConsentFormObject): Promise<FormResponse>
type ConsentFormObject = {
privacyPolicyUrl: string,
shouldOfferAdFree: boolean,
type FormResponse = "non_personalized" | "personalized" | "unknown" | "prefers_ad_free"
Shows a Google-rendered consent form. Returns the user's choice as a string.
You should review the consent text carefully: what appears by default is a message that might be appropriate if you use Google to monetize your app; but we cannot provide legal advice on the consent text that is appropriate for you. source
Forward consent to the Google Mobile Ads SDK
Bundle extras = new Bundle();
extras.putString("npa", "1");
AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder()
.addNetworkExtrasBundle(AdMobAdapter.class, extras)